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Plants to be added

A growing list of plants to be added due to records from sources such as NBN, Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora, and books. Some records will require further study.

My List of Added Plants:

  • Polystichum munitum (Western Sword-fern)
  • Helleborus niger × H. orientalis = H. x hybridus Voss (Hybrid Lenton-rose) - probably all of our plants recorded as H. orientalis
  • Anemone blanda (Balkan Anemone)
  • Clematis cirrhosa L. var. cirrhosa (Early Virgin's-bower)
  • Clematis cirrhosa L. var. balearica (Early Virgin's-bower)
  • Ficaria verna ssp. chrysocephala (Lesser Celandine)
  • Pinus wallichiana (Bhutan Pine)
  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' (Irish Yew)
  • Nymphaea alba × N. mexicana (Kew) = N. x marliacea (Stace) (Coloured Water-lily) - ours is with N. odorata?
  • Mahonia aquifolium x M. repens = M. × decumbens (Newmarket Oregon-grape) - well established near subway behind Tesco Car park, Eastville, 2022
  • Paeonia ludlowii (Stern & G. Taylor) D.Y. Hong (Tibetan Tree Peony / Ludlow's Tree Peony)

  • Cytisus nigricans L. ssp. nigricans (Black Broom)

  • Cotoneaster bacillaris (Open-fruited Cotoneaster)

  • Cotoneaster insculptus (Engraved Cotoneaster)
  • Cotoneaster conspicuous (Tibetan Cotoneaster) - Tesco Carpark, Golden Hill
  • Cotoneaster dammeri (Bearberry Cotoneaster)
  • Cotoneaster dammeri x C. conspicuus = C. x suecicus (Swedish Cotoneaster)
  • Cotoneaster uva-ursi (Round-leaved Cotoneaster)
  • Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius (Catalina Ironwood) - an endemic to Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Clemente islands, California - 1 tree, Victoria Park, found by myself in 2021 but Clive said he's been asked about it before. Either place before Sorbaria sorbifolia or after Crataegus.
  • Rubus cockburnianus (White-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus (Elmleaf x European Blackberry)
  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. eboracensis (Elmleaf x Yorkshire Bramble)
  • Rubus armeniacus x R. ulmifolius (Giant Bramble x Elmleaf Blackberry)
  • Rubus armeniacus x R. bloxamii (Giant Bramble x Bloxam's Bramble)
  • Rubus armeniacus x R. fuscicaulis (Giant x Brown-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus armeniacus x R. eboracensis (Giant x Yorkshire Bramble)
  • Rubus armeniacus x R. tuberculatus (Giant Blackberry x Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus vestitus x R. tuberculatus (European Blackberry x Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus rubritinctus x R. tuberculatus
  • Rubus echinatus x R. conjungens (‘False rubriflorus’?)
  • Rubus echinatus x R. fuscus (Hedgehog x Brown Hairy-stemmed Bramble) - Lord's Wood - see 19462 - 19467
  • Rubus caesius x R. ulmifolius (Dewberry x Elmleaf Blackberry)
  • Rubus caesius x R. armeniacus (Dewberry x Giant Blackberry)
  • Rubus caesius x R. tuberculatus (Dewberry x Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus 'Goblin Combe'
  • Ulmus davidiana Planch. var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai (Japanese Elm)
  • Atriplex prostrata x A. longipes = A. x gustafssoniana (Kattegat Orache)
  • Atriplex glabriuscula x A. longipes = A. x taschereau (Taschereau's Orache)
  • Tulipa saxatilis (Cretan Tulip)
  • Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Sibthorp Primrose)?
  • Erythronium tuolumnense x E. californicum ‘White Beauty’ (Erythronium ‘Pagoda’)
  • Drosanthemum hispidium (Hairy Dewflower)?
  • Helichrysum petiolare (Liquorice Plant)
  • Euphorbia characias subsp. characias (Mediterranean Spurge)
  • Geranium pratense x himalayense = G. x johnsonii (Geranium 'Johnson's Blue')
  • Geranium robertianum x purpureum (Herb Robert x Little Robin)
  • Geranium ibericum x platypetalum = G. x magnificum (Purple Crane's-bill)
  • Viola cornuta x V. x wittrockiana (V. tricolor x V. arvensis x V. altaica - Stace / V. altaica × V. lutea subsp. sudetica × V. tricolor. - Kew) = V. x williamsii (Bedding Viola)
  • Viola pubescens Aiton (Kew) Viola pensylvanica (NBN) (Smooth Yellow-violet)
  • Populus tremuloides (American Aspen)
  • Lilium lancifolium (Tiger Lily)
  • Nemesia denticulata (Toothed Aloha)
  • Senecio viscosa x Jacobaea vulgaris (Sticky Groundsel x Common Ragwort)?
  • Triteleia laxa (Triplet Lily)
  • Verbena officinalis var. grandiflora ‘Bampton’ (Vervain 'Bampton')
  • Hedera colchica (Persian Ivy) /-
  • Hedera algeriensis (Algerian Ivy) /
  • Berberis Unidentified (Barberry Unidentified)
  • Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Eva' (Black Elder)
  • Akebia quinata (Chocolate Vine)
  • Berberis glaucocarpa (Great Barberry)
  • Cistus ladanifer (Gum Rock-rose)
  • Melianthus major (Honey Flower)
  • Lonicera henryi (Henry's Honeysuckle)
  • Lonicera tatarica (Tatarian Honeysuckle) - possibly actually L. x morrowii x L. tatarica = L. x bella
  • Veronica salicifolia (Narrow-leaved Hebe)
  • Veronica brachysiphon (Hooker's Hebe)
  • Shrub Unidentified
  • Salix caprea ssp. caprea x S. x supelcralis (Goat x Weeping Willow)?
  • Tree Unidentified 1
  • Tree Unidentified?
  • Sorbus aria 'Lutescens' (whitish-green early leaves) (Silver-leaved Whitebeam) /
  • Sorbus aria 'Majestica' (large leaves) (Common Whitebeam) /
  • Rhus typhina 'Dissecta' (Cut-leaved Stag's-horn Sumac)
  • Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (Blue Leadwood)
  • Vinca difformis (Intermediate Periwinkle) /
  • Populus nigra 'Italica' x P. laurifolia = P. x berolinensis (Berlin Poplar) /

  • Calystegia silvatica ssp. silvatica var. sylvatica (Stace, NBN) (Large Bindweed) /

  • Ballota acetabulosa (False Dittany) /
  • Fraxinus excelsior 'Diversifolia' (One-leaved Ash)
  • Fraxinus excelsior 'pendula' (Weeping Ash)
  • Fraxinus angustifolia ssp. oxycarpa 'Raywood' (Narrow-leaved Ash)
  • Rue (Ruta graveolens)
  • ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aureum' (Golden Privet) -
  • Crocosmia masoniorum (Giant Montbretia)
  • Acorus gramineus 'variegatus' (Slender Sweet-flag)
  • Allium neapolitanum (Neapolitan Garlic)
  • Leucojum aestivum ssp. aesitivum (Summer Snowflake)
  • Odontarrhena serpyllifolia (EDIT, GBIF) (Thyme-leaved Alison) Alyssum serpyllifolium (NBN, Kew) - first record for Britain!?
  • Epilobium parviflorum x E. tetragonum = E. x palatinum (Hoary x Square-stalked Willowherb)
  • Epilobium tetragonum x E. ciliatum = E. x mentiens (Square-stalked x American Willowherb)
  • Prunus cerasifer var. pissardii (Stace) (Cherry Plum)
  • Prunus cerasifer 'Nigra' (Stace) (Cherry Plum)
  • Cornus sanguinea ssp. australis (Stace, NBN) (Dogwood) /-
  • Cerinthe major (Greater Honeywort)
  • Viola cornuta x V. x wittrockiana = V. x williamsii (Bedding Viola)
  • Nolana paradoxa (Chilean Bellflower)
  • Sisyrinchium laxum (Veined Yellow-eyed-grass)
  • Sanvitalia procumbens (Mexican Creeping Zinnia)
  • Zinnia elegans (Garden Zinnia)
  • Tragopogon porrifolius ssp. australis (Stace, NBN, Kew) (Salsify)
  • Tilia mongolica (Mongolian Lime)
  • Echium pininana (Giant Viper's-bugloss)
  • Cercis siliquastrum (Judas-tree)
  • Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis (African Lily)
  • Tradescantia virginiana (Spiderwort)
  • Cotoneaster sherriffii (Sherriff's Cotoneaster)
  • Rosa stylosa x R. squarrosa (Short-styled Field-rose x Glandular Dog-rose)
  • Rumex crispus x R. conglomeratus = R. x schulzei (Curled x Clustered Dock)
  • Eryngium giganteum (Tall Eryngo)
  • Verbena incompta (Purpletop Vervain)
  • Verbena rigida (Slender Vervain)
  • Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Cat's-ear)
  • Leontodon hispidus x L. saxatilis = L. x vegetus (Rough x Lesser Hawkbit / Hybrid Hawkbit) - found at Weston-super-Mare by me in company with Rob Randall.
  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' (Bradford Pear, Callery Pear, Chanticleer Ornamental Pear)
  • Artemisia verlotiorum (Chinese Mugwort)
  • Phlomis russeliana (Turkish Sage)
  • Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage)
  • Eryngium planum (Blue Eryngo)
  • Penstemon hartwegii 'Andenken an F. Hahn' (Hartweg's Beardtongue)
  • Fuchsia magellanica var. molinae (Fuchsia)
  • Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' (Creeping Speedwell 'Georgia Blue')
  • Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver's-root)
  • Guizotia scabra (Rough Niger)
  • Lactuca sativa (Garden Lettuce)
  • Gypsophila elegans (Annual Baby's-breath)
  • Hydrangea sargentiana (Sargent's Hydrangea)
  • Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum (False Solomon's-seal)
  • Salvia hispanica (Chia)
  • Salvia forskaehlei (Indigo Wood Sage)
  • Salvia abrotanoides (Caspian Sage)
  • Symphytum officinalis ssp. bohemicum (Stace) (Bohemium Comfrey) - An extraordinary / astonishing discovery made by me in 2022.
  • Pulmonaria longifolia (Narrow-leaved Lungwort)
  • Phygelius aequalis (Cape Figwort)?
  • Allium unifolium (American Garlic)
  • Vallisneria australis (Australian Tapegrass)?
  • Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella Plant)
  • Bamboo Unidentified (Eastville Park outdoor swimming pool)

List of added plants not recorded first by me:

