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Species accounts

Wild Plants of the Bristol Region

Beneath the species name additional information is to be given to represent status.

  • Very Common (VC) = Dark Green = ≥90% / ≤100% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Common (C) = Mid Green = ≥70% / ≤89% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Frequent (F) = Light Green = ≥50% / ≤69% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Uncommon (U) = Yellow = ≥30% / ≤49% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Scarce (S) = Orange = ≥10% / ≤29% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Rare (R) = Light Red = ≥5% / 9% of 1km squares filled since 2000
  • Very Rare (VR) = Dark Red = ≥0% / ≤4% of 1km squares filled since 2000 (unlikely to need mapping)
  • Extinct (E) = Purple = 0% of 1km squares filled since 2000 (unlikely to need mapping)

1334 kmsq in the Bristol Region.

Pre 2000 records compared with those since 2000 = no. vs no. e.g. 300 vs 150 followed by a percentage (in this case 50%) and an arrow on a scale which represents rate of decline, increase or stability by either facing halfway for stable (no increase or decrease), down for decline and up for increase with the difference coloured in red for decrease and blue for increase or an arrow that faces down for decrease, to the side for stable and up for increase with the percentage change represented by the arrow swelling and shrinking.


  • White, 1912 = The Bristol Flora
  • Riddelsdell, 1948 = Flora of Gloucestershire
  • Murray, 1896 = The Flora of Somerset
  • Marshall, 1914 = The Flora of Somerset Supplement

It will be noticed that for some of the more contentious or unsettled taxa such as the Dryopteris affinis complex both alternative naming systems (as sspp. under D. affinis and as species in their own right) are used in order to increase the chances of the book remaining up to date for longer, whichever way it swings (if it ever does!).

After the species name, synonyms - names which have changed since the old flora (the Flora of the Bristol Region) are written in brackets. Those which are in blue brackets are the international name - used when they differ from Stace or where the lowest level of classification is incomplete such as additional sspp. or Vars. This is useful when trying to interpret different sources and opinions.