Black-bindweed - Fallopia convolvulus
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Species Description
Widespread and fairly frequent throughout the UK. Habitat includes: arable fields, gardens, parks, wasteland, rubbish tips, roadside verges etc. Growing habit: Annual. Height: Up to 1.5 m. Flowers: July to October.
Stace 4:
Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve (Polygonum convolvulus L.) - Black-bindweed.
Annual with trailing or climbing stems to 1(1.5)m; leaves ovate-triangular, cordate to sagittate, obtuse to acuminate; fruiting pedicels 1-3mm; outer tepals keeled to narrowly winged (var. subulatum (Lej. &Courtois) D.H. Kent) in fruit; achenes 4-5mm, dull; 2n=40. Archaeophyte-colonist; waste and arable ground; common in most of British Isles.
- Annual; inflorescences with 1 main axis
- Fruiting pedicels 1-3mm; achenes 4-5mm, dull
Useful Links:
Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora