Fool's Parsley - Aethusa cynapium
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Species Description
Common and widespread throughout the lowlands especially in the West around the Bristol region and below Birmingham. Habitat includes: Disturbed places such as gardens, parks, allotments, cemeteries, hedge banks, wasteland, arable fields, roadside verges etc. Growing habit: Annual / Biennial. Height: Up to 80 cm. Flowers: June to October. First recorded in Britain by 1597.
There are 3 subspecies: ssp. agrestis (archaeophyte) - most frequent on arable land in S. Britain, ssp. cynapioides (1 record), ssp. cynapium (occurs throughout the range of the species). Other names include: Fool's Cicely, Poison Parsley.
name | latinname | species | sightings | media | image |
Fool's Parsley | Aethusa cynapium subsp. cynapium | 1 | 3 | 5 |