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Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla

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Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:51 p.m.
Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:51 p.m.
Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:51 p.m.
Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:52 p.m.
Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:53 p.m.
Various-leaved Hawthorn Various-leaved Hawthorn - Crataegus heterophylla dylan Horfield Common Wildlife Pond 29 Oct 2022, 12:56 a.m. 28 Oct 2022, 2:54 p.m.

Species Description

Very poorly recorded but probably scattered throughout the UK.

Stace 4:

Crataegus heterophylla Flüggé - Various-leaved Hawthorn.

Tree to 11m; spines very sparse; leaves strongly heterophyllous, narrowly oblong to elliptic, some with 3-5 forward-directed lobes, some unlobed; fruits oblong, 10-18mm, bright red, with 1 stone and style. Neophyte-naturalised; planted in parks, rarely self-sowing; naturalised in urban woodland in South East England, Britain North to County Durham, Lanarks, Midlothian; Caucasuas.


  • Leaves glabrous to sparsely hairy; styles and stones 1-3
  • Leaves varying from unlobed to deeply lobed on 1 tree, some narrowly oblong to oblanceolate and entire in basal 1/2

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