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Primrose - Primula vulgaris

Favourite Photos

image species author location uploaded taken select
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Avon Gorge, Leigh Woods, Downs etc. 15 Mar 2021, 10:18 p.m. 7 Mar 2021, 1:40 p.m.
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Blaise Castle 26 Feb 2023, 7:02 p.m. 23 Feb 2023, 11:42 a.m.
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Northern Lower Failand 12 May 2022, 9:02 p.m. 24 Apr 2022, 4:54 p.m.
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Avon Gorge, Leigh Woods, Downs etc. 15 Mar 2021, 10:18 p.m. 7 Mar 2021, 1:40 p.m.
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Avon Gorge, Leigh Woods, Downs etc. 15 Mar 2021, 10:18 p.m. 7 Mar 2021, 1:40 p.m.
Primrose Primrose - Primula vulgaris dylan Avon Gorge, Leigh Woods, Downs etc. 15 Mar 2021, 10:18 p.m. 7 Mar 2021, 1:40 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread and locally common throughout the UK but declining. Habitat includes: woodland, hedgerows, grassland, fields, road side verges, cemeteries, scrub, ditches. Primrose means 'prima rosa' (first rose) of the year (it's not in the rose family). Primrose day on the 19th of April. Perennial. Height: 10-15cm. Flowers: March to May although ca flower as early as December especially in the South west.