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Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea

Favourite Photos

image species author location uploaded taken select
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:02 a.m.
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:01 a.m.
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:01 a.m.
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:02 a.m.
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:02 a.m.
Wild Mignonette Wild Mignonette - Reseda lutea dylan Hartlepool 10 Jun 2021, 12:36 p.m. 3 Jun 2021, 11:02 a.m.

Species Description

Widespread but occasional throughout the UK. Most common in the South and East of England. Habitat includes: Well-drained soils in places such as wasteland, roadside verges, marginal grassland, disused railway land, quarries, arable land, disturbed chalk / limestone grassland, fixed sand dunes. Flowers: June to September. Height: 30 - 75 cm. Growing habit: Biennial / perennial. Food plant for caterpillars of the Large White, Bath White and Orange Tip. Was recorded in Britain by 1597. Other names include: Base Rocket, Mignonette, Yellow Mignonette.