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Slender Red Fescue - Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis

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Slender Red Fescue Slender Red Fescue - Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis dylan North Somerset 7 Oct 2022, 7:47 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 3 p.m.
Slender Red Fescue Slender Red Fescue - Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis dylan North Somerset 7 Oct 2022, 7:47 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 3 p.m.
Slender Red Fescue Slender Red Fescue - Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis dylan North Somerset 7 Oct 2022, 7:47 p.m. 2 Oct 2022, 3:02 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread and locally common around coasts throughout the UK. Habitat includes: Muddy / sandy, saline areas such as salt marshes, mudflats, estuaries, tidal rivers etc. Growing habit: Rhizomatous Perennial. Height: Up to 55 cm. Flowers: June to August. Other names include: Saltmarsh Red Fescue, Slender Red Fescue, Slender Creeping Red Fescue.

Stace 4:

Ssp. litoralis (G. Mey.) Auquier.

Rhizomes rather short, often forming dense mats; culms to 55cm; leaves folded, 0.6-1mm from midrib to edge; spikelets 8.7-11.2mm; upper glume 4.3-6.2mm; lemmas 5.7-8mm, with awns 1.1-2.8mm; 2n=42. Native; saltmarshes and other muddy or saline areas; in suitable places round coasts of British Isles except South East England. Has characteristically short culms, large lemmas and narrow, short leaves, but the distinctive habitat is diagnostic.


  • Lemmas 4.4-8mm, with awns 0.5-2.8mm, glaucous or not, the hairs (if present) not dense and white; widespread
  • Spikelets 8.7-11.2mm; lemmas 5.7-8 x ≥2mm, with awns 1.1-2.8mm; saline sand or mud, often forming dense mats

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Flora of East Anglia