Hummingbird Hawkmoth - Macroglossum stellatarum
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Species Description
Widespread migrant and can be expected to be seen throughout the UK. Annual influxes come from Southern France. Habitat includes: gardens, parks, allotments, cemeteries, meadows, roadside verges, scrub, woodland clearings. Wingspan = 50 - 58 mm. Life story: Hummingbird hawkmoth breeds in the UK, and larvae are found in most years in July and August but they don't survive the winter however witha warming climate this is changing and they are looking to become resident soon if they aren't already. Food plant: Galium's (Bedstraw's) and Rubia (Madder's). Flowers visited: Nectar-rich tubular flowers such as Red Valerian, Verbena bonariensis, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Buddleia, Lilac, Escallonia, Petunia, Phlox etc. I've also recorded them on Garden Grape Hyancinth. They have a remarkably good memory. Individuals return to the same flowerbeds every day at about the same time. Flight period: June to September (increasingly they are being recorded out of seanson during the winter and spring suggesting overwintering or possible residency). The numbers vary greatly from year to year.