Apple-of-Peru - Nicandra physalodes
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Species Description
Widespread but rare casual. Mainly in the South. Growing habit: Annual. Height: Up to 80 cm. Flowers: June to October. Other names include: Shoo-fly Plant, Apple-of-Sodom, Peruvian Bluebell.
Stace 4:
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. - Apple-of-Peru.
Stems erect, to 80cm; corolla 25-40mm long and across, blue to mauve; fruit globose, brownish, 12-20mm; fruiting calyx 25-35mm; (2n=20). Neophyte-casual; frequent casual in waste and cultivated ground and on tips, also alien from wool and birdseed, sometimes persistent; scattered throughout British Isles, mainly South; Peru.