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Chinese Rowan - Sorbus glabriuscula

Favourite Photos

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Chinese Rowan Chinese Rowan - Sorbus glabriuscula dylan Rodway Hill 20 Nov 2022, 10:12 p.m. 20 Nov 2022, 2:58 p.m.
Chinese Rowan Chinese Rowan - Sorbus glabriuscula dylan Rodway Hill 20 Nov 2022, 10:12 p.m. 20 Nov 2022, 2:58 p.m.
Chinese Rowan Chinese Rowan - Sorbus glabriuscula dylan Rodway Hill 20 Nov 2022, 10:12 p.m. 20 Nov 2022, 3:07 p.m.
Chinese Rowan Chinese Rowan - Sorbus glabriuscula dylan Rodway Hill 20 Nov 2022, 10:12 p.m. 20 Nov 2022, 3:07 p.m.

Species Description

Stace 4:

Sorbus glabriuscula McAll. (S. hupehensis auct. non. C.K. Schneid.) - Chinese Rowan.

Tree to 17m; leaves pinnate, with 5-8 pairs of leaflets; styles 4-5; fruit 6-8 x 7-8mm, more or less globose, white usually with pink tinge at apex, without lenticels, without groups of gritty stone-cells; (2n=68). Neophyte-naturalised; rough ground, cliffs, woods; scattered in South England, spreading by suckers and seed in a few places; China. The familiar garden plant wrongly known as S. hupehensis. Leaflets are much more obscurely serrate and much less pointed at apex than in S. domestica or S. aucuparia.


  • Buds tomentose, not sticky, brown; trunk smooth, becoming fissured with age; fruits 6-12 x 7-14mm, white to pink, scarlet or yellow
  • Fruits white, often pink at apex; leaflets rounded to obtuse at apex

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