Willughby's Leefcutter Bee - Megachile willughbiella
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Species Description
Common and widespread throughout the UK but mainly in the South. Habitat includes: Anywhere with a wide range of flowers and nesting sites such as gardens, parks, allotments, churchyards, woodland edges and clearings, field margins, wasteland etc. Life story: Females construct nests in various cavities in wood or soil. They cut and collect various flat leaves such as Beech and Tutsan to create cells. Flight period: Mid-June to Early August. Length: 12 - 18 mm. Diet: Nectar from Bellflowers, Bird’s-foot Trefoils, Thistles, Brambles. I've recorded males use Yellow Corydalis. Pollen from various members of Asteraceae, Campanulaceae, Fabaceae and Onagraceae. Parasites: Coelioxys quadridentata (Grooved Sharp-tail Bee), Coelioxys rufescens (Rufescent Sharp-tail Bee), Coelioxys elongata (Dull-vented Sharp-tail Bee).