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Ferns, Horsetails, Mosses, Liverworts - Pteridophyte

Group Description

Non-flowering vascular plants which disperse via spores not seed. It was a once recognised taxon 'Pteridophyta' but as Ferns and Horsetails are more closely related to flowering plants than to mosses, the taxon is no longer accepted but still continues as a grouping.

Equisetopsida (Horsetails) Filicopsida (Fern) Polypodiopsida Psilotopsida (Whisk Ferns) None in UK

Bryophyta (Moss)


name latinname species sightings media image
Adder's-tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum 1 1 6 image for Adder's-tongue
Anomalous Bristle-moss Orthotrichum anomalum 1 1 2 image for Anomalous Bristle-moss
Bank Haircap Moss Polytrichum formosum 1 1 3 image for Bank Haircap Moss
Bifid Crestwort Lophocolea bidentata 1 1 4 image for Bifid Crestwort
Black Spleenwort Asplenium adiantum-nigrum 1 5 16 image for Black Spleenwort
Bonfire Moss Funaria hygrometrica 1 1 1 image for Bonfire Moss
Bracken Pteridium aquilinum 1 1 2 image for Bracken
Bristly Haircap Polytrichum piliferum 1 1 3 image for Bristly Haircap
Broad Buckler-fern Dryopteris dilatata 1 5 12 image for Broad Buckler-fern
Capillary Thread-moss Bryum capillare 1 2 33 image for Capillary Thread-moss
Comb-moss Ctenidium molluscum 1 2 8 image for Comb-moss
Common Crystalwort Riccia sorocarpa 1 1 11 image for Common Crystalwort
Common Feather-moss Kindbergia praelonga 1 2 7 image for Common Feather-moss
Common Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha 1 3 3 image for Common Liverwort
Common Pincushion Dicranoweisia cirrata 1 2 8 image for Common Pincushion
Common Pocket-moss Fissidens taxifolius 1 2 11 image for Common Pocket-moss
Common Pocket-moss Fissidens taxifolius 1 1 1 image for Common Pocket-moss
Common Polypody Polypodium vulgare 1 2 6 image for Common Polypody
Common Smoothcap Atrichum undulatum 1 2 14 image for Common Smoothcap
Common Tamarisk-moss Thuidium tamariscinum 1 1 4 image for Common Tamarisk-moss
Creeping Feather-moss Amblystegium serpens 1 1 5 image for Creeping Feather-moss
Creeping Fingerwort Lepidozia reptans 1 1 5 image for Creeping Fingerwort
Crescent-cup Liverwort Lunularia cruciata 1 2 5 image for Crescent-cup Liverwort
Crimson-tuber Thread-moss Bryum rubens 1 1 2 image for Crimson-tuber Thread-moss
Crisped Fork-moss Dicranum bonjeanii 1 2 12 image for Crisped Fork-moss
Crisped Neckera Neckera crispa 1 1 3 image for Crisped Neckera
Curving Feather-moss Scorpiurum circinatum 1 1 5 image for Curving Feather-moss
Cylindric Beard-moss Didymodon insulanus 1 2 9 image for Cylindric Beard-moss
Cypress-leaved Plait-moss Hypnum cupressiforme 1 1 5 image for Cypress-leaved Plait-moss
Dilated Scalewort Frullania dilatata 1 3 6 image for Dilated Scalewort
Elegant Silk-moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans 1 1 2 image for Elegant Silk-moss
Endive Pellia Pellia endiviifolia 1 3 16 image for Endive Pellia
Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense 1 3 2 image for Field Horsetail
Forked Veilwort Metzgeria furcata 1 7 15 image for Forked Veilwort
Fortune's Holly-fern Cyrtomium fortunei 1 2 16 image for Fortune's Holly-fern
Fox-tail Feather-moss Thamnobryum alopecurum 1 7 14 image for Fox-tail Feather-moss
Fringed Heartwort Ricciocarpos natans 1 1 2 image for Fringed Heartwort
Golden Feather-moss Campylium chrysophyllum 1 1 6 image for Golden Feather-moss
Great Hairy Screw-moss Syntrichia ruralis 2 2 9 image for Great Hairy Screw-moss
Great Horsetail Equisetum telmateia 1 8 16 image for Great Horsetail
Great Scented Liverwort Conocephalum conicum 1 2 5 image for Great Scented Liverwort
Greater Featherwort Plagiochila asplenioides 1 3 8 image for Greater Featherwort
Grey-cushioned Grimmia Grimmia pulvinata 1 5 11 image for Grey-cushioned Grimmia
Hard Shield-fern Polystichum aculeatum 1 4 8 image for Hard Shield-fern
Hard-fern Blechnum spicant 1 3 12 image for Hard-fern
Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium scolopendrium 1 20 30 image for Hart's-tongue Fern
Hart’s-tongue Thyme-moss Plagiomnium undulatum 1 3 12 image for Hart’s-tongue Thyme-moss
Heath Plait-moss Hypnum jutlandicum 1 1 1 image for Heath Plait-moss
