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Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum

Favourite Photos

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Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 27 Nov 2022, 3:50 p.m. 3 Jun 2022, 3:51 p.m.
Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 5 Aug 2021, 12:46 p.m. 4 Aug 2021, 3:41 p.m.
Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 5 Aug 2021, 12:46 p.m. 4 Aug 2021, 3:41 p.m.
Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 5 Aug 2021, 12:46 p.m. 4 Aug 2021, 3:42 p.m.
Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 27 Nov 2022, 3:50 p.m. 3 Jun 2022, 3:49 p.m.
Spotted Hawkweed Spotted Hawkweed - Hieracium spilophaeum dylan Bristol 27 Nov 2022, 3:50 p.m. 3 Jun 2022, 3:49 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread but very local in the South and extremely scattered in the North. It is most common in the Bristol region particularly in the S.E. Habitat includes: wasteland, quarries, rough grassland, railway banks, roadside verges, pavements, walls etc. Other names include: Leopard Spotted Hawkweed, Common Hawkweed, Hieracium maculatum. Growing habit: Perennial. Flowers: June to August. Could be confused with Hieracium scotostictum which has very similar leaf patterning but has smooth, rounded leaves unlike H. maculatum which has a few cerations.