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Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare

Favourite Photos

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Fennel Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare dylan Sea Walls 28 Apr 2021, 9:29 p.m. 24 Apr 2021, 1:57 p.m.
Fennel Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare dylan Sea Walls 28 Apr 2021, 9:29 p.m. 24 Apr 2021, 1:57 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread but local throughout most of the UK especially in the South and by the coast. Habitat includes: coast, wasteland, allotments, road side verges, marshland, sea-walls, gravel-pits, quarries, tips etc. Flowers: June to October. Biennial / Perennial. It's a culinary herb which has been in use since Roman times.