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Unusual plants seen in 2021

South Gloucestershire:

  • Black Spleenwort (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum) 3rd February 2021. 'The dumps' / 'the Tinnies', Clifton Downs. ST57047468. 27th May 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. Growing in brick wall. ST57677758

  • Balkan Anemone (Anemone blanda) 28th February 2021. Laundry Lane. Was planted by my mum about 10 years ago but it is now locally naturalised. ST59197630

  • Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) 7th March 2021. Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock. Growing in wasteland. ST55137532. 5th July 2021. Circular Rd, Clifton Downs. ST56407470

  • Wall Pennywort (Umbilius rupestris) 23rd March 2021. Howard Lock, Cumberland. Growing on old tarmac beneath the foot bridge. ST56777244. 29th May 2021. Growing on rock face near the suspension bridge, Clifton Downs. ST56707318

  • Atlas Poppy (Papaver atlanticum) 29th March 2021. Horfield Common. Growing at the base of some railings in a wasteland area. ST58847628

  • Water-cress (Nasturtium officinale) 29th March 2021. Horfield Common. Growing in ditch. ST59007631. 3rd April 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58807600

  • Thread-leaved Water Crowfoot (Ranunculus trichophyllus) 3rd April 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58807601

  • Ivy-leaved Duckweed (Lemna trisulca) 3rd April 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58807600

  • American Wintercress (Barbarea verna) 3rd April 2021. Gaston Lane / Donkey Lane / Dead Man’s Lane, Golden Hill Allotments. ST58677620

  • Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor) 8th April 2021. Horfield Common. ST59217674

  • Sibthorp Primrose (Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii) 8th April 2021. Horfield Parish Churchyard, Horfield Common. ST59187674

  • Slender Speedwell (Veronica filiformis) 8th April 2021. Horfield Parish Churchyard, Horfield Common. ST59197673

  • Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) 16th April 2021. Portway, beneath the Suspension Bridge. ST56507310

  • Musk Stork's-bill (Erodium moschatum) 16th April 2021. Cumberland Basin. Near Brunel's Swing Bridge. ST56807236

  • Common Gromwell (Lithospermum officinale) 24th April 2021. Goat Gully. ST56287464

  • Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris) 24th April 2021. Goat Gully. ST56327460

  • Dwarf Sedge (Carex humilis) 24th April 2021. Goat Gully. ST56357462. 26th April 2021. Goat Gully. ST56217447

  • Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. montanum) 24th April 2021. Goat Gully. ST56227454. 19th May 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57747761

  • Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus) 9th May 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park where it is widespread. ST57657749

  • Russian Comfrey (Symphytum officinale x asperum = S. x uplandicum) 19th May 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. Locally naturalised. ST57577757

  • Common Broomrape (Orobanche minor) 29th May 2021. Clifton Suspension Bridge rock garden. ST56577314.

  • Eastern Gladiolus (Gladiolus communis) 29th May 2021. Clifton Suspension Bridge Rock Garden. ST56577314

  • Ivy Broomrape (Orobanche hedera) 13th June 2021. Sea Walls / View Point, Avon Gorge. ST56017466. Goat Gully. ST56367462.

  • Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) 14th June 2021. Brunel Fitness Centre, Speedwell. Growing at the base of a fence. ST63487437

  • Monkey Flower (Erythranthe guttata) 15th June 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. Growing in small, man-made, woodland pond. ST57727758

  • Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 15th June 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57747757

  • Two-rowed Barley (Hordeum distichon) 15th June 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57607752

  • Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) 16th June 2021. Maple Road, Horfield. ST58757619

  • Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis) 17th June 2021. Growing in someone's front garden, 76 Maple Road, Horfield. It has since been destroyed! and the garden is now a driveway! ST58897622. 7th July 2021. Horfield Common. ST59227682. 15th July 2021. Great Quarry, Avon Gorge. Approximately 7 plants in flower ST56287415. 4th August 2021. Purdown. One plant. ST60607558

  • Small Toad Flax (Chaenorhinum minus) 17th June 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58697611

  • Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 17th June 2021 single plant not planted, probably spread by birdseed or relic of cultivation. ST58707612

