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Species Groups

Group Description

In the UK there are over 70,000 species of organism. I estimate that somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 exist in the Bristol Region. Here are the ones I have so far discovered.

According to NBN (National Biodiversity Network) there are:

  • 42,929 species of Animal (Animalia)
  • 405 species of Bacteria
  • 3,727 species of Chromista
  • 18,587 species of Mushroom (Fungi)
  • 9,676 species of Plant (Plantae)
  • 676 species of Protozoa

All together that adds up to 76,000. This number is however incorrect because NBN store information of wildlife from around the world along with Britain's.


name latinname species sightings media image
Algae Alga 7 9 46 image for Algae
Amphibians Amphibia 5 72 315 image for Amphibians
Amphipods Amphipoda 3 5 19 image for Amphipods
Arachnids Arachnida 103 323 1407 image for Arachnids
Bees, Wasps and Ants Hymenoptera 162 558 3063 image for Bees, Wasps and Ants
Beetles Coleoptera 128 266 1033 image for Beetles
Birds Aves 70 380 1256 image for Birds
Booklice Psocoptera 2 3 21 image for Booklice
Bugs Hemiptera 108 256 866 image for Bugs
Butterflies 28 200 756 image for Butterflies
Caddisflies Trichoptera 2 2 9 image for Caddisflies
Caterpillars 8 26 112 image for Caterpillars
Craneflies Tipulidae 13 18 72 image for Craneflies
Crickets / Grasshoppers Orthoptera 11 68 222 image for Crickets / Grasshoppers
Dragonflies and Damselflies Odonata 15 63 211 image for Dragonflies and Damselflies
Ferns, Horsetails, Mosses, Liverworts Pteridophyte 110 303 949 image for Ferns, Horsetails, Mosses, Liverworts
Fish Pisces 3 3 4 image for Fish
Flies Diptera 135 297 1107 image for Flies
Grasses, Rushes, Sedges etc. Poales 135 433 1176 image for Grasses, Rushes, Sedges etc.
Hoverflies Syrphidae 51 251 946 image for Hoverflies
Lacewings Neuroptera 2 2 18 image for Lacewings
Lichen 44 74 185 image for Lichen
Mammals Mammalia 12 38 148 image for Mammals
Mayflies Ephemeroptera 4 6 16 image for Mayflies
Molluscs Mollusca 32 106 289 image for Molluscs
Moths 99 207 699 image for Moths
Mushrooms Fungi 47 77 301 image for Mushrooms
Myriapoda 14 46 176 image for Myriapoda
Other creepy crawlies 2 7 35 image for Other creepy crawlies
Reptiles Reptilia 1 2 6 image for Reptiles
Sawflies Symphyta 24 52 322 image for Sawflies
Scorpionflies Mecoptera 1 3 8 image for Scorpionflies
Springtails Collembola 17 31 267 image for Springtails
Trees, shrubs 313 832 4771 image for Trees, shrubs
Wild Flowers 962 4487 15163 image for Wild Flowers
Worms Annelida 5 7 18 image for Worms