  • Chara vulgaris var. vulgaris (Common Stonewort) - 5 records according to NBN, species status more accurate NBN
  • Chara vulgaris var. crassicaulis (Common Stonewort) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Chara vulgaris var. longibracteata (Long-bracted Stonewort?) - 5 records according to NBN
  • Chara vulgaris var. papillata (Papillate Stonewort?) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Chara contraria var. contraria (NBN) C. vulgaris var. contraria (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Opposite Stonewort - NBN) - 10 records according to NBN
  • Chara hispida L. (NBN) var. hispida (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Bristly Stonewort - NBN) - Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl. (outside region), Som. Fl., & Som. Fl. Sup.
  • Chara aculeolata (NBN) Chara pedunculata (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Hedgehog Stonewort - NBN) - 6 records according to NBN - As C. polyacantha in Brist. Fl. & Som. Fl. Sup.
  • Chara globularis (NBN) var. globularis (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Fragile Stonewort - NBN) - As C. fragilis (var. capillacea, var. Hedwigii also) in Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl. (C. globularis var. fragilis), Som. Fl., & Som. Fl. Sup. (var. capillacea, var. Hedwigii also).
  • Chara virgata var. virgata (NBN) Chara globularis var. virgata (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Delicate Stonewort - NBN) - 5 records according to NBN - As C. fragilis var. delicatula / C. delicatula in Brist. and Glos. Fl.
  • Chara aspera (NBN) var. aspera (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Rough Stonewort - NBN) - Som. Fl.
  • Nitellopsis obtusa (Starry Stonewort - NBN) - 15 records according to NBN
  • Nitella flexilis (NBN) var. flexilis (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Smooth Stonewort - NBN) - Som. Fl.
  • Nitella opaca (NBN) Nitella flexilis var. flexilis (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Dark Stonewort - NBN) - 4 confirmed records according to NBN - Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland lumps this with the previous but it is accepted as distinct now.
  • Nitella mucronata var. gracillima (Pointed Stonewort - NBN) - 7 records according to NBN
  • Tolypella intricata (Tassel Stonewort - NBN) - 11 records according to NBN
  • Tolypella glomerata (NBN) T. nidifica var. glomerata (Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland) (Clustered Stonewort - NBN) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Selaginella kraussiana (Krauss's Clubmoss) - found naturalised in the grounds surrounding Tyntesfield house, discovered in 2006
  • Diphasiastrum alpinum (Alpine Clubmoss) - found naturalised in Lower Failand Churchyard.
  • Pteris multifida (Spider Brake) - under a grille on Lansdown Road since 2002, and basement in Pierrepont Street - lasted ten years before being destroyed. Det. by F.J. Rumsey in 2006.
  • Pteris nipponica / Pteris parkeri (Variegated Ribbon-fern) - found in 2008, in a deep basement area on St James’ Parade, but was short-lived.
  • Pteris umbrosa (Jungle Brake) - found by Clare and Mark Kitchen in a disused basement on Rivers Street in 2009 - a first record for Britain.
  • Pteris tremula (Tender Brake) - found in 2010 on steps and stonework of a basement area in the Royal Crescent, last seen in 2017.
  • Polystichum setiferum x P. aculeatum = P. x bicknellii (Soft x Hard Shield-fern) - 5 records according to NBN
  • Cyrtomium fortunei (Fortune's Holly-fern) - 1 record according to NBN /
  • Cyrtomium laetevirens (Vigorous Holly-fern) - found by Richard Bland in 2009 (recorded as C. falcatum), Ashton Court, later redetermined by Helena Crouch & Fred Rumsey.
  • Pteris multifida (Spider Brake) - naturalised in basements in Bath - first found by Helena Crouch - 6 records according to NBN
  • Intermediate x Southern Polypody (Polypodium interjectum x P. cambricum = P. x shivasiae)
  • Polystichum tsus-simense / Polystichum luctuosum (Korean Rock-fern) - found in 2009 in the same basement as Jungle Brake where it was last seen in 2012. Found also in 2020 by R.D. Randall from stonework in a basement on Abbey Green.
  • Dryopteris affinis ssp. affinis (D. kerryensis - Kew) (Buckler-Fern - NBN)
  • Dryopteris affinis ssp. cambrensis (D. cambrensis - kew ssp. cambrensis - Kew)
  • Dryopteris affinis ssp. borreri (D. borreri - Kew)
  • Phymatosorus diversifolius (Stace) (Lecanopteris pustulata ssp. pustulata - Kew) (Kangaroo Fern) - 1 plant found on the trunk of a tree fern at Tyntesfield
  • Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgo) - widely planted NBN
  • Picea smithiana (Morinda Spruce) - recorded by Graham Balfrey, Bennett's Patch - also 1 record according to [NBN( presumably this is it,-2.6728172,3a,30y,43.61h,96.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sulK-bjoCfEsxP3tIEV3_aw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu - grows mature in a garden. Probably don't include. Decide!
  • Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) - widely planted in Bristol NBN
  • Cupressus nootkatensis (Stace) Callitropsis nootkatensis (Kew) Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (NBN) (Nootka Cypress) / - 3 records according to NBN
  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' (Irish Yew) / - widely grown in churchyards NBN
  • Houttuynia cordata (Fish-plant) / - 1 record according to NBN
  • Asarum europaeum (Asarabacca) - found in N. Somerset in 2022?
  • Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Magnolia denudata × M. liliiflora = M. x soulangeana (Chinese Magnolia - GBIF, Saucer Magnolia - Wikipedia) - - widely grown.
  • Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip-tree) / - 46 records according to NBN
  • Papaver rhoeas L. var. pryorii Druce (Common Corn Poppy) - "Cornfield at Milbury Heath.", "Differs only in having the hairs on the peduncle of a crimson colour instead of white." - Brist. Fl.
  • Papaver rhoeas L. (Corn Poppy - Stace) pale pink hairs - "Mr. Bucknall has shown me a specimen from near Winterbourne with pale pink hairs"
  • Papaver rhoeas L. (Corn Poppy - Stace) hairs of a golden yellow - "Mr. Bucknall has shown me a specimen from near Winterbourne," "with hairs of a golden yellow."
  • Chelidonium majus (Stace, NBN) ssp. majus (Kew, GBIF) Chelidonium laciniatum Mill. - a form with lancinate petals Shire Plants - Glos. Fl.
  • Chelidonium majus L. (ssp. majus - Kew) (Greater Celandine) double flowers - "with double flowers at the edge of a pasture by the rectory at Henbury, G." - Brist. Fl.
  • Hypecoum pendulum L. (NBN, GBIF) var. pendulum (Kew) (Nodding Hypecoum - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Macleaya cordata × M. microcarpa = x M. kewensis (Hybrid Plume-poppy) /
  • Corydalis cava (Stace, NBN, GBIF) subsp. cava (Kew) Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. et Körte (C. tuberosa DC.) (Hollowroot - Stace, NBN) - Glos. Fl.

  • Clematis tangutica (Maxim.) Korsh. (Orange-peel Clematis - Stace, NBN, Golden Virgin's-bower - GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN

  • Clematis montana (Himalayan Clematis) / - 5 records according to NBN
  • Clematis armandii Franch. (Armand Clematis / Evergreen Clematis - Wikipedia) - 1 record according to NBN - record suspicious - says under occurrence remarks "Noted as Geranium Pelargonium x hybridum."
  • Ranunculus repens (Creeping Buttercup) - double-flowered form - "Westerleigh, 1915, J. W. White."
  • Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) - forma albonaevus (Jord.) - "Miss Roper, in B.E.C. 1924, 706, records as forma albonaevus (Jord.) a plant from Redland (Distr. 5), the leaves of which were white-spotted, though they did not in all other respects agree with Jordan's description. The name is, however, rejected in B.E.C., 1932, 243."
  • Ranunculus sardous Crantz. (Hairy Buttercup) var. parvulus (L.) Lange., (R. parvulus L.). - "Low meadows below Bristol Hotwells, plentiful, 1804, Rev. W. Baker in B.G., Near Bristol, Thwaites."
  • Ranunculus sardous Crantz. (Hairy Buttercup) var. inermis Babey. - "St Philip's Marsh (E), 1906, J. W. White; cf. B.N.S., 1935, 118."
  • Ranunculus trilobus Desf. (Three-lobed Buttercup - GBIF) - "has been found at St Philip's Marsh (E), Bristol, along with R. sardous; cf. J. Bot., 1918, 13."
  • Ranunculus falcatus (ssp. falcatus or ssp. incurvus? - Kew) (Kew) Ceratocephalus falcatus (L.) Pers. (Bur Buttercup - Pl@ntNet) - "Bristol, Sandwith."
  • Ranunculus auricomus L. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) var. apetalus Wallroth. - a 0-petalled form. - Find out microspecies!
  • Ranunculus trichophyllus x R. aquatilis = R. x lutzii A. Félix (Thread-leaved x Common Water-crowfoot) - 1 record on BRERC's DB
  • Ranunculus tricophyllus x R. peltatus - "Brimscombe Farm, between Chipping Sodbury and Wickwar, B.E.C., 1915, 310, and J. Bot., 1918, 12."
  • Ranunculus tripartitus DC. (Three-lobed Crowfoot - Stace, NBN) - 1 record from Avonmouth, 1999 and 1 from near Bleadon, 1989 - BRERC DB.
  • Ranunculus baudotii × R. trichophyllus = R. × segretii (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Ranunculus Baudotii x R. tricophyllus or Drouetii? - R. P. Murray (Brackish x Thread-leaved Water-crowfoot) - "From near Huntspill Rev. R. P. Murray obtained a possible hybrid between this species and either tricophyllus or Drouetii." - Brist. Fl.
  • Ranunculus omiophyllus Ten. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Ranunculus Lenormandi Schultz. R. caenosus Bab. (Round-leaved Crowfoot - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - spelt wrong, should be R. lenormandii - Brist. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Ficaria verna ssp. fertilis
  • Ficaria verna ssp. verna
  • Ficaria verna ssp. ficariiformis (Stace, NBN, GBIF) Ranunculus ficaria subsp. ficariiformis Rouy & Foucaud (Kew) var. incumbens F. Schultz. - "rather rare about Bristol, and seems to be confined to moist shaded situations on low ground, where the plants are luxuriant.", "Luxuriant plants on damp shaded hedgebanks develop these bulbous bodies or aerial tubers in the axils of foliage leaves at the end of April. I have specimens from a sheltered lane at Barrow Gurney with stems a foot long carrying at least three leafy nodes, the lower ones with bulbils. The central node on these stems has produced tufts of from four to six opposite long-stalked leaves, and the upper node usually two much smaller ones. Many of the leaves on these plants are conspicuously angular or ivy-shaped. The tubers of its fasciculate root together with those borne upon the stems, any one of which can produce a new plant, render this species quite independent of fruit for its propagation." - var. incumbens is a synonym for what is now subsp. calthifolia which does not occur with us. The description matches ssp. ficariiformis. - Brist. Fl.
  • Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) abnormal form - "possessing 13 to 18 petals and five sepals. These were collected at Shirehampton in March, 1868, by the Rev. W. W. Spicer." - likely ssp. fertilis or ssp. ficariiformis. - Brist. Fl.
  • Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) a form in which all the stamens were petaloid - "a very pretty plant - occurred as a weed in House’s Combe Nursery; 1904." - an ornamental escape - likely ssp. ficariiformis - was possibly ‘Collarette’ Dorset Perennials. - Brist. Fl.
  • Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) Double flowers - "observed at Queen Charlton by Mr. C. Withers." - likely ssp. ficariiformis 'Flore Pleno' Shire Plants. - Brist. Fl.
  • Consolida regalis Gray (Stace, NBN) (Forking Larkspur - Stace, NBN) Delphinium consolida L. (ssp. consolida - Kew, GBIF) (Royal knight's-spur - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, 1926, Roper. As D. consolida, Shirehampton; Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 320." - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Nigella gallica Jord. (Pale Fennel-flower - NBN) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1925, 736." - Glos. Fl.