  • Pencilled Crane's-bill (Geranium versicolor) 19th June 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58667614. Planted a long time ago and has spread. 13th November 2021, Westbury Wildlife Park in flower! An escape from cultivation, possibly relic. ST57787759

  • Fox-and-cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca) 19th June 2021. 76 Maple Road, Horfield. ST58897623. 17th September 2021. Horfield Common. ST58817626. 13th November 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57717755

  • Large-flowered Evening Primrose (Oenothera glazioviana) 23rd June 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57677756

  • Field Penny-cress (Thlaspi arvense) 27th June 2021. Golden Hill Allotments. ST58607613

  • Fern Grass (Catapodium rigidum) 28th June 2021. 'The Dumps / 'the tinnies', Clifton Down. ST57097476. 15th July 2021. Great Quarry, Avon Gorge. ST56307414

  • Wild Clary (Salvia verbenaca) 29th June 2021. Goat Gully. Local population of about 10 + plants with lots of seedlings around. ST56347464

  • Reed Sweet Grass (Glyceria maxima) 30th June 2021. Horfield Common pond. ST59037631

  • Triplet Lily (Triteleia laxa) 8th July 2021. Horfield Parish Churchyard, Horfield Common. ST59197670. 17th July 2021. Front garden of 62 Kelleway Ave, Bristol. ST58337610

  • Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia) 8th July 2021. Horfield Parish Churchyard, Horfield Common. ST59167669

  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) 8th July 2021. Horfield Parish Churchyard, Horfield Common. ST59147672

  • Stone Parsley (Sison amomum) 10th July 2021. Horfield Common. ST58907649. 15th July. Great Quarry, Avon Gorge. ST56287413. 4th August 2021. Sir John's Lane, Stoke Park. ST60857619

  • Medium-flowered Winter-cress (Barbarea intermedia) 13th July 2021. Victoria Park, Windmill Hill. ST58997153

  • Smooth Yellow Violet (Viola pensylvanica) 13th July 2021. Victoria Park, Windmill Hill. Found growing outside someone's garden in a wild area where it's probably a survivour of cultivation. It is producing seed. ST58857142

  • Grass Vetchling (Lathyrus nissolia) 15th July 2021. Great Quarry, Avon Gorge. ST56287413

  • Hairy Tare (Vicia hirsuta) 15th July 2021 Great Quarry, Avon Gorge. ST56287413. 18th July 2021 Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57567747

  • Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 18th July 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. Growing in local abundance of about 50 plants +. ST57657758

  • Hairy St John's-wort (Hypericum hirsutum) 18th July 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57627758

  • Californian Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) 18th July 2021. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57567747

  • Smooth Tare (Vicia tetraspermum) 23rd July 2021. Purdown. ST60607574. 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST51847685

  • Spotted Hawkweed (Hieracium maculatum) 4th August 2021. Muller Road (outside Europecar). ST60127580

  • White Bryony (Bryonia dioica) 4th August 2021. Purdown. Scrambling amongst the edge of tall, dense scrub. ST60587553

  • Imperforate St John's-wort (Hypericum maculatum subsp. obtusiusculum) 4th August 2021. Stoke Park. ST60807602

  • Wild Basil (Clinopodium vulgare) 18th August 2021. Clifton Downs. ST56547411

  • Silver x Common Ragwort (Jacobaea maritima x Jacobaea vulgaris) 24th August 2021. Laundry Lane. ST59197630

  • Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) 30th August 2021. Horfield Common. ST59037631

  • Vervain (Verbena officinalis) 16th October 2021. In flower! Growing besides a house on the pavement. Ashley Down. ST59647593

  • Crimson Clover (Trifolium incarnatum subsp. incarnatum) 21st November 2021. About 4 plants, In flower! Found in disturbed, open area. Probably a relic of cultivation. ST57597752

  • Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) 21st November. Westbury Wildlife Park. ST57607752

