Hairy Yellow-faced Bee - Hylaeus hyalinatus
Favourite Photos
Species Description
Widespread and frequent or locally common in the Southern half of the UK, thinning out further North. Habitat includes: quarries, coast (sand dunes, shingle, bases of cliffs), Hedgerows, meadows, gardens, parks, cemeteries / churchyards, allotments. Flight period: May to September. Life story: Nests in holes found n masonry, rocks, sandbanks, dead stems, wood etc. It takes pollen from various flowers as food for its young and plasters/seals the walls of its nest and tunnel entrance with secretions applied with their mouth parts. Which then Drys and becomes like cellophane. Flowers visited: White Bryony, Mock-orange, Biting Stonecrop, English Stonecrop, Bramble, Silverweed, Rose, Spurge, Bloody Crane’s-bill, Ground-elder, Water Drop-wort, Wild Parsnip, Hogweed, Wild Carrot, Field Bindweed, Dodder, Thyme, Speedwell, Hedge Veronica, Sheep’s-bit Scabious, Creeping Thistle, Greater Knapweed, Goldenrod, Mayweed, Autumn Squill, Onion.
- Shingle Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus annularis) xx x
- Short-horned Yellow-faced Bee (Hylaeus brevicornis) // x
- Common Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus communis) x/ x
- White-jawed Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus confusus) x/ //
- Spined Hylaeus (Hylaeus cornutus) x/ x
- Chalk Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus dilatatus) x/ //
- Hairy Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus hyalinatus) // /-
- White-lipped Yellow-faced Bee (Hylaeus incongruus) xx x
- Reed Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus pectoralis) xx x
- Little Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus pictipes) x/ x
- Onion Yellow-faced Bee (Hylaeus punctulatissimus) xx x
- Mignonette Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus signatus) x/ /
- Hairy Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus hyalinatus) ///
- Short-horned Yellow-faced Bee (Hylaeus brevicornis) -/