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Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus

Favourite Photos

image species author location uploaded taken select
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 22 May 2023, 3:17 p.m. 22 May 2023, 1:06 p.m.
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 17 Aug 2021, 9:35 p.m. 11 Aug 2021, 1:33 p.m.
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 14 Jun 2021, 9:08 p.m. 4 Jun 2021, 12:43 p.m.
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 14 May 2021, 3:34 p.m. 14 May 2021, 1:57 p.m.
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 14 May 2021, 3:34 p.m. 14 May 2021, 1:58 p.m.
Holly Blue Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus dylan Laundry Lane 14 Jun 2021, 9:08 p.m. 4 Jun 2021, 12:44 p.m.

Species Description

Common and widespread throughout the Southern half of the UK but becoming more localised further North. It is spreading northwards. Food plant: Holly (Ilex aquifolium) - spring generation, Ivy (Hedera helix) - summer generation, Spindle (Euonymus europaeus), Dogwoods (Cornus spp.), Snowberries (Symphoricarpos spp), Gorses (Ulex spp.), Brambles (Rubus fruticosus agg.) may also be used. Flight period: 2 generations (April to June, July to September).

Useful Links:


Butterfly Conservation

UK Butterflies

Wildlife Insight

First Nature

Guy Padfield's European Butterfly Page


Butterflies of Northumberland

Woodland Trust

