Tephritis neesii - Tephritis neesii
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Species Description
Widespread throughout the UK but only common in the South. Habitat includes: Always near Leucanthemum species such as Ox-eye Daisy. Flight period: April until the first frosts. Wing Length = 3.5 - 4.5 mm.
Tephritis bardanae x
Tephritis cometa x
Tephritis conura /
Tephritis divisa x
Tephritis formosa x
Tephritis hyoscyami x
Tephritis leontodontis -
Tephritis matricariae /
Tephritis neesii -
Tephritis praecox x
Tephritis ruralis /
Tephritis separata x
Tephritis sp. nov. x
Tephritis vespertina -