  • Platanus orientalis L. (Oriental Plane) General

  • Gunnera tinctoria (Molina) Mirb. (Giant-rhubarb)
  • Ribes odoratum H.L. Wendl. (Buffalo Currant)
  • Ribes alpinum L. (Mountain Currant)
  • Ribes divaricatum Douglas (Coast Gooseberry)
  • Parthenocissus henryana (Hemsl.) Graebn. ex Diels & Gilg (Chinese Virginia-creeper) [this is a CNC record and probably won't check out]

  • Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch (Elephant-ears)

  • Bergenia cordifolia (Haw.) Sternb. (Heart-leaved Elephant-ears) - 1 BSBI record
  • Bergenia crassifolia x B. ciliata = B. x schmidtii (Ciliate Elephant-ears) - 2 BSBI record's
  • Darmera peltata (Torr. ex Benth.) Voss ex Post & Kuntze (Indian-rhubarb)
  • Saxifraga stolonifera Curtis (Strawberry Saxifrage) - 1 record from 1995
  • Saxifraga cuneifolia L. (Lesser Londonpride) - 2 BSBI record's
  • Saxifraga umbrosa L. (Pyrenean Saxifrage) - 5 records
  • Saxifraga spathularis x S. hirsuta = S. x polita (Haw.) Link (False Londonpride) - 1 BSBI record
  • Saxifraga hypnoides L. (Mossy Saxifrage) - "A large patch on the Court Hill, Clevedon, with Erodium maritimum, 1900; S. J. Coley." - Brist. Fl.
  • Saxifraga hypnoides x S. tridactylites (Mossy x Rue-leaved Saxifrage)
  • Heuchera sanguinea Engelm. (Coralbells) - 1 BSBI record
  • Tolmiea menziesii (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray (Pick-a-back-plant) - 2 BSBI record's
  • Chiastophyllum oppositifolium (Ledeb.) A. Berger (Lamb's-tail) - 1 BSBI record
  • Echeveria derenbergii J.A. Purpus (Painted-lady)
  • Sempervivum arachnoideum L. (Cobweb House-leek) - 1 BSBI record
  • Rhodiola rosea L. (Roseroot) - 1 BSBI record (Steep Holm)
  • Sedum praealtum A. DC. (Greater Mexican-stonecrop) - 1 BSBI record
  • Sedum kimnachii V.V. Byalt (Lesser Mexican-stonecrop) - 2 BSBI record's
  • Sedum cepaea L. (Pink Stonecrop)
  • Hylotelephium spectabile x H. telephium = H. 'Herbstfreude' (Autumn Stonecrop) - 2 BSBI record's
  • Hylotelephium telephium (L.) H. Ohba ssp. telephium (Orpine)
  • Hylotelephium telephium (L.) H. Ohba ssp. fabaria (W.D.J. Koch) H. Ohba (Narrow-leaved Orpine)

  • Polygala vulgaris L. ssp. collina (Rchb.) Borbás (Common Milkwort) - Brist. Fl. & Glos. Fl.

  • Ashleaf Maple (Acer negundo)

  • Silk-tassel (Garrya elliptica)

  • Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. corbierei (Stace, NBN) (Placen Felen - NBN) - a single record from 1910 found just East of Nailsea by Herbert William Pugsley NBN /

  • Medicago polyceratia (L.) Sauvages ex Trautv. (Kew, GBIF) Trigonella polycerata L. (NBN) (Many-toothed Medick?, Toothed-leaved Medick?, Serrate-leaved Medick?, Serrated Medick?) - error - should be 'polyceratia' - 1 record according to NBN - Glos. Fl.
  • Trigonella laciniata L. (Cutleaf Fenugreek - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Medicago tornata (L.) Mill. (Kew, GBIF) Medicago obscura Retz., var. spinulosa Guss. (Hairy Medick - - Glos. Fl.
  • Medicago doliata Carmign. (Kew) Medicago turbinata Willd. (Keg Medick - GBIF, Straight-spined Medick - - Glos. Fl.
  • Medicago rigidula Desr. (Tifton Bur-clover - Kew, GBIF, Trifton Medick - GO BOTANY) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Medicago intertexta (L.) Mill. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Medicago ciliaris Krocker (Hedgehog Medick - NBN, Calvary Medick - GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Medicago noeana Boiss. (Noeana Medick?) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Melilotus siculus (Turra) Steud. (Kew, GBIF) Melilotus siculus Jackson. (Sicilian Melilot - Pl@ntNet, Southern Melilot - - Glos. Fl.
  • Trifolium aureum Pollich (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Trifolium agrarium L. (Large Trefoil - Stace, NBN, Golden Clover - GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Trifolium purpureum Lois. (var. purpureum - Kew) (Purple Clover - NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Trifolium constantinopolitanum Ser. (Constantinople Clover - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Trifolium isthmocarpum Brot. (Southern Clover?) - Glos. Fl.
  • Trifolium squarrosum ssp. squarrosum (Kew) Trifolium albidum Retz. (Squarrose Clover -, Rough Clover?, Scaly Clover?) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Astragalus boeticus L. (Milk-Vetch - NBN) - Glos. Fl.
  • Scorpiurus muricatus L. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Scorpiurus subvillosus L. (Caterpillar-plant - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Onobrychis squarrosa Viv. (Squarrose Sainfoin?, Rough Sainfoin?) - Glos. Fl.
  • Cicer arietinum L. (ssp. arietinum - Kew) (Chick Pea - NBN) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Vicia sativa ssp. macrocarpa (Moris) Arcang. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) Vicia sativa L. var. macrocarpa Moris. (Large-seeded Vetch - GBIF) (Common Vetch, Fatch) - "Waste near Horfield, Gibbons in W. E. C., 1922-3, 210." - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia villosa ssp. varia (Host) Corb. (Kew, GBIF) Vicia dasycarpa Tenore (Fodder Vetch - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia benghalensis L. (ssp. benghalensis - Kew) (Purple Vetch - Stace, NBN, Algerian Vetch - GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Vicia monantha ssp. biflora (Desf.) Maire (Kew) Vicia calcarata Desf. (Hard Vetch, Barn Vetch - Plants For A future) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia serratifolia Jacq. (Kew) Vicia narbonensis L., var. serratifolia (Jacq.) Ser. (French Vetch, Purple Broad Vetch - Plants For A Future) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia melanops Sibth. & Sm. (Black-eyed Vetch - NBN, BGIF) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Vicia peregrina L. (ssp. peregrina - Kew, GBIF) (Wandering Vetch - GBIF, Slender-leaved Vetch -, Broad-pod Vetch, Broad-podded Vetch, Rambling Vetch - Pl@ntNet) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Vicia lutea ssp. vestita (Boiss.) Rouy (Kew, GBIF) Vicia vestita Boiss. (Yellow Vetch - Stace, NBN, Hairy Yellow Vetch - GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Vicia hyrcanica Fisch. et Mey. (Hyrcania Vetch?, Hyrcanian Vetch?) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Vicia grandiflora Scop. (Large Yellow Vetch - GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Vicia altissima Desf. (Tall Vetch?) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia palestina Boiss. (Palestine Vetch - iNaturalist, Flowers in Israel) - mistake - should be 'palaestina' - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd. (Ervil - NBN, Bitter Vetch - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia lentoides (Ten.) Coss. & Germ. ssp. lens (Kew, GBIF) Lens nigricans (M. Bieb.) Godr. (NBN) (Black Lentil?) - Glos. Fl.
  • Vicia lens (L.) Coss. & Germ. ssp. lens (Kew, GBIF) Lens culinaris Medik. (NBN), (L. esculenta Moench) (Lentil - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Lathyrus hierosolymitanus Boiss. (Jerusalem Vetchling - Flora of Israel and adjacent areas, Flowers in Israel) - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Lathyrus clymenum L. (Spanish vetchling - GBIF, Wikipedia) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN

  • Amelanchier lamarckii (Juneberry) / - various records according to NBN

  • Rubus ramosus Briggs - 1 BSBI record
  • Rubus rilstonei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rilstone's Bramble?) - recorded from Arnos Vale in 2011 according to NBN. It is mentioned in Glos. Fl. as occuring in district 4 and 7a under the name Rubus plinthostylus Genev. - a synonym for R. koehleri Weihe which does not occur in Britain.
  • Rubus imbricatus x R. rubritinctus ? - Oldbury Court Estate, 17th July 2022 - Rob Randall
  • Rubus wirralensis x R. polyanthemus ? - Lord's Wood, 12th July 2022 - Rob Randall
  • ‘Nailsea incurvatus’ because old specimens in Bristol Museum were given that name - may be a fertile derivative of R.cardiophyllus x vestitus and is a bit like a large R.cardiophyllus but with a hairy stem
  • ‘Nailsea silvaticus’ - a bit like R. sciocharis but with a few stalked glands, especially on the flowering branch
  • ‘Bleadon questieri’ - a bit like R. gratus but different from the Nailsea one. It grows at the top of Canada Combe and along the West Mendip Way that runs along the ridge above Shiplate Slait. It also grows in carr woodland at Shapwick NNR and in a wood on the Polden Hills. It has deep pink petals, a bit like R. rubritinctus but the leaves are unfelted, which puts it in the Sylvatica. I originally thought it was R. questieri, which occurs in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Hants and south Somerset but it is not that nor genuine R. gratus. I ended up calling it ‘Bleadon questieri’.
  • 'Lords Wood lasioclados' - ser. discolores
  • 'Highbury discolor' - ser. discolores
  • R. lanaticaulis x ulmifolius? - ser. Vestitii
  • 'Mendip adenoleucus' - sect. Corylifolii
  • Rubus 'Mendip tuberculatus' (Mendip Tuberculed Bramble) BRLSI - sect. Corylifolii

  • Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne (F. vesca, var. chiloensis L.) (Beach Strawberry - Stace, NBN, Chilean Strawberry - GBIF) - "5, Avon bank, B.E.C., 1932, 333." - Glos. Fl.

  • Potentilla intermedia L. (Russian Cinquefoil - Stace, NBN, Downy Cinquefoil - GBIF) - "Wee Lane; Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 333." - Glos. Fl.
  • Agrimonia Eupatoria L. (Agrimony) Forma albiflora Caspary., A. leucantha Kunze. (White form) - "About a score of plants on a steep bank dividing the road from a deep rhine near Oldbury on Severn ("a large alluvial tract which was formerly a flood-plain of the River Severn, but has been protected for a century or more by an artificial bank, and which, in warm summers, produces rank vegetation"), 1927, E. Nelmes; see J. Bot., 1929, 341." - Glos. Fl.
  • Alchemilla conjuncta (Silver Lady's-mantle) - 1 BSBI record
  • Rosa stylosa x R. canina = R. × andegavensis Bastard (Stace, Kew, GBIF, NBN) (Short-styled Field-rose x Dog-rose) Forma leucochroa (Desv.) Ser., (R. leucochroa Desv.). - Glos. Fl. - 4 records according to NBN
  • Rosa multiflora (Many-flowered Rose) / - 2 records according to NBN
  • Viola riviniana x V. lactea (Common x Pale Dog-violet) mentioned in Glos. Fl. from Yate Lower Common - "more abundant than the lactea parent, 1943, S. M. Walters, Procs. B.N.S., 1943 (1944), 471." and collected by the Sandwith's in 1948 Herbaria United
  • Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare
  • Cerastium fontanum ssp. holosteoides
  • Euphorbia oblongata (Balkan Spurge) / - 9 records according to NBN
  • Rumex acetosa subsp. hibernicus
  • Rumex crispus ssp. crispus
  • Tilia tomentosa 'Petiolaris' (Silver Pendant Lime) (Stace, NBN)
  • Tilia cordata x dasystyla = T. x euchlora (Caucasian Lime) (Stace, NBN)
  • Nothofagus obliqua (Roble) / - 2 records according to NBN
  • Ilex aquifolium x I. perado = I. x altaclerensis (Highclere Holly) / 6 records according to NBN
  • Salix alba 'Britzensis'
  • Salix alba × S. babylonica × S. euxina = S. × pendulina (Weeping Crack-willow) (f. tristis has been recorded) - investigate!
  • Turritis glabra L. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) (Arabis glabra - NBN), Arabis perfoliata Lam., A. glabra (L.) Bernh. (Tower Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF) (Smooth Rock Cress) - Brist. Fl. and Glos Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Cochlearia pyrenaica ssp. alpina (Pyrenean Scurvygrass - NBN)
  • Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf. (French Rocket - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - Brist. Fl. & Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Sisymbrium volgense M. Bieb. ex Fourn., (S. hispanicum sensu J. W. White, non Jacq.) (Russian Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Sisymbrium septulatum DC. (Seven-Lobed Hedge Mustard - [Selina Wamucii] (, Partitioned Rocket, Large-flowered Rocket - Flora of Israel Online) - Glos. Fl.
  • Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort., Brassica orientalis L., Erysimum orientale (L.) Crantz. (Hare's-ear Mustard - NBN) - Glos. Fl. - 5 records according to NBN
  • Conringia austriaca (Jacq.) Sweet. (Southern Hare's-ear Mustard) - Glos. Fl.
  • Brassica oleracea var. oleracea (Wild Cabbage - Stace, NBN)
  • Brassica napus ssp. rapifera (Swede - Stace, NBN)
  • Sinapis alba subsp. dissecta (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Sinapis dissecta Lag., (Brassica dissecta (Lag.) Boiss.). (White Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - "Horfield, 1915, Roper, B.E.C., 1932, 323." - Glos. Fl.
  • Erucastrum nasturtiifolium (Poiret) O. E. Schultz. (ssp. nasturtiifolium or ssp. sudrei? - Kew) (Brassica Erucastrum Vill.). (Watercress-leaved Rocket - NBN) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 323." - Glos. Fl.
  • Diplotaxis viminea (L.) DC. (Vineyard Wall-rocket - NBN, GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Diplotaxis catholica (L.) DC. (Catholic Wall-rocket?, Catholica Diplotaxis, Catholica False Peanut - SELINA WAMUCII) - Glos. Fl.
  • Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua Del. (ssp. rupestris or ssp. tenuisiliqua? - Kew) - 1 record according to NBN - Glos. Fl.
  • Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) Lepidium neglectum Thell. (Apetalous Pepperwort - Stace, Common Pepperweed - GBIF) - "St Philip's Marsh, J. Bot., 1918, 15. Bristol, B.E.C., 1923, 170.", "Bristol, B.E.C., 1928, 726, Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 324." - Glos. Fl.
  • Lepidium graminifolium L. (Tall Pepperwort - Stace, NBN, Grassleaf Pepperweed - GBIF) - "Alien casual at Bristol and Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 324." - Glos. Fl. - 3 records according to NBN
  • Lepidium ramosissimum A. Nels. (Branched Pepperwort, Manybranched Pepperweed - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centre, Pepperweed - GBIF) - "St Philip's Marsh, B.E.C., 1919, 549, 640, Shirehampton, 1919, Sandwith." - Glos. Fl.
  • Neslia paniculata ssp. thracica (Velen.) Bornm. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Neslia apiculata Fisch., Mey. et Avé-Lall., (Vogelia apiculata (Fisch., Mey. et Avé-Lall) Vierhapper). - "About Bristol, B.N.S." - Glos. Fl.
  • Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br., (Anastatica syriaca L.). (Syrian Mustard - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1938, 36." - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Erucaria hispanica (L.) Druce (Sinapis hispanica L., E. aleppica Gaertn.). (Spanish Pink Mustard - Flora of Israel Online) - "Shirehampton, 1912, B.E.C., 1932, 325, Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1935, 23." - Glos. Fl. - 2 records according to NBN
  • Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. landra (Moretti ex DC.) Bonnier & Layens (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Raphanus landra Moretti. (Mediterranean Radish - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1926, 107." - Glos. Fl.
  • Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. (Raphanus tenellus Pall., chorispermum tenellum R. Br.). (Purple Mustard, Blue Mustard, Musk Mustard, Crossflower - Wikipedia, Bean-podded Mustard - GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 325." - Glos. Fl.
  • Cleome gynandra L. (Kew) Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq., (G. pentaphylla (L.) DC., Cleome gynandra L.). (Spider Wisp / Whisp - Kew, GBIF, Shona Cabbage, African Cabbage, Spiderwisp, Cat's Whiskers, Chinsaga, Maman, Stinkweed - Wikipedia) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 325." - Glos. Fl.
  • Viola odorata var. rubro-purpurea Greg. - "Lane, beach near Bitton, W.E.C., 1917-8, 52.", "Flowers rich red-purple, very fragrant, stolons rooting, long and very slender." - Glos. Fl.
  • Frankenia pulverulenta L. (ssp. pulverulenta - Kew) (Annual Sea Heath - NBN, European Sea-heath - GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1928, 728." - Glos. Fl. - 3 records according to NBN
  • Gypsophila muralis L. (Stace, NBN) Psammophiliella muralis (L.) Ikonn. (Kew, GBIF) (Annual Gypsophila - NBN, Low Baby's-breath - GBIF, Wall Baby's-breath?) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 326." - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Gypsophila viscosa Murr. (Sticky Baby's-breath?) - "St Philip's Marsh, I. Evans." - Glos. Fl.
  • Gypsophila scorzonerifolia Ser. (Garden Baby's-breath - GBIF, Glandular Baby's-breath - Go Botany, iNaturalist, Pl@nt.Net) - "Fishponds, Sandwith." - Glos. Fl.
  • Silene armeria L. (Stace, NBN) Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. (Kew, GBIF) (Sweet-William Catchfly - Stace, NBN) - "Probably an error. 5. Bristol, Thwaites list. Cliffs, Observatory Hill, Clifton, G. Nichols." - Glos. Fl. It's not something that can really be confused by a competent botanist. The Observatory has a long history of 'beautifying' so it is quite possibly correct.
  • Silene nocturna L. (ssp. nocturna - Kew) (Mediterranean Catchfly - NBN, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid." - Glos. Fl.
  • Silene pendula L. (Nodding Catchfly - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid." - Glos. Fl.
  • Silene portensis L. (ssp. portensis - Kew) (Porto Catchfly, Porto Pink - SELINA WAMUCII) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid." - Glos. Fl.
  • Silene lydia Boiss. (Lydia Catchfly, Lydia Pink - SELINA WAMUCII) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid." - Glos. Fl.
  • Silene latifolia ssp. latifolia (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Melandrium divaricatum (Reichb.) Fenzl. (Lychnis macrocarpa Boiss.) (White Campion - Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 326." - Glos. Fl.
  • Cerastium dichotomum L. (Forked Chickweed - GBIF) - "Bristol area, B.E.C., 1932, 326." - Glos. Fl.
  • Spergularia purpurea (Pers.) G.Don (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Spergularia longipes Rouy. (Purple Sand Spurry - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 327." - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Paronychia polygonifolia DC. (Many-leaved Nailwort?, Angular-leaved Nailwort? - Wikipedia) - "B.E.C., 1932, 351." - Glos. Fl.
  • Geranium molle var. aequale Bab. (Stace, NBN) Geranium aequale (Bab.) Aedo (Kew, GBIF) (Dove's-foot Crane's-bill - Stace, NBN) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1933, 522." - Glos. Fl. - 1 record according to NBN
  • Geranium robertianum ssp. celticum (Herb-Robert) - From memory I believe we have ssp. celticum on the southern rampart of Dolebury hill-fort, where it grows with Sagina nodosa - R.D.Randall
  • Erodium stephanianum Willd. (Stephen's Stork's-bill - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Erodium cygnorum Nees. (ssp. cygnorum or ssp. glandulosum? - Stace, Kew, NBN) (Western Stork's-bill - Stace, NBN, Australian Stork's-bill - GBIF) - Glos. Fl.
  • Hypopitys monotropa subsp. hypophegea (Stace, NBN) (Yellow Bird's-nest)
  • Anagallis (now Lysimachia) arvensis arvensis azurea (same as ssp. foemina - Blue Pimpernel? now L. foemina)
  • Anagallis (now Lysimachia) arvensis arvensis lilacina ? Check (Stace does not mention sspp.)
  • Berberis julianae (Chinese Barberry) / - 2 records according to NBN
  • Malus spectabilis (Chinese Crab - NBN)
  • Sorbus aria x S. porrigentiformis = S. x avonensis (Stace) Sorbus avonensis (NBN) (Avon Whitebeam / Avon Gorge Whitebeam)
  • Sorbus commixta (Japanese Rowan)
  • Sorbus devoniensis (Devon Whitebeam) - 1 record according to BSBI
  • Sorbus glabriscula (Hupeh Rowan)
  • Sorbus hybrida (Swedish Service-tree / Oak-leaf Mountain Ash / Finnish Whitebeam)
  • Sorbus leighensis (Leigh Woods Whitebeam) -
  • Sorbus pseudofennica (Arran Service-tree / Arran Cut-leaved Whitebeam) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Sorbus richii (Rich's Whitebeam)? - N. Somerset (Stace)
  • Sorbus rupicola (Rock Whitebeam) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Sorbus sargentiana (Sargent's Rowan) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Sorbus spectans (Observatory Whitebeam) /
  • Sorbus thibetica (Thibetan Whitebeam / Tibetan Whitebeam) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Sorbus vestita (Himalayan Whitebeam) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Sorbus vilmorinii (Vilmorin's Rowan / Vilmorin's Mountain Ash) - 6 records according to NBN
  • Sorbus whiteana (White's Whitebeam) /-
  • Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' (Yellow-berried Rowan / Mountain Ash 'Joseph Rock') - 5 records according to NBN
  • Sorbus aria x S. bristoliensis = S. x houstoniae (Houston's Whitebeam) -
  • Sorbus aria x S. eminens = S. x robertsonii (Robertson's Whitebeam) -
  • Sorbus aria x S. torminalis = S. x decipiens (Stace) S. x tomentella (NBN) (False Service-tree) -
  • Sorbus aucuparia x S. scalaris = S. x proctoriana (Proctor's Rowan / Rowan x Ladder-leaf Rowan)
  • Crataegus monogyna ssp. nordica (native) - Stace (Hawthorn)
  • Crataegus monogyna ssp. azarella? (planted) - Stace) (Hawthorn)
  • Cornus sericea (Red-osier Dogwood) -
  • Cornus capitata (NBN) (Bentham's Dogwood / Evergreen Dogwood) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Salix cinerea ssp. cinerea (Grey Willow) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Euphorbia amygdaloides ssp. robbiae (Mrs Robb's Bonnet) /
  • Geranium sanguineum (var. striatum - Stace, NBN) (Bloody Crane's-bill) /
  • Geranium robertianum (ssp. maritimum - Stace, NBN) (Herb-Robert)
  • Cardamine amara (Stace, NBN, GBIF) ssp. amara (Kew) (Large Bitter-cress) - 6 records according to NBN
  • Aurinia saxatilis (Golden Alison) - 3 records according to NBN /
  • Forsythia suspensa x F. viridissima = F. x intermedia (Forsythia - Stace, Clychau Aur - NBN) / -
  • Forsythia suspensa (Trailing Forsythia - Stace, Golden-bell - NBN) / - 4 records according to NBN

