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Eastern Rocket - Sisymbrium orientale

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Eastern Rocket Eastern Rocket - Sisymbrium orientale dylan M32 Grassy Banks Subway System 4 Jun 2022, 1:40 p.m. 3 Jun 2022, 6:08 p.m.
Eastern Rocket Eastern Rocket - Sisymbrium orientale dylan M32 Grassy Banks Subway System 4 Jun 2022, 1:40 p.m. 3 Jun 2022, 6:08 p.m.

Species Description

Occasional but scattered throughout the UK, mainly around cities. Habitat includes: Disturbed, waste places such as streets, roadsides, round abouts, railway ballast etc. Growing habit: Annual. Flowers: June to August. First cultivated in Britain by 1739 and first recorded in the wild by 1859.

Useful Links:


Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora




Stace 4:

Sisymbrium orientale L. - Eastern Rocket.

Annual; stems to 1m, erect to ascending; leaves deeply divided, the upper with only 0-2 basal lobes each side; fruit 2.5-12cm, erecto-patent; (2n=14). Neophyte-naturalised; waste places; frequently naturalised or persistent casual scattered over much of British Isles; Europe.


  • Pedicels about 1mm wide, >2/3 as wide as ripe fruit
  • Petals >6mm, much longer than sepals and stamens; fruit (2.5)5-12cm