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Tree Medick - Medicago arborea

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Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:47 p.m.
Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:44 p.m.
Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:45 p.m.
Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:45 p.m.
Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:47 p.m.
Tree Medick Tree Medick - Medicago arborea dylan North Somerset 3 Oct 2022, 6:51 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 4:48 p.m.

Species Description

Very rare escape in the South. It was first recorded at Wain's Hill, Clevedon, North Somerset in 1973. It was probably not planted here but arrived from ballast (containing the seeds) frequently dumped by ships nearby; later to be chucked up by stormy currents and further dispersed by ants. Habitat includes: cliffs, wasteland etc. Native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Growing habit: Perennial. Height: Up to 4 m. Flowers: May to July (continues to flower long after in small quantities). Other names include: Moon Trefoil, Shrub Medick.

Stace 4:

Medicago arborea L. - Tree Medick.

Woody shrub to 1(-2)m, silky-hairy; stipules entire; flowers 4-8, 12-15mm, yellow; fruits of 1-1.5 coils, not spiny; (2n=32, 48). Neophyte-naturalised; cliffs and rough ground, sometimes self-sowing; North Somerset since 1973, Wight, Surrey; Mediterranean.


  • Woody shrub to 1(-2)m

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Cretan Flora