  • Deutzia crenata × D. discolor = D. x magnifica (Lemoine) Rehder (Pride-of-rochester)

  • Escallonia rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Escallonia)

  • Apium graveolens var. dulce (Stace, NBN) (Celery) 1 record according to NBN

  • Pastinaca sativa ssp. sativa (Stace, NBN) (Parsnip) - 1 record according to NBN /
  • Heracleum sphondylium ssp. flavescens (Stace, NBN) (Hogweed) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Heracleum sphondylium ssp. sphondylium var. angustifolium (NBN) (Narrow-leaved Hogweed - wildflowerfinder) - 1 record according to NBN (BSBI)
  • Echium pininana (Giant Viper's-bugloss) / - 1 record according to NBN
  • Nonea lutea (Desr.) DC. (Yellow Monkswort - Stace, GBIF, Yellow Nonea - NBN,) - Frampton Cotterrel, 2023, David Hanks.
  • Vinca major (var. oxyloba) (Greater Periwinkle) /
  • Solanum dulcamara (var. marinum - Stace, NBN) (Bittersweet / Woody Nightshade) /
  • Calystegia sepium ssp. sepium (f. colorata - Stace, NBN) (Hedge Bindweed / Great Bindweed - NBN) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Calystegia silvatica ssp. silvatica var. quinquepartita (Stace, NBN) (Large Bindweed) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Calystegia silvatica ssp. disjuncta (Stace, NBN) (Large Bindweed) /
  • Myosotis arvensis (var. sylvestris - Stace, NBN) (Field Forget-me-not) -
  • Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender) /
  • Scutellaria altissima (Somerset Skullcap)
  • Mentha spicata x M. suaveolens = M. x villosa (var. villosa - Stace) (Apple-mint) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Plantago major (ssp. intermedia - Stace, NBN) (Greater Plantain) -
  • Nemesia strumosa (Nemesia - Stace, Cape-jewels - NBN) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Euphrasia confusa (Confused Eyebright - Stace, Little Kneeling Eyebright - NBN) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Euphrasia officinalis ssp. anglica (English Eyebright - Stace, English Sticky Eyebright - NBN) /-
  • Euphrasia pseudokerneri (Chalk Eyebright) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Orobanche crenata (Bean Broomrape) recorded in the past at St Philip's Marsh in 1905 as O. speciosa - Brist. Fl.
  • Orobanche ramosa (Hemp Broomrape) recorded in the past at St Philip's Marsh in 1905, 1907 and 1909 - Brist. Fl. and 1915 Glos. Fl.
  • Orobanche minor ssp. minor var. heliophila (Brachyglottis Broomrape) - on Senecio greyii cv Sunshine - "flower bed of 'The Laurels' nursing home on Brockway - Terry Smith, 2007 - Some botanical curiosities in Nailsea - BNS Nature in Avon.
  • Utricularia australis (Bladderwort) - 1 record according to NBN, BSBI - recorded South of the region at Shapwick Moor by Mr. D. Fry (9th Sep, 1902) Brist. Fl.
  • Utricularia intermedia (Intermediate Bladderwort) - Brist. Fl. White recorded it from Clapton Moor in 1894 but it was never confirmed. It could potentially have been U. stygia (Nordic Bladderwort) or U. ochroleuca (Pale Bladderwort)
  • Utricularia minor (Lesser Bladderwort) - 1 record according to NBN and another just South of the region. In the past it was abundant in ditches on Clapton, Weston and Kenn Moor's Brist. Fl.
  • Campanula alliariifolia (Cornish Bellflower) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Galium mollugo ssp. erectum (NBN) (Upright Hedge Bedstraw) check if valid?
  • Galium album ssp. album (Stace?) Galium mollugo ssp. mollugo (NBN?) (Great Hedge Bedstraw) check if valid?
  • Rubia tinctorum (Madder) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Viburnum lantana x V. rhytidophyllum = V. x rhytidophylloides (Hybrid Wayfaring-tree) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Valerianella abyssinica - recorded as V. dentata var. mixta - Brist. Fl. and V. dentata var. eriosperma - Glos. Fl. (needs checking!)
  • Valerianella eriocarpa (Hairy-fruited Cornsalad) St. Philip's, Bristol, 1904 - Brist. Fl.
  • Dipsacus sativus (Fuller's Teasel) - Brist. Fl.
  • Arctium lappa x A. minus = A. x nothum - 1 record according to NBN
  • Arctium minus (ssp. pubens - Stace) (Lesser Burdock)
  • Serratula tinctoria var. integrifolia (Saw-wort) Brist. Fl. and Glos. Fl. as var. lanceifolia needs investigating
  • Centaurea debeauxii (ssp. nemoralis (non-radiate) and ssp. thuillieri (pseudo-radiate) not worth recognition - Stace) (Chalk Knapweed - Stace, Slender Knapweed - NBN) - 7 records according to NBN
  • Centaurea graminifolia (Kew) recorded as C. seuseana - Brist. Fl. by the description (Large flowers of a darker blue and the leaves are more entire) it is no doubt actually C. montana (Perennial Cornflower)
  • Centaurea jacea (Brown Knapweed) - 2 records according to NBN Glos. Fl.
  • Centaurea maculosa (Spotted Knapweed) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Centaurea nigra x C. jacea = C. x moncktonii (Hybrid Knapweed) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Centaurea paniculata (Jersey Knapweed) - 1 record according to NBN 'small heap of colliery shale at "Holly Gess" near Kingswood, from 1881-1884' - Brist. Fl.
  • Cichorium intybus (ssp. intybus - Stace) (Chicory) - relic of cultivated fields.
  • Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Cat's-ear) - Brist. Fl.
  • Hypochaeris maculata (Spotted Cat's-ear) was recorded by Rupert Higgins
  • Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosus (Stace, NBN) (Perennial Sow-thistle) - 1 record according to NBN recorded as var. glabrescens in Glos. Fl.
  • Lactuca tatarica (Blue Lettuce) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Crepis capillaris var. agrestis (Smooth Hawk's-beard) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Pilosella caespitosa ssp. colliniformis (Stace, NBN) (Yellow Fox-and-cubs) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Pilosella flagellaris ssp. flagellaris (Stace, NBN) (Spreading Mouse-ear Hawkweed) - 4 records according to NBN

  • Taraxacum erythrospermum (Kew) recorded as T. laevigatum (Red-fruited Dandelion, Lesser Dandelion - NBN) - 8 records according to NBN - Glos. Fl. (now refers to T. sect Erythrosperma)

