Mystery Whitebeam - Mystery Sorbus
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Species Description
A Sorbus aria agg. A single non-fruiting tree and a really small sapling (bottom right of screen) found on the North East coast on the cliff tops at Blackhall Rocks.
The site is a common stop off point for migrating birds. Nearby a plantation containing Swedish Whitebeam (S. intermedia) occurs. Common Whitebeam (S. aria) exists at Castle Eden Dene and possibly also at any other of the denes. It is also possible that there could be Whitebeams awaiting discovery, growing in any of the isolated Gills; namely: Blackhills Gill, Blue House Gill, Cross Gill and Limekiln Gill.
Key features:
- Leaves ovate to narrowly so, widest point at about half way
- Leaf uppersides extremely dark
- Leaf undersides densely white tomentose
- Lateral veins about 7-9, very well spaced, subtended at about 60° from midrib for proximal 1/2-2/3 then suddenly turning upwards to around 30-40° from midrib, and frequently having tertiary veins and others that stop abruptly well before margin
- Margin Serrate-lobed, with about 3 mini serrations on each lobe
- Apex acute
- Base cuneate to rounded
- Lenticels quite dense