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Shrubs native

Group Description

Ivy (Hedera helix). There are two subspecies native to the UK. Hedera helix ssp. helix and Hedera helix ssp. hibernica. Hedera helix ssp. helix ends to climb trees whereas The subspecies hibernica does not climb but spreads across the ground but will use fences and clime a bit into hedgerows.


name latinname species sightings media image
Atlantic Ivy Hedera hibernica 1 3 16 image for Atlantic Ivy
Bramble Rubus 115 371 3194 image for Bramble
Bramble species 1 Rubus species 1 1 1 14 image for Bramble species 1
Bramble species 19 Bramble species 19 1 1 3 image for Bramble species 19
Bramble species 2 Rubus species 2 1 1 5 image for Bramble species 2
Bramble species 20 Bramble species 20 1 1 7 image for Bramble species 20
Burnet Rose Rosa spinosissima 1 4 8 image for Burnet Rose
Butcher's-broom Ruscus aculeatus 1 3 4 image for Butcher's-broom
Common Dog Rose Rosa canina 1 11 42 image for Common Dog Rose
Common Gorse Ulex europaeus 1 8 19 image for Common Gorse
Common Ivy Hedera helix ssp. helix 1 4 5 image for Common Ivy
Common x Glandular Dog-rose Rosa canina x R. squarrosa = R. x insignis 1 4 25 image for Common x Glandular Dog-rose
Field Rose Rosa arvensis 1 10 30 image for Field Rose
Field Rose x Glandular Dog-rose Rosa arvensis x R. squarrosa 1 1 5 image for Field Rose x Glandular Dog-rose
Glandular Dog-rose Rosa squarrosa 1 4 24 image for Glandular Dog-rose
Hairy x Glandular Dog-rose Rosa corymbifera x R. squarrosa = R. x hemitricha 1 1 6 image for Hairy x Glandular Dog-rose
Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum 1 2 3 image for Honeysuckle
Hop Humulus lupulus 1 2 4 image for Hop
Northern Dog-rose Rosa caesia 1 2 12 image for Northern Dog-rose
Red Currant Ribes rubrum 1 1 2 image for Red Currant
Short-styled Field-rose Rosa stylosa 1 1 4 image for Short-styled Field-rose
Short-styled Field-rose x Glandular Dog-rose Rosa stylosa x R. squarrosa 1 1 6 image for Short-styled Field-rose x Glandular Dog-rose
Spurge-laurel Daphne laureola 1 4 6 image for Spurge-laurel
Sweet-briar Rosa rubiginosa 1 5 31 image for Sweet-briar
Traveller's-joy Clematis vitalba 1 9 17 image for Traveller's-joy
Western Gorse Ulex gallii 1 2 10 image for Western Gorse