Hornschuch's Beard-moss Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum 1 1 2 image for Hornschuch's Beard-moss
Intermediate Polypody Polypodium interjectum 1 11 22 image for Intermediate Polypody
Juniper Haircap Polytrichum juniperinum 1 2 6 image for Juniper Haircap
Kneiff's Feather-moss Leptodictyum riparium 1 1 7 image for Kneiff's Feather-moss
Lady-fern Athyrium filix-femina 1 1 3 image for Lady-fern
Larger Mouse-tail Moss Isothecium alopecuroides 1 1 1 image for Larger Mouse-tail Moss
Lateral Cryphaea Cryphaea heteromalla 1 2 8 image for Lateral Cryphaea
Lateral Cryphaea Cryphaea heteromalla 2 2 7 image for Lateral Cryphaea
Lesser Fringe-moss Racomitrium affine 1 1 1 image for Lesser Fringe-moss
Limestone Fern Gymnocarpium robertianum 1 2 11 image for Limestone Fern
Liverwort Unidentified Liverwort Unidentified 1 1 3 image for Liverwort Unidentified
Long-beaked Thyme-moss Plagiomnium rostratum 1 1 3 image for Long-beaked Thyme-moss
Long-beaked Water Feather-moss Platyhypnidium riparioides 1 1 2 image for Long-beaked Water Feather-moss
Lyell's Bristle-moss Orthotrichum lyellii 1 1 1 image for Lyell's Bristle-moss
Mackay's Pouncewort Marchesinia mackaii 1 1 11 image for Mackay's Pouncewort
Maidenhair Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris 1 9 27 image for Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes 2 13 58 image for Maidenhair Spleenwort
Male Fern Dryopteris filix-mas 1 7 9 image for Male Fern
Marble Screw-moss Syntrichia papillosa 1 1 1 image for Marble Screw-moss
Marsh Bryum Bryum pseudotriquetrum 1 1 5 image for Marsh Bryum
Minute Pouncewort Cololejeunea minutissima 1 1 5 image for Minute Pouncewort
Neat Feather-moss Pseudoscleropodium purum 1 7 16 image for Neat Feather-moss
Pointed Spear-moss Calliergonella cuspidata 1 6 17 image for Pointed Spear-moss
Rambling Tail-moss Anomodon viticulosus 1 2 11 image for Rambling Tail-moss
Redshank Moss Ceratodon purpureus 1 3 6 image for Redshank Moss
Revolute Beard-moss Pseudocrossidium revolutum 1 1 2 image for Revolute Beard-moss
River Feather-moss Brachythecium rivulare 1 5 15 image for River Feather-moss
Rock Pocket-moss Fissidens dubius 1 2 6 image for Rock Pocket-moss
Rough Maidenhair-fern Adiantum hispidulum 1 1 11 image for Rough Maidenhair-fern
Rough-stalked Feather-moss Brachythecium rutabulum 1 2 6 image for Rough-stalked Feather-moss
Royal Fern Osmunda regalis 1 1 8 image for Royal Fern
Rustwort Cephalozia curvifolia 1 1 7 image for Rustwort
Rusty Fork-moss Dicranum spurium 1 1 3 image for Rusty Fork-moss
Rusty-back Fern Asplenium ceterach 1 16 22 image for Rusty-back Fern
Scaly Male Fern Dryopteris affinis 3 6 26 image for Scaly Male Fern
Sea Spleenwort Asplenium marinum 1 1 5 image for Sea Spleenwort
Silky Forklet-moss Dicranella heteromalla 1 1 3 image for Silky Forklet-moss
Silky Wall Feather-moss Homalothecium sericeum 1 4 15 image for Silky Wall Feather-moss
Silver-moss Bryum argenteum 1 1 5 image for Silver-moss
Small Hairy Screw-moss Syntrichia laevipila 1 1 5 image for Small Hairy Screw-moss
Small-mouthed Beardless-moss Weissia brachycarpa 1 2 12 image for Small-mouthed Beardless-moss
Soft Shield Fern Polystichum setiferum 1 9 28 image for Soft Shield Fern
Southern Polypody Polypodium cambricum 1 8 26 image for Southern Polypody
Spiral Extinguisher-moss Encalypta streptocarpa 1 1 2 image for Spiral Extinguisher-moss
Springy Turf-moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus 1 2 9 image for Springy Turf-moss
Swartz's Feather-moss Oxyrrhynchium hians 1 1 8 image for Swartz's Feather-moss
Thickpoint Grimmia Schistidium crassipilum 1 2 4 image for Thickpoint Grimmia
Wall Scalewort Porella platyphylla 1 3 16 image for Wall Scalewort
Wall Screw-moss Tortula muralis 1 2 15 image for Wall Screw-moss
Wall-rue Asplenium ruta-muraria 1 10 19 image for Wall-rue
Water Horsetail Equisetum fluviatile 1 1 4 image for Water Horsetail
Western Sword-fern Polystichum munitum 1 1 6 image for Western Sword-fern
White Earwort Diplophyllum albicans 1 1 3 image for White Earwort
White-tipped Bristle-moss Orthotrichum diaphanum 1 1 2 image for White-tipped Bristle-moss
Whitish Feather-moss Brachythecium albicans 1 5 8 image for Whitish Feather-moss
Wood Bristle-moss Orthotrichum affine 1 2 5 image for Wood Bristle-moss
Wood Bristle-moss Lewinskya affinis 1 1 3 image for Wood Bristle-moss