Common Hemp-nettle - Galeopsis tetrahit
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Species Description
Growing habit: Annual. Height: Up to 1 m. Flowers: July to October.
Stace 4:
Galeopsis tetrahit L. - Common Hemp-nettle.
Stems erect, to 1m; leaves narrowly ovate to ovate; calyx 12-14mm; corolla 13-20(25)mm, pinkish-red with darker lines and blotches on lower lip, the darker markings falling well short of tip of terminal lobe, often white but perhaps never yellow; 2n=32. Native; arable land, rough ground, woodland clearings, damp places; common over most of Britain and Ireland, rare in Channel Islands.
- Stems with rigid bristly hairs, swollen below nodes when fresh
- Corolla 13-20(25)mm, variously coloured; corolla-tube >1.5x as long as calyx (including teeth)
- Terminal lobe of lower lip of corolla entire to very slightly emarginate, more or less flat