Confused Michaelmas-daisy - Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
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Species Description
Widespread and fairly frequent throughout the UK but most common in the South.
Stace 4:
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.) G.L. Nesom (Aster novi-belgii L., A. longifolius auct. non Lam.) - Confused Michaelmas-daisy.
Stems erect, to 1.5m, glabrous to sparsely hairy; phyllaries wholly or mainly green in distal 1/2, hence appearing leafy near apex, the leafy part loosely or uneavenly appressed to capitulum, the outer ones usually reaching ≥1/2 as high as inner ones; ligules usually mauve, but white to purple in cultivars; (2n=48). Neophyte-naturalised; on waste and rough ground; scattered over Britain and North & East Ireland, over-recorded for S, x salignum; North America.
- Middle stem-leaves mostly 4-10x as long as wide, usually very narrowly clasping stem; outer phyllaries nearly as high as inner ones
- Outer phyllaries widest at or just above middle, >0.7mm wide, with conspicuous leafy distal 1/2 loosely or uneavenly appressed to capitulum