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Greater Chickweed - Stellaria neglecta

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Greater Chickweed Greater Chickweed - Stellaria neglecta dylan Northern Lower Failand 25 Apr 2022, 4:56 p.m. 24 Apr 2022, 3:11 p.m.
Greater Chickweed Greater Chickweed - Stellaria neglecta dylan Northern Lower Failand 25 Apr 2022, 4:56 p.m. 24 Apr 2022, 3:11 p.m.
Greater Chickweed Greater Chickweed - Stellaria neglecta dylan Northern Lower Failand 25 Apr 2022, 4:56 p.m. 24 Apr 2022, 3:12 p.m.

Species Description

Stace 4:

Stellaria neglecta Weihe - Stellaria neglecta.

Usually ascending annual to perennial to 80cm; like S. media but sepals 5-6.5mm; petals 2.5-4mm, bifid almost to base; stamens 10; seeds 1.1-1.7mm; 2n=22. Native; shady, usually damp places; scattered throughout England and Wales, rare in South & Central Scotland Scotland, Ireland and Isle of Man.


  • Stems with 1(-2) lines of hairs down each internode, terete or weakly ridgid; sepals abruptly acute to obtuse
  • Sepals mostly 5-6.5mm; stamens ≥8; seeds mostly >1.3mm