Humming Syrphus - Syrphus ribesii
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Species Description
Common and widespread throughout the UK. Habitat includes: gardens, cemeteries, parks, wasteland, hedgerows, woodland etc. Males are often seen hovering in loose swarms beneath the woodland canopy in sunbeams. Life story: larvae are aphidophagous on a variety of plants including herbaceous species, bushes and shrubs. Flight period: March to November ( peaks May to early June and again in July to September). Confusion species: other Syrphus in particular S. vitripennis (Glass-winged Syrphus) which can only distinguished from the presence of large microtrichia-free zones (hairy bits) within the second basal cell of the wings. The hind femorae of both sexes are mainly black (entirely yellow in female ribesii and rectus, and about one-half to two-thirds black in male ribesii.