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Oxford Ragwort x Groundsel - Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri

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Oxford Ragwort x Groundsel Oxford Ragwort x Groundsel - Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri dylan North Somerset 5 Oct 2021, 4:46 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 4:43 p.m.
Oxford Ragwort x Groundsel Oxford Ragwort x Groundsel - Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri dylan North Somerset 5 Oct 2021, 4:46 p.m. 26 Sep 2021, 4:43 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread and scattered throughout lowland Britain. Habitat includes: Disturbed places where the parents grow together such as wasteland, railways, rubble, clay-gravel paths, spoil heaps etc. Growing habit: Annual / Biennial. A spontaneous hybrid between two alien parents. This hybrid was discovered in the London area in 1944, when it was particularly frequent on bombed sites. It is completely sterile, with infertile pollen and no ripe fruits, and there is no evidence of introgression.

Senecio cambrensis (Welsh Groundsel / Welsh Ragwort) x Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort) x Senecio sylvaticus (Heath Groundsel) - Senecio vernalis (Eastern Groundsel) Senecio viscosus (Sticky Groundsel) - Senecio vulgaris (Common Groundsel) - Senecio sylvaticus x viscosus = S. x viscidulus (Heath x Sticky Groundsel) Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri (Oxford x Common Groundsel) Senecio squalidus x viscosus = S. x subnebrodensis (Oxford x Sticky Groundsel)