Rubus 'Goblin Combe' - Rubus 'Goblin Combe'
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Species Description
Distinctive shiny leaves. Found in damp spot beside woodland track. It may have derived from a recent cross between R. tuberculatus and something else from Section Rubus, Series Rhamnifolii or Sylvatici (possibly R. dumnoniensis, R. nemoralis, R. davisii, R. Cardiophyllus, R. chloophyllus or possibly even R. scissus from sect. Rubus which have similar inflorescenses and petals and often shiny leaves). It is fertile. Other species present nearby include: R. idaeus, R. caesius, R. armeniacus, R. ulmifolius, R. vestitus, R. longus, R. fuscicaulis, R. rubritinctus, R. diversus, R. longithyrsiger, R. vagensis, R. tuberculatus. Stems green with strong-based mostly patent prickles (the occasional one abrupt and slanting) and sparse short-stalked glands and very few hairs. Petals white.