Two-spotted Water Hog-louse - Asellus aquaticus
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Species Description
Common and widespread throughout the UK though absent from much of South West and North East England, and North Scotland. Mainly in the West particularly around South Wales. Habitat incudes: Fresh water bodies including those that are stagnant such as ponds, lakes, ditches, dykes, streams, rivers, canals etc. Life story: Diet = detritus, feeding on any decaying organic matter (they are the woodlice of the water) including leaves, Frog Spawn, dead animals etc. Breeding takes places when temperatures are high enough which can be throughout the year in milder regions but mainly in the Spring. Females carry eggs in brood pouches underneath their body. Lifespan: around 20 months. Other names include: Freshwater Hog-louse, Pond Slater, Water Slater, Two-spotted Water-slater, Water Louse, Aquatic Sow-bug, Water Hog-louse, Cress-bug.