  • Taraxacum obliquum (Many-lobed Dandelion) Glos. Fl. sect. Obliqua
  • Taraxacum palustre (Fen Dandelion) Glos.Fl. sect. Palustria
  • Taraxacum cyanolepis (Kew, NBN) (Bluish-bracted Dandelion) recorded as T. alienum Glos. Fl. sect. Taraxacum
  • Taraxacum pectinatiforme (Pectinate-leaved Dandelion) Glos. Fl. sect. Taraxacum
  • Taraxacum polyodon (Common Dandelion) Glos. Fl. sect. Taraxacum
  • Taraxacum sublaciniosum (Kew) Glos. Fl.
  • Taraxacum udum (Kew) Brist. Fl. (needs checking!) - it is the accepted name for T. crassiceps, T. laeticolorifrons and T. hagendijkii
  • Taraxacum acutum (Violet-striped Dandelion) - 1 record according to NBN sect. Erythrosperma
  • Taraxacum exacutum (Imbricate-bracted Dandelion) - 1 record according to NBN sect. Taraxacum
  • Taraxacum fulvum (Cinnamon-fruited Dandelion) - 1 record according to NBN sect. Erythrosperma
  • Taraxacum huelphersianum (Hülphers's Dandelion) - 1 record according to NBN sect. Taraxacum
  • Taraxacum vastisectum (Crowded-lobed Dandelion) - 1 record according to NBN sect. Taraxacum

  • Hieracium amplexicaule (NBN) ssp. pulmonarioides (Kew, EDIT) (Sticky Hawkweed) - recorded in the past on a wall in Clifton, Brist. Fl. (as H. amplexicaule) and Glos. Fl. (as H. pulmonarioides (NBN) (Wall Hawkweed - NBN)) - near Oxford and Swindon according to NBN - 1 record according to NBN - sect. Amplexicaulia

  • Hieracium anglorum (Kew, EDIT) (Anglian Hawkweed - MAKAQues) - Glos. Fl. (as H. scanicum Dahlst. var. anglorum Ley.) - Mangotsfield 1891, J.W.White (Hieracium sciaphilum Uechtr. var. transiens (Ley) Glos. Fl. (as H. lachenalii var. transiens - comes under H. anglorum (BNS - 25th Aug 1955 P.20) - Rodway Hill population of H. diaphanoides also does (Glos. Fl.) - sect. Vulgata
  • Hieracium angustisquamum (NBN, Kew, EDIT) (Red-tinted Hawkweed) - 1 record according to NBN with more just South of the region - sect. Oreadea
  • Hieracium diaphanoides (NBN, Kew, EDIT) (Fine-bracted Hawkweed - NBN, Diaphanous Hawkweed - MAKAQues) Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl. - Avon Gorge, Mangotsfield - sect. Vulgata
  • Hieracium caesitium (Kew) Hieracium bifidum ssp. maculosum (EDIT) Hieracium maculosum (NBN) (Ribbleshead Hawkweed - MAKAQues) - 1 record according to NBN - sect. Hieracium
  • Hieracium laevigatum ssp. gothicum (Kew, EDIT) - Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl. (as H. gothicum) - St. Vincent's Rocks Brist. Fl, Glos. Fl. (Error?)
  • Hieracium piligerum (NBN, Kew, EDIT) (Brindled Hawkweed) - 1 record according to NBN - sect. Hieracium
  • Hieracium lachenalii ssp. consociatum (Kew, EDIT) Hieracium consociatum (NBN) (Sociable Hawkweed - MAKAQues) - Brist. Fl. (as H. sciaphilum), Glos. Fl. (as H. lachenalii) - St. Vincent's Rocks and around the Avon Gorge - sect. Vulgata
  • Hieracium laevigatum ssp. rigidum - Brist. Fl. (as H. rigidum var. scabrescens (var. is unplaced check!)) - recorded at Sidcot, Churchill Batch and just outside the region at Ebbor Rocks - could occur elsewhere
  • Hieracium laevigatum ssp. tridentatum (Kew, EDIT) (Three-toothed Hawkweed - Brist. Fl.) - Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl. (as H. tridentatum) - recorded at Redland and Crew's Hole
  • Hieracium sabaudum ssp. boreale (Kew, EDIT) (Broad-leaved Hawkweed - Brist. Fl.) - Brist. Fl. (as H. boreale), Glos. Fl (as H. sabaudum agg., H. boreale) - recorded at Sneyd Park, Stoke Bishop, Stapleton, Glen Frome and various other places throughout the region - sect. Sabauda

  • Filago arvensis (Stace, NBN) (Field Cudweed) - 1 record according to NBN

  • Tripleurospermum maritimum x T. indorum - Stace, NBN) (Mayweed - NBN) - 3 records according to NBN
  • Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Confused Michaelmas-daisy) /
  • Alisma plantago-aquatica x A. lanceolatum = A. x rhicnocarpum - 2 records according to NBN
  • Arum italicum ssp. neglectum (Stace, NBN) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Juncus effusus var. subglomeratus (Stace, NBN) (Soft Rush) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Luzula multiflora ssp. congesta (Stace, NBN) (Heath Wood-rush)
  • Festuca ovina ssp. hirtula (Stace, NBN) (Sheep's Fescue)
  • Festuca ovina ssp. ophioliticola (Stace, NBN) (Sheep's Fescue)
  • Poa infirma (Early Meadow-grass) - 9 records according to NBN
  • Brachypodium rupestre (Stace, NBN) (Tor-grass) - 8 records according to NBN - there was confusion here with B. pinnatum in the old flora with the same common name - now changed (check!)
  • Sorghum bicolor (Great Millet) / - 1 record according to NBN
  • Elymus repens (Stace) Elytrigia repens (NBN) ssp. repens (NBN, Kew) f. aristatus (Stace, NBN - as var. aristata) (Common Couch) / - Stace states sspp. status is doubtful (decide!) - loads of records according to NBN
  • Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea (Stace, NBN) (Purple Moor-grass) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Ornithogalum umbellatum ssp. umbellatum (Stace) Ornithogalum umbellatum (NBN) (Star-of-Bethlehem) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Yucca gloriosa (var. gloriosa - Stace) (NBN) (Spanish-dagger) - 4 records according to NBN
  • Cordyline australis (Cabbage-palm) / - records according to NBN
  • Epipactis phyllanthes var. vectensis (Stace, NBN) (Green-flowered Helleborine) - Ashton Court plant recorded as E. leptochila in old flora
  • Gymnadenia densiflora (Marsh Fragrant-orchid) - 2 records according to NBN
  • Hypericum x desetangsii nothossp. carinthiacum (Des Etangs' St John's-wort) - 1 record according to NBN
  • Epipactis purpurata x E. helleborine = E. x schulzei (Violet x Broad-leaved Helleborine) - Hunstrete - Rich Andrews
  • Catapodium rigidum ssp. majus (Stace) (Fern-grass) - occurs around Weston-super-Mare
  • Ulex minor (Dwarf Gorse) - 1 record in 1982 at Hencliff Wood, Hanham according to NBN - needs checking!
  • Cerastium fontanum ssp. holosteoides (NBN, Stace) (Common Mouse-ear) - widespread but scattered according to NBN
  • Cuscuta suaveolens Ser. (Lucerne Dodder - NBN, Fringed Dodder - GBIF) - 5. Baptist Mills, B.E.C., 1932, 346. - to be added before C. australis
  • Cuscuta australis R. Br., var. cesatiana (Bertol.) Yunck. (Australian Dodder - NBN, GBIF) - 5. Kingswood, B.E.C., 1932, 346. - to be added before C. campestre
  • Tradescantia fluminensis (Wandering-jew - NBN, Spiderwort - GBIF) - Clifton Wood, Sunday 20th June - "somehow had taken root in a gutter. It was green-leaved rather than the white-striped form" - CML.
  • Utricularia australis (Bladderwort) - 1 record according to NBN at Latteridge, 29th September 1999. David Hawkins has recorded it in the Gordano Valley. Also recorded outside the region "by Mr. D. Fry and the author on Sept. 9, 1902, in pools formed by turf-cutting about half a mile S.E. of Shapwick Station." - Brist. Fl.
  • Utricularia intermedia (Intermediate Bladder-wort) - 1884 Clapton Moor, J.W.White - Probably error - check! - "In 1884 I took from a ditch on Clapton Moor in the Walton Valley some flowerless Bladder-wort which appeared to have bladders on leafless shoots, the peculiar character of this seldom-flowering species. The Rev. E. F. Linton was inclined to concur on a first examination of my specimen, and on this basis U. intermedia was published as a Somerset plant in Journ. Bot. 1901 p. 92. But we have never met with any flowers to complete the specimen, and this inability rendered the determination so doubtful that it was thought advisable later to withdraw the too hasty record as a possible error (Journ. Bot. 1903, p. 56). My plant still remains unnamed and barren. Watson, in Topogr. Bot., says this species has been cited from Somerset; probably by the late Rev. J. C. Collins, in whose copy of Hooker's Flora (1839) is a marginal note pencilled against the plant "Burtle Turf-moor."
  • Utricularia minor (Lesser Bladderwort) - 1 record according to NBN at Bath Spa University College and another outside the region near Rookham North of Wells in 7th August 1856 by Thomas Wemyss Bogg - check!
  • Dianthus gallicus (Jersey Pink) recorded at Saint Vincent's Rocks in June 1888 by Harold Stuart Thompson Clive Lovatt Herbaria United - check! I think this is a mistake for Dianthus gratianopolitanus (Cheddar Pink)
  • Odonites vernus ssp. vernus (Red Bartsia) - "occurs chiefly on cultivated land." - Brist. Fl.
  • Rhinanthus minor ssp. stenophyllus (Yellow Rattle) - recorded by J. Patrick M. Brenan. Also found by myself and Rob at Worlebury Camp, Weston.
  • Ranunculus lanuginosus (Woolly Buttercup, Downy Buttercup - Wikipedia)? - found by Rob Randall
  • Pentanema ensifolium (Kew, GBIF) Inula ensifolia (NBN) (Sword-leaved Inula - iNaturalist, Narrow-leaved Inula, Slender-leaved Elecampane) - found by Rob Randall
  • Carduus nigrescens subsp. vivariensis - waste ground by Mangotsfield Station in 1896 - tracked down by Mr. S. T. Dunn after detecting it at Bath Flower Show in 1896.
  • Cirsium arvense var. incanum
  • Cota austriaca (Stace) Anthemis austriaca (NBN) (Austrian Chamomile) /
  • Potamogeton obtusifolius (Blunt-leaved Pondweed)
  • Iris sibirica (Siberian Iris) /
  • Scilla luciliae (Boissier's Glory-of-the-snow) /
  • Catapodium rigidum ssp. majus (Stace, NBN) (Fern-grass) /
  • Solanum crispum (Chilean Nightshade) / - 1 record according to NBN
  • Aesculus indica (Indian Horse-chestnut) /
  • Mentha requienii (Corsican Mint) - July 2022 Bath - Rob Randall
  • Rorippa islandica (Northern Yellow-cress) - first recorded at Chew Valley Lake in 2011 - Proceedings of the BNS 2015, Nature in Avon Vol. 75. p. 13
  • Broussonetia papyrifera (Paper Mulberry) - Cumberland Basin - Oldfield Place Carpark, October 2023, Daisy.
  • Chenopodium berlandieri (var. zschackei? - Kew) (Pitseed Goosefoot) / - 5 records from Avon Mouth 1923-28 according to NBN + mine from Horfield Common 5.11.23
  • Chenopodium giganteum (Tree Spinach) / - 5 records according to NBN
  • Sedum kimnachii (Lesser Mexican-stonecrop) /
  • Sedum praealtum (Greater Mexican-stonecrop) /
  • Alkenengi officinarum (Chinese-lantern) - 2 records according to NBN /
  • Erigeron floribundus (Bilbao's Fleabane) /
  • Scrophularia vernalis (Yellow Figwort) - found by David Hawkins on University Road at ST58077334. 2 other records exist in the region according to Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora
  • Hydrocotyle ranunculoides (Floating Pennywort) /- - multiple records according to NBN
  • Scilla forbesii (Glory-of-the-snow) - 5 records according to NBN /
  • Iris sibirica (Siberian Iris) - 5 records according to NBN /
  • Sparaxis tricolor (Harlequinflower) - Miraya - Udley, Wrington, N. Somerset, 8th May, 2023 - a relic growing in rough grassland in what appears to have once been part of a garden.
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica (Altar-lily) - 3 records according to NBN /
  • Sasa palmata (Broad-leaved Bamboo) - long naturalised along the bank of the river at Frome Valley - 2 records according to NBN
  • Nassella tenuissima (Mexican Feather Grass)


