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Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima

Favourite Photos

image species author location uploaded taken select
Sea-milkwort Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima dylan North Somerset 1 Oct 2021, 3:28 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 3:47 p.m.
Sea-milkwort Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima dylan North Somerset 1 Oct 2021, 3:28 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 3:47 p.m.
Sea-milkwort Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima dylan North Somerset 1 Oct 2021, 3:28 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 3:47 p.m.
Sea-milkwort Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima dylan North Somerset 1 Oct 2021, 3:36 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 4:02 p.m.
Sea-milkwort Sea-milkwort - Glaux maritima dylan North Somerset 7 Oct 2022, 6:23 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 3:44 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread but local to coasts throughout the UK and Ireland apart from the far South East, the South West from Hybridge to Lynton and parts of the North East. It is common in the North West of Scotland. Habitat includes: Places with Saline soils such as saltmarshes, strandlines, damp shingle, wet sand, brackish dune-slacks, aerobic mud, spray-drenched rock crevices etc. Growing habit: Perennial Halophyte. Other names include: Sea Milkweed, Black Saltwort, Lysimachia maritima (new name).