Twiggy Mullein - Verbascum virgatum
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Species Description
Widespread but occasional throughout he UK, being most common in the South West. Habitat includes: dry banks, walls, field margins, rough grassland, pastures, sheltered sea-cliffs (S.W. England), waste ground, rubbish tips, roadside verges, sand-pits, tracks, disturbed coastal dunes etc. Flowers: June to August. Growing habit: Biennial. Other names include: Moth Mullein, Wand Mullein. First recorded in the wild in Britain in 1787.
Stace 4:
Verbascum virgatum Stokes - Twiggy Mullein.
Erect biennial to 1m; differs from V. blattaria in flowers usually >1 per node in lower parts of inflorescence; pedicels mostly shorter than calyx; plant usually with stalked glands more or less throughout; 2n= about 64 (32, 64, 66). Neophyte-naturalised; fields, waste places and dry banks; locally frequent in Devon and Cornwall, fairly frequent casual in waste places elsewhere in British Isles.
- Simple stalked glands present; branched hairs present or 0
- Flowers usually >1 per node in lower parts of inflorescence; pedicels mostly shorter than calyx; plant usually with stalked glands more or less throughout
Workings out:
- (Moth Mullein) Verbascum blattaria x
- Verbascum boerhavii x
- Broussa Mullein (Verbascum bombyciferum) x
- Nettle-leaved Mullein (Verbascum chaixii) x
- Cretan Mullein (Verbascum creticum) x
- Dense-flowered Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) x
- Verbascum hapsus x
- White Mullein (Verbascum lychnitis) 2 vars: Verbascum lychnitis var. album, Verbascum lychnitis var. lychnitis.
- Dark Mullein (Verbascum nigrum) -
- Verbascum olympicum x
- Verbascum ovalifolium x
- Orange Mullein (Verbascum phlomoides) x
- Purple Mullein / Temptress Purple (Verbascum phoeniceum) x
- Hoary Mullein (Verbascum pulverulentum) x
- Caucasian Mullein (Verbascum pyramidatum) x
- Verbascum sinuatum x
- Hungarian Mullein (Verbascum speciosum) x
- Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) 1 subsp: Verbascum thapsus subsp. giganteum
- Moth Mullein / Twiggy Mullein / Wand Mullein (Verbascum virgatum)
species hybrid:
- Verbascum blattaria x nigrum = V. x intermedium Rupr. ex Bercht. & Pfund
- Verbascum nigrum x lychnitis = V. x incanum Gaudin
- Verbascum nigrum x pulverulentum = V. x mixtum Ramond ex DC.
- Verbascum nigrum x speciosum
- Verbascum nigrum x virgatum
- Verbascum phlomoides x pulverulentum
- Verbascum phlomoides x thapsus = V. x kerneri Fritsch
- Verbascum pulverulentum x lychnitis = V. x regelianum Wirtg.
- Verbascum pulverulentum x virgatum
- Verbascum pyramidatum x nigrum
- Verbascum pyramidatum x thapsus
- Verbascum thapsus x lychnitis = V. x thapsi L.
- Verbascum thapsus x nigrum = V. x semialbum Chaub.
- Verbascum thapsus x pulverulentum = V. x godronii Boreau
- Verbascum thapsus x speciosum = V. x duernsteinense Teyber
- Verbascum virgatum x thapsus = V. x lemaitrei Boreau