Slender Parsley-piert - Aphanes australis
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Species Description
Widespread and fairly frequent throughout the UK. Habitat includes: Acidic, sandy or gravelly soils in places such as woodland rides, sand dunes, sand / gravel-pits, tracks, roadside verges; dry rocky places etc. Growing habit: Winter (sometimes spring-germinating) Annual. Height: Up to 10 cm. Flowers: April to May.
Most easily distinguished from A. arvensis in the stipules being much longer than wide (as oppose to as wide as long).
Stace 4:
Aphanes australis Rydb. (A. inexspectata W. Lippert, A. microcarpa auct. non (Boiss. & Reut.) Rothm., Alchemilla microcarpa auct. non boiss. & Reut.) - Slender Parsley-piert.
Differs from A. arvensis in stipule-teeth at fruiting nodes ovate-oblong, about as long as entire portion; fruiting hypanthium 1.4-1.9mm including convergent sepals about 0.3-0.5mm, the sepals continuing curved outline of hypanthium, falling well short of apex of stipules at maturity; 2n=16. Native; similar places to A. arvensis but rarely on base-rich soils and less often in arable ground; frequent more or less throughout British Isles.