Henry's Honeysuckle - Lonicera henryi
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Species Description
Widely grown and scattered as an escape throughout the UK.
Stace 4:
Lonicera henryi Hemsl. - Henry's Honeysuckle.
Evergreen climber to 5(10)m; leaves 4-13cm, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate; flowers in axillary pairs but clustered into terminal groups, zygomorphic, 15-25mm, yellow tinged with red; berry black; (2n=54). Neophyte-naturalised; grown in gardens; naturalised from throwouts or bird-sown; scattered in England and Wales, County Wexford, East Mayo; China.
- Flowers and fruit in pairs, sessile at apex of common axillary stalk, sometimes crowded near branch ends; climbers or not
- Stems twining
- Corolla 15-25mm, glabrous on outside; 2 bracts at base of each flower-pair subulate
Useful Links:
Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora
Kew(as L. acuminata)
GBIF(as L. acuminata)