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Group Description



name latinname species sightings media image
Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleracea 1 2 13 image for Bright-line Brown-eye
Cinnabar Moth Tyria jacobaeae 1 9 28 image for Cinnabar Moth
Garden Tiger Moth Arctia caja 1 2 7 image for Garden Tiger Moth
Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba 1 2 10 image for Large Yellow Underwing
Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes 1 4 11 image for Lesser Yellow Underwing
Small Purple and Gold Pyrausta aurata 1 1 2 image for Small Purple and Gold
Small Ranunculus Hecatera dysodea 1 5 37 image for Small Ranunculus
Yellow-tail Euproctis similis 1 1 4 image for Yellow-tail