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Birds - Aves

Group Description

There are 616 species of bird in the UK which are classed as wild either resident, migrants, vagrants, and naturalised. The British list is maintained by the British Ornithologists Union (BOU) and currently stands at 574 species. The list is separated into three categories. Category A species are those that have been recorded in an apparently natural state at least once since 1 January 1950. Category B species are those that were recorded in an apparently natural state at least once between 1 January 1800 and 31 December 1949, but have not been recorded subsequently. Category C species have been introduced but now derive from the resulting self-sustaining populations. This includes ring-necked parakeets and mandarins.

There are also categories D and E. Species on these lists are not included on the British list but you could see them in the wild. Category D species would otherwise appear in Category A except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in a natural state. This includes birds such as bald eagles. Category E species have been recorded as introductions, human-assisted transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. This includes black swans and peacocks.


name latinname species sightings media image
Accentors 1 7 35 image for Accentors
Birds of prey 6 31 104 image for Birds of prey
Chats, Thrushes Turdidae 6 56 189 image for Chats, Thrushes
Cormorants Phalacrocoracidae 1 2 11 image for Cormorants
Corvids 6 40 87 image for Corvids
Dippers Cinclidae 1 1 21 image for Dippers
Ducks, Geese, Swans Anatidae 7 31 105 image for Ducks, Geese, Swans
Finches 5 48 152 image for Finches
Grebes Podicipedidae 1 1 1 image for Grebes
Gulls 3 15 58 image for Gulls
Herrons 3 12 41 image for Herrons
Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 0 1 0 image for Kingfisher
Larks Alaudidae 1 1 4 image for Larks
Nuthatches 1 1 2 image for Nuthatches
Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae 1 2 0 image for Old World Flycatchers
Oystercatchers Haematopodidae 1 2 11 image for Oystercatchers
Pigeons 3 23 72 image for Pigeons
Rails Rallidae 2 7 16 image for Rails
Regulidae 1 5 11 image for Regulidae
Sandpipers Scolopacidae 2 3 14 image for Sandpipers
Sturnus 1 7 47 image for Sturnus
Swallows 3 5 14 image for Swallows
Tits 4 46 161 image for Tits
Treecreepers 1 1 3 image for Treecreepers
Troglodytidae 1 9 10 image for Troglodytidae
Wagtails 4 10 33 image for Wagtails
Warblers 2 4 40 image for Warblers
Woodpeckers 2 9 14 image for Woodpeckers