Round-leaved Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster uva-ursi
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Species Description
Stace 4:
Cotoneaster uva-ursi (Lindl.) G. Don (C. rotundifolius auct. non Wall. ex Lindl.) - Round-leaved Cotoneaster.
Evergreen, stiffly erect to spreading shrub to 2m; differs from C. microphyllus in leaves 0.7-2cm, sparsely hairy on lowerside; inflorescences 1-flowered; flowers 10-13mm across; sepals acute; fruits 7-10mm, globose to depressed-globose; (2n=68). Neophyte-survivor; scattered sites in Britain North to East Lothian; Himalayas.
- Inflorescences with <10 flowers
- Leaves all <1(1.5)cm, or if >1.5cm then fruits with 2(-3) stones
- Fruit bright red to crimson, with 2(-3) stones
- Flowers mostly 1(-2) per inflorescence except at ends of branches
- Leaves <2x as long as wide
- Larger leaves >15mm; shrub to 2m, often more or less erect