Glaucous Sedge - Carex flacca
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Species Description
Common and widespread throughout the UK. Habitat includes: Wet or dry places such as ditches, chalk and limestone grassland, sand dunes, flushes etc.
Stace 4:
Carex flacca Schreb. - Glaucous Sedge.
Glaucous rhizomatous; stems loosely tufted, to 60cm, with rounded angles or subterete, smooth; lowest bract sometimes exceeding inflorescence, with short to long sheath; utricles 2-3mm, with beak <0.3mm, papillose; 2n=76. Native; wet or dry grassland on chalk and limestone, sand-dunes and base-rich clay, mountain flushes; Common throughout British Isles (our most widespread species).
- Rhizomes extended; stems not or loosely tufted, often borne singly
- Male spikes (1)2-3; lowest female spike clearly stalked, pendent to erecto-patent
- Utricles with beak 0 or ≤1mm and with truncate, oblique or very slightly notched apex
- Male spikes (1)2-3; utricles papillose
- Leaf-sheaths and blades glabrous
- Utricles papillose