Galium parisiense (Wall Bedstraw) - Bishopston Rupert Higgins Galium murale (Small Goosegrass) - Bishopston Rupert Higgins Carex comans (New Zealand Hair-sedge) - Rupert Higgins Bidens ferulifolia (Fern-leaved Beggarsticks) - Rupert Higgins Petunia x hybrida (Petunia) - Rupert Higgins Chaenostoma cordatum (Bacopa) - Rupert Higgins Solanum laciniatum (Kangaroo-apple) - Rupert Higgins Borago pygmaea (Slender Borage) - Rupert Higgins

Plants to be added from The Bristol Flora (/ at the start means it's been added to the main list above):

  • / Ranunculus baudotii × R. trichophyllus = R. × segretii (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Ranunculus Baudotii x R. tricophyllus or Drouetii? - R. P. Murray (Brackish x Thread-leaved Water-crowfoot) - "From near Huntspill Rev. R. P. Murray obtained a possible hybrid between this species and either tricophyllus or Drouetii."
  • / Ranunculus omiophyllus Ten. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Ranunculus Lenormandi Schultz. R. caenosus Bab. (Round-leaved Crowfoot - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - spelt wrong, should be R. lenormandii
  • / Ficaria verna ssp. ficariiformis (Stace, NBN, GBIF) Ranunculus ficaria subsp. ficariiformis Rouy & Foucaud (Kew) var. incumbens F. Schultz. - "rather rare about Bristol, and seems to be confined to moist shaded situations on low ground, where the plants are luxuriant.", "Luxuriant plants on damp shaded hedgebanks develop these bulbous bodies or aerial tubers in the axils of foliage leaves at the end of April. I have specimens from a sheltered lane at Barrow Gurney with stems a foot long carrying at least three leafy nodes, the lower ones with bulbils. The central node on these stems has produced tufts of from four to six opposite long-stalked leaves, and the upper node usually two much smaller ones. Many of the leaves on these plants are conspicuously angular or ivy-shaped. The tubers of its fasciculate root together with those borne upon the stems, any one of which can produce a new plant, render this species quite independent of fruit for its propagation." - var. incumbens is a synonym for what is now subsp. calthifolia which does not occur with us. The description matches ssp. ficariiformis.
  • / Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) abnormal form - "possessing 13 to 18 petals and five sepals. These were collected at Shirehampton in March, 1868, by the Rev. W. W. Spicer." - likely ssp. fertilis or ssp. ficariiformis.
  • / Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) a form in which all the stamens were petaloid - "a very pretty plant - occurred as a weed in House’s Combe Nursery; 1904." - an ornamental escape - likely ssp. ficariiformis - was possibly ‘Collarette’ Dorset Perennials.
  • / Ficaria verna (Stace, NBN, GBIF) Double flowers - "observed at Queen Charlton by Mr. C. Withers." - likely ssp. ficariiformis 'Flore Pleno' Shire Plants.
  • / Ranunculus auricomus L. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) var. apetalus Wallroth. - a 0-petalled form.
  • / Papaver rhoeas L. var. pryorii Druce (Common Corn Poppy) - "Cornfield at Milbury Heath.", "Differs only in having the hairs on the peduncle of a crimson colour instead of white." - Brist. Fl.
  • / Papaver rhoeas L. (Corn Poppy - Stace) pale pink hairs - "Mr. Bucknall has shown me a specimen from near Winterbourne with pale pink hairs"
  • / Papaver rhoeas L. (Corn Poppy - Stace) hairs of a golden yellow - "Mr. Bucknall has shown me a specimen from near Winterbourne," "with hairs of a golden yellow."
  • / Chelidonium majus L. (ssp. majus - Kew) (Greater Celandine) double flowers - "with double flowers at the edge of a pasture by the rectory at Henbury, G." - Brist. Fl.

Plants to be added from The Flora of Gloucestershire (/ at the start means it's been added to the main list above):

