Bunch-flowered Daffodil - Narcissus tazetta
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Species Description
Widely grown throughout the UK and may persist.
Stace 4:
Narcissus tazetta L. - Bunch-flowered Daffodil.
Leaves flat, 5-15mm wide; flowers (2)3-8(15); hypanthial tube 12-18mm; tepals 8-22mm, usually white; corona 3-6mm, yellow to deep yellow; (2n=14, 20-24, 28, 30-32). Neophyte-survivor; relic of cultivation scattered in Britain, mainly West, and Channel Islands; West & Central Mediterranean. Often divided into several sspp. of doubtful value and whose occurrence in the wild in British Isles is uncertain; variants with yellow (not white) tepals are grown in gardens but have not been reported in the wild.
- Tepals patent to erecto-patent or very slightly reflexed
- All 6 stamens borne at same level close to base of corolla
- Corona <10mm, wider than long; stamens of 2 distinct lengths; hypanthial tube parallel-sided, sometimes abruptly expanded at apex
- Flowers (1)2-8(20); corona white or yellow all over
- Flowers (2)3-8(20); hypanthial tube 12-20(25)mm; most pollen fertile
- Corona yellow to orange; flowers ≤8(15)