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Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus

Favourite Photos

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Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Grow Wilder 25 Aug 2023, 6:51 p.m. 25 Aug 2023, 1:28 p.m.
Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Grow Wilder 25 Aug 2023, 12:55 a.m. 24 Aug 2023, 2:42 p.m.
Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Grow Wilder 25 Aug 2023, 12:55 a.m. 24 Aug 2023, 2:42 p.m.
Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Grow Wilder 25 Aug 2023, 12:55 a.m. 24 Aug 2023, 2:43 p.m.
Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Horfield Common 9 Apr 2021, 2:47 p.m. 8 Apr 2021, 5:01 p.m.
Philodromus albidus Philodromus albidus - Philodromus albidus dylan Horfield Common 9 Apr 2021, 2:47 p.m. 8 Apr 2021, 5:04 p.m.

Species Description

Widespread and locally common in the South, with most records falling bellow a line from the Wash to the Severn Estuary. Habitat includes: On the lower branches of broad-leaved trees such as Oak (Ive observed them hanging around the new growth of English Elm and Ivy at about 1.5 m off the ground) in places such as woodland (broad-leaved / mixed) - rides and edge, parks, allotments, gardens, cemeteries, old hedgerows, green lanes etc. Adults seen: May to July (peaking in June). Other names include: (Going by the name) White Running Spider, Pale Running Spider. Length: Males = 3.1 - 3.8 mm, Females = 4 - 5.4 mm.

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