  • / Ranunculus tricophyllus x R. peltatus - "Brimscombe Farm, between Chipping Sodbury and Wickwar, B.E.C., 1915, 310, and J. Bot., 1918, 12."
  • / Ranunculus repens (Creeping Buttercup) - double-flowered form - "Westerleigh, 1915, J. W. White."
  • / Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) - forma albonaevus (Jord.) - "Miss Roper, in B.E.C. 1924, 706, records as forma albonaevus (Jord.) a plant from Redland (Distr. 5), the leaves of which were white-spotted, though they did not in all other respects agree with Jordan's description. The name is, however, rejected in B.E.C., 1932, 243."
  • / Ranunculus sardous Crantz. (Hairy Buttercup) var. parvulus (L.) Lange., (R. parvulus L.). - "Low meadows below Bristol Hotwells, plentiful, 1804, Rev. W. Baker in B.G., Near Bristol, Thwaites."
  • / Ranunculus sardous Crantz. (Hairy Buttercup) var. inermis Babey. - "St Philip's Marsh (E), 1906, J. W. White; cf. B.N.S., 1935, 118."
  • / Ranunculus trilobus Desf. (Three-lobed Buttercup - GBIF) - "has been found at St Philip's Marsh (E), Bristol, along with R. sardous; cf. J. Bot., 1918, 13."
  • / Ranunculus falcatus (ssp. falcatus or ssp. incurvus? - Kew) (Kew) Ceratocephalus falcatus (L.) Pers. (Bur Buttercup - Pl@ntNet) - "Bristol, Sandwith."
  • / Consolida regalis Gray (Stace, NBN) (Forking Larkspur - Stace, NBN) Delphinium consolida L. (ssp. consolida - Kew, GBIF) (Royal knight's-spur - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, 1926, Roper. As D. consolida, Shirehampton; Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 320."
  • / Nigella gallica Jord. - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1925, 736."
  • / Chelidonium majus (Stace, NBN) ssp. majus (Kew, GBIF) Chelidonium laciniatum Mill. - a form with lancinate petals Shire Plants
  • / Hypecoum pendulum L. (NBN, GBIF) var. pendulum (Kew) (Nodding Hypecoum - GBIF)
  • / Corydalis cava (Stace, NBN, GBIF) subsp. cava (Kew) Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. et Körte (C. tuberosa DC.) (Hollowroot - Stace, NBN)
  • / Turritis glabra L. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) (Arabis glabra - NBN), Arabis perfoliata Lam., A. glabra (L.) Bernh. (Tower Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF) (Smooth Rock Cress) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf. (French Rocket - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Sisymbrium volgense M. Bieb. ex Fourn., (S. hispanicum sensu J. W. White, non Jacq.) (Russian Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Sisymbrium septulatum DC. (Seven-Lobed Hedge Mustard - Selina Wamucii, Partitioned Rocket, Large-flowered Rocket - Flora of Israel Online)
  • / Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort., Brassica orientalis L., Erysimum orientale (L.) Crantz. (Hare's-ear Mustard - NBN) - 5 records according to NBN
  • / Conringia austriaca (Jacq.) Sweet. (Southern Hare's-ear Mustard)
  • / Sinapis alba subsp. dissecta (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Sinapis dissecta Lag., (Brassica dissecta (Lag.) Boiss.). (White Mustard - Stace, NBN, GBIF)
  • / Erucastrum nasturtiifolium (Poiret) O. E. Schultz. (ssp. nasturtiifolium or ssp. sudrei? - Kew) (Brassica Erucastrum Vill.). (Watercress-leaved Rocket - NBN) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 323."
  • / Diplotaxis viminea (L.) DC. (Vineyard Wall-rocket - NBN, GBIF)
  • / Diplotaxis catholica (L.) DC. (Catholic Wall-rocket?, Catholica Diplotaxis, Catholica False Peanut - SELINA WAMUCII)
  • / Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua Del. (ssp. rupestris or ssp. tenuisiliqua? - Kew) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) Lepidium neglectum Thell. (Apetalous Pepperwort - Stace, Common Pepperweed - GBIF) - "St Philip's Marsh, J. Bot., 1918, 15. Bristol, B.E.C., 1923, 170.", "Bristol, B.E.C., 1928, 726, Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 324."
  • / Lepidium graminifolium L. (Tall Pepperwort - Stace, NBN, Grassleaf Pepperweed - GBIF) - "Alien casual at Bristol and Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 324." - 3 records according to NBN
  • / Lepidium ramosissimum A. Nels. (Branched Pepperwort, Manybranched Pepperweed - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centre, Pepperweed - GBIF) - "St Philip's Marsh, B.E.C., 1919, 549, 640, Shirehampton, 1919, Sandwith."
  • / Neslia paniculata ssp. thracica (Velen.) Bornm. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Neslia apiculata Fisch., Mey. et Avé-Lall., (Vogelia apiculata (Fisch., Mey. et Avé-Lall) Vierhapper). - "About Bristol, B.N.S."
  • / Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br., (Anastatica syriaca L.). (Syrian Mustard - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1938, 36." - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Erucaria hispanica (L.) Druce (Sinapis hispanica L., E. aleppica Gaertn.). (Spanish Pink Mustard - Flora of Israel Online) - "Shirehampton, 1912, B.E.C., 1932, 325, Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1935, 23." - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. landra (Moretti ex DC.) Bonnier & Layens (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Raphanus landra Moretti. (Mediterranean Radish - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1926, 107."
  • / Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. (Raphanus tenellus Pall., chorispermum tenellum R. Br.). (Purple Mustard, Blue Mustard, Musk Mustard, Crossflower - Wikipedia, Bean-podded Mustard - GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1932, 325."
  • / Cleome gynandra L. (Kew) Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq., (G. pentaphylla (L.) DC., Cleome gynandra L.). (Spider Wisp / Whisp - Kew, GBIF, Shona Cabbage, African Cabbage, Spiderwisp, Cat's Whiskers, Chinsaga, Maman, Stinkweed - Wikipedia) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 325."
  • / Viola odorata var. rubro-purpurea Greg. - "Lane, beach near Bitton, W.E.C., 1917-8, 52.", "Flowers rich red-purple, very fragrant, stolons rooting, long and very slender."
  • / Frankenia pulverulenta L. (ssp. pulverulenta - Kew) (Annual Sea Heath - NBN, European Sea-heath - GBIF) - "Avonmouth, B.E.C., 1928, 728." - 3 records according to NBN
  • / Gypsophila muralis L. (Stace, NBN) Psammophiliella muralis (L.) Ikonn. (Kew, GBIF) (Annual Gypsophila - NBN, Low Baby's-breath - GBIF, Wall Baby's-breath?) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 326." - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Gypsophila viscosa Murr. (Sticky Baby's-breath?) - "St Philip's Marsh, I. Evans."
  • / Gypsophila scorzonerifolia Ser. (Garden Baby's-breath - GBIF, Glandular Baby's-breath - Go Botany, iNaturalist, Pl@nt.Net) - "Fishponds, Sandwith."
  • / Silene armeria L. (Stace, NBN) Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. (Kew, GBIF) (Sweet-William Catchfly - Stace, NBN) - "Probably an error. 5. Bristol, Thwaites list. Cliffs, Observatory Hill, Clifton, G. Nichols." It's not something that can really be confused by a competent botanist. The Observatory has a long history of 'beautifying' so it is quite possibly correct.
  • / Silene nocturna L. (ssp. nocturna - Kew) (Mediterranean Catchfly - NBN, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid."
  • / Silene pendula L. (Nodding Catchfly - Stace, NBN, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid."
  • / Silene portensis L. (ssp. portensis - Kew) (Porto Catchfly, Porto Pink - SELINA WAMUCII) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid."
  • / Silene lydia Boiss. (Lydia Catchfly, Lydia Pink - SELINA WAMUCII) - "Bristol, B.E.C., ibid."
  • / Silene latifolia ssp. latifolia (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Melandrium divaricatum (Reichb.) Fenzl. (Lychnis macrocarpa Boiss.) (White Campion - Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) - "Bristol, B.E.C., 1932, 326."
  • / Cerastium dichotomum L. (Forked Chickweed - GBIF) - "Bristol area, B.E.C., 1932, 326."
  • / Spergularia purpurea (Pers.) G.Don (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Spergularia longipes Rouy. (Purple Sand Spurry - GBIF) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 327." - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Paronychia polygonifolia DC. (Many-leaved Nailwort?, Angular-leaved Nailwort? - Wikipedia) - "B.E.C., 1932, 351."
  • / Geranium molle var. aequale Bab. (Stace, NBN) Geranium aequale (Bab.) Aedo (Kew, GBIF) (Dove's-foot Crane's-bill - Stace, NBN) - "Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1933, 522." - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Erodium stephanianum Willd. (Stephen's Stork's-bill - GBIF)
  • / Erodium cygnorum Nees. (ssp. cygnorum or ssp. glandulosum? - Stace, Kew, NBN) (Western Stork's-bill - Stace, NBN, Australian Stork's-bill - GBIF)
  • / Medicago polyceratia (L.) Sauvages ex Trautv. (Kew, GBIF) Trigonella polycerata L. (NBN) (Many-toothed Medick?, Toothed-leaved Medick?, Serrate-leaved Medick?, Serrated Medick?) - error - should be 'polyceratia' - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Trigonella laciniata L. (Cutleaf Fenugreek - GBIF)
  • / Medicago tornata (L.) Mill. (Kew, GBIF) Medicago obscura Retz., var. spinulosa Guss. (Hairy Medick -
  • / Medicago doliata Carmign. (Kew) Medicago turbinata Willd. (Keg Medick - GBIF, Straight-spined Medick -
  • / Medicago rigidula Desr. (Tifton Bur-clover - Kew, GBIF, Trifton Medick - GO BOTANY) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Medicago intertexta (L.) Mill. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) Medicago ciliaris Krocker (Hedgehog Medick - NBN, Calvary Medick - GBIF) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Medicago noeana Boiss. (Noeana Medick?) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Melilotus siculus (Turra) Steud. (Kew, GBIF) Melilotus siculus Jackson. (Sicilian Melilot - Pl@ntNet, Southern Melilot -
  • / Trifolium aureum Pollich (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Trifolium agrarium L. (Large Trefoil - Stace, NBN, Golden Clover - GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Trifolium purpureum Lois. (var. purpureum - Kew) (Purple Clover - NBN, GBIF)
  • / Trifolium constantinopolitanum Ser. (Constantinople Clover - GBIF)
  • / Trifolium isthmocarpum Brot. (Southern Clover?)
  • / Trifolium squarrosum ssp. squarrosum (Kew) Trifolium albidum Retz. (Squarrose Clover -, Rough Clover?, Scaly Clover?) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Astragalus boeticus L. (Milk-Vetch - NBN)
  • / Scorpiurus muricatus L. (Stace, NBN, Kew, GBIF) Scorpiurus subvillosus L. (Caterpillar-plant - Stace, NBN, GBIF)
  • / Onobrychis squarrosa Viv. (Squarrose Sainfoin?, Rough Sainfoin?)
  • / Cicer arietinum L. (ssp. arietinum - Kew) (Chick Pea - NBN) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Vicia sativa ssp. macrocarpa (Moris) Arcang. (Stace, Kew, GBIF) Vicia sativa L. var. macrocarpa Moris. (Large-seeded Vetch - GBIF) (Common Vetch, Fatch) - "Waste near Horfield, Gibbons in W. E. C., 1922-3, 210."
  • / Vicia villosa ssp. varia (Host) Corb. (Kew, GBIF) Vicia dasycarpa Tenore (Fodder Vetch - Stace, NBN, GBIF)
  • / Vicia benghalensis L. (ssp. benghalensis - Kew) (Purple Vetch - Stace, NBN, Algerian Vetch - GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Vicia monantha ssp. biflora (Desf.) Maire (Kew) Vicia calcarata Desf. (Hard Vetch, Barn Vetch - Plants For A future)
  • / Vicia serratifolia Jacq. (Kew) Vicia narbonensis L., var. serratifolia (Jacq.) Ser. (French Vetch, Purple Broad Vetch - Plants For A Future)
  • / Vicia melanops Sibth. & Sm. (Black-eyed Vetch - NBN, BGIF) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Vicia peregrina L. (ssp. peregrina - Kew, GBIF) (Wandering Vetch - GBIF, Slender-leaved Vetch -, Broad-pod Vetch, Broad-podded Vetch, Rambling Vetch - Pl@ntNet) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Vicia lutea ssp. vestita (Boiss.) Rouy (Kew, GBIF) Vicia vestita Boiss. (Yellow Vetch - Stace, NBN, Hairy Yellow Vetch - GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Vicia hyrcanica Fisch. et Mey. (Hyrcania Vetch?, Hyrcanian Vetch?) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Vicia grandiflora Scop. (Large Yellow Vetch - GBIF) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Vicia altissima Desf. (Tall Vetch?)
  • / Vicia palestina Boiss. (Palestine Vetch - iNaturalist, Flowers in Israel) - mistake - should be 'palaestina' - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd. (Ervil - NBN, Bitter Vetch - GBIF)
  • / Vicia lentoides (Ten.) Coss. & Germ. ssp. lens (Kew, GBIF) Lens nigricans (M. Bieb.) Godr. (NBN) (Black Lentil?)
  • / Vicia lens (L.) Coss. & Germ. ssp. lens (Kew, GBIF) Lens culinaris Medik. (NBN), (L. esculenta Moench) (Lentil - Stace, NBN, GBIF)
  • / Lathyrus hierosolymitanus Boiss. (Jerusalem Vetchling - Flora of Israel and adjacent areas, Flowers in Israel) - 1 record according to NBN
  • / Lathyrus clymenum L. (Spanish vetchling - GBIF, Wikipedia) - 2 records according to NBN
  • / Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne (ssp. chiloensis Kew, GBIF) (F. vesca, var. chiloensis L.) (Beach Strawberry - Stace, NBN, Chilean Strawberry - GBIF) - "5, Avon bank, B.E.C., 1932, 333."
  • / Potentilla intermedia L. (Russian Cinquefoil - Stace, NBN, Downy Cinquefoil - GBIF) - "Wee Lane; Avonmouth Docks, B.E.C., 1932, 333."
  • / Agrimonia Eupatoria L. (Agrimony) Forma albiflora Caspary., A. leucantha Kunze. (White form) - "About a score of plants on a steep bank dividing the road from a deep rhine near Oldbury on Severn ("a large alluvial tract which was formerly a flood-plain of the River Severn, but has been protected for a century or more by an artificial bank, and which, in warm summers, produces rank vegetation"), 1927, E. Nelmes; see J. Bot., 1929, 341."
  • / Rosa stylosa x R. canina = R. × andegavensis Bastard (Stace, Kew, GBIF, NBN) (Short-styled Field-rose x Dog-rose) Forma leucochroa (Desv.) Ser., (R. leucochroa Desv.).