Avery's Bramble - Rubus averyanus
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Species Description
Looks most like Rubus averyanus! – Series Sylvatici.
R. gratus is more likely but should have patent prickles and the stem should be furrowed.
R. confertiflorus has a furrowed stem and long prickles.
R. monensis has slightly furrowed stems and very short-stalked basal leaflets.
R. vulgaris has furrowed stem and strong long prickles.
R. latiarcuatus has slightly hairy, angled stems with long, straight, numerous, often clustered prickles.
R. subintegribasis has a blunt-angled, spotted red-purple, thinly hairy stem with strong-based, slanting prickles often in twos.
R. averyanus has angled stems, hairy at first, armed with large yellow, falcate, slender prickles, often in twos.
R. dasycoccus has small leaves, furrowed stem with numerous short prickles.
R. calvatus has slightly glandular, aculeolate, angled, furrowed stems and numerous prickles often in twos.
R. sciocharis has hairy, angled stems with short prickles and few pricklets.
R. nitidoides (now R. nitidiformis) has slightly hairy stems with numerous, yellow, hard, very sharp prickles.
R. ludensis has angled, hairy, scarcely glandular stems, with few, small, gland-tipped, as well as broad-based, slanting and falcate prickles.
R. crespignyanus has slightly hairy stems, with short, patent to falcate prickles.
R. carpinifolius (now R. adspersus) has sparsely hairy stems, with numerous strong-based, yellow to brick red prickles.
R. chloophyllus has slightly glandular, red-speckled, glabrescent stems, furrowed to the base, with small, inclined, falcate prickles.
R. polyoplus has slightly glandular and aciculate stems, with yellow, very numerous, short, straight and strong prickles.
R. horridisepalus has furrowed, hairy stems, with numerous strong, slanting prickles.
R. glanduliger has furrowed, nearly glabrous, sparsely glandular stems with moderate subequal, patent to slanting prickles.