  • Field Garlic S.G. /

  • Long-headed Poppy S.G. /

  • Hemp S.G. /  

  • Drosanthemum S.G. /

  • Lungwort S.G. /

  • Lucerne S.G. /

  • Knotted Clover S.G. /

  • Perennial Cornflower S.G. /  

  • Pink Sorrel S.G. /  
  • Salsify S.G. /

  • Three-cornered Garlic S.G. /  

  • Variegated Yellow Archangel S.G. /

  • Hop S.G. /

  • Spurge Laurel N.S., S.G. /

  • Early Hair-grass S.G. /

  • Water Bent S.G. /

  • Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea S.G. /

  • Pale St John's-wort S.G. /

  • Perforate St John's-wort S.G. /

  • Pignut S.G. /

  • Slender St John's-wort S.G. /

  • Water Figwort S.G. /

  • Betony S.G. /

  • Rock Pocket Moss (Fissidens dubius) S.G. /

  • Crested Cup Liverwort (Lunularia cruciata) S.G. /

  • Great Scented Liverwort (Conocephalum conicum) S.G. /

  • Long-beaked Water Feather-moss (Platyhypnidium riparioides) S.G. /

  • Rusty Back Fern S.G. /

  • Swartz's Feather-moss S.G. /

  • Comb-moss (Ctenidium molluscum) S.G. /

  • Wood Meadow Grass S.G. /

  • Bread Wheat S.G. /

  • Crested Hair Grass S.G. /

  • Heath Wood Rush S.G. /

  • Meadow Oat-grass S.G. /

  • Wood Spurge both ssp.  N.S., S.G. /  

  • Rough Clover N.S. S.G. /

  • Spring Cinquefoil N.S. S.G. /  

  • Stinking Tutsan N.S., S.G. /

North Somerset

  • Little Robin (Geranium purpureum) 16th April 2021. Rock face below the suspension bridge on the N.S side, Avon Gorge. ST56427300

  • Caper Spurge (Euphorbia lathyris) 16th April 2021. Rock face below the suspension bridge on the N.S side, Avon Gorge. ST56417301

  • Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) 16th April 2021. Nightingale Valley, Leigh Woods. ST55597302

  • Grey Sedge (Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa) 13th August 2021. Ashton Court. ST55787268

  • Austrian Yellowcress (Rorippa austriaca) 13th August 2021. Ashton Court. ST55407237

  • Remote Sedge (Carex remota) 13th August 2021. Ashton Court. ST54567135  

  • Water Plantain (Plantago alisma-aquatica) 13th August 2021. Pond 7, Ashton Court. ST54737148

  • Water Forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides) 13th August 2021. Pond 7, Ashton Court. ST54737148

  • Marsh Fox-tail (Alopecurus geniculatus) 18th August 2021. Pond 7, Ashton Court. ST54737148

  • Marsh Yellow-cress (Rorippa palustris) 18th August 2021. Pond 7, Ashton Court. ST54737147

  • Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha subsp. ruderalis) 26th September 2021. Marine Parade, Pill Marsh. ST52517618

  • Sea Club Rush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST52237639

  • Sea Purslane (Atriplex portulacoides) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST52237645

  • Saltmarsh Rush (Juncus gerardii) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST52117648

  • Sea Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritimum) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST52087653

  • Broad-leaved Spurge (Euphorbia platyphyllos) 26th September 2021. Spoil heap, Pill Marsh. ST51817668

  • Dark Mullein (Verbascum nigrum) 26th September 2021. Spoil heap, Pill Marsh. ST51817668

  • Oxford Ragwort x Common Groundsel? (Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri) 26th September 2021. Spoil heap, Pill Marsh. Growing next to Oxford Ragwort. ST51827669

  • Hairy Sedge (Carex hirta) 26th September 2021. Spoil heap, Pill Marsh. ST51827669

  • Italian Rye (Lolium multiflorum) 26th September 2021. ST51787670

  • Alsike Clover (Trifolium hybridum subsp. hybridum) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST51837672

  • Marsh Cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST51847674  

  • Wild Celery (Apium graveolens) 26th September 2021. Ditch, Pill Marsh. ST51837680

  • False Fox Sedge (Carex otrubae) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST51827687

  • Jointed Rush (Juncus articulatus) 18th August 2021. Pond 7, Ashton Court. ST54727147. 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST51817688

  • Spotted Medick (Medicago arabica) 26th September 2021. ST51867676

  • Galingale (Cyperus longus) 26th September 2021. Pill Marsh. ST52147633