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Duck's "The Natural History of Portishead" Plant List

J. N. Duck's "The Natural History of Portishead" Plant List

  • Veronica anagallis, in ditches
  • Veronica officinalis, on waste ground
  • Veronica montana
  • Veronica hirsuta, on the beach
  • Lycopus Europaeus, in the ditches of the fields behind the National School
  • Salvia verbenaca, in dry stony ground
  • Valeriana rubra, on rubbish heaps, walls, &c.
  • Iris pseudacorus, in ditches on the common
  • Iris foetidissima, near the broad walk
  • Scripus maritimus, in semi stagnant water
  • Eleocharis palustris, in Wood Hill Marsh
  • Alopecurus agrestis, in meadows, &c.
  • Alopecurus bulbosus, in stagnant pools
  • Millium effusum, in the wood
  • Arundo Phragmites, in ditches
  • Melica uniflora, in the wood
  • Glyceria rigida, on walls
  • Glyceria distans, in dry soil
  • Poa nemoralis, on the margin of the wood
  • Festuca pratensis, in meadows, Wood's side
  • Festuca bromoides, on walls
  • Festuca sylvatica, in the wood, hedges, &c.
  • Festuca loliacea, in the wood, hedges, &c.
  • Bromus asper, in the wood, hedges, &c.
  • Bromus erectus, in meadows, wood's side, &c.
  • Avena pubescens, in meadows
  • Triticum caninum, in damp situations
  • Dipsacus sylvestris, on rubbish heaps, waste land, &c.
  • Scabiosa columbaria, on the Battery point
  • Gallium Witheringii, on the margin of ditches
  • Rubia peregrina, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Plantago major, generally distributed
  • Plantago media, generally distributed
  • Plantago maritima, on the rocks of the shore
  • Cornus sanguinea, in lanes, the wood, &c.
  • Myosotis arvensis, in corn fields
  • Lithospermum officinalis, on dry stony banks
  • Lithospermum purpuro caeruleum, in the wood attached to Woodland Villa (West)
  • Primula elatior
  • Lysimachia nummularia, near the Battery point
  • Campanula Trachelium, in the wood
  • Verbascum Thapsus, in hedges, lanes, &c.
  • Verbascum Blattaria, in a field near the Battery
  • Verbascum pulverulentum, on dry banks near the shore
  • Solanum nigrum, generally distributed
  • Erythraea centaurium, in poor dry land
  • Samolus Valerandi, in ditches of Wood Hill Marsh
  • Rhamnus Frangula, in the wood
  • Euonymus Europaeus, in the wood
  • Ribes glossularia, in a lane leading to Clapton
  • Ribes rubrum, in a lane leading to Clapton
  • Chenopodium murale, under walls
  • Chenopodium Bonus Henricus, on Kilkenny Beach
  • Chenopodium botryoides, under a wall near the mill
  • Chenopodium ficifolium, in a field near the National School
  • Beta maritima, on Kilkenny beach
  • Gentiana amarella, on the Battery point
  • Sium amornum, in dry stony soil
  • Sium angustifolium, in ditches on the common
  • Sison nodifoleum, in dry stony soil
  • Oenanthe crocata, in damp situations
  • Oenanthe pimpinelloides, about the wharf
  • Crithmum maritimum, on the rocks of the Battery point
  • Apium graveolens, in damp situations
  • Angelica sylvestris, in damp situations
  • Meum Foeniculum, in a lane near Capenor Court
  • Pimpinella saxifraga, in meadows
  • Cnidum silaus, in a field behind the National School
  • Pastinaca sativa, in hedges
  • Viburnum Lantana, in the wood
  • Statice armeria, in the wharf
  • Linum angustifolium, in dry soil
  • Luzula campestris, in the wood
  • Luzula congesta, in ditches of the marsh
  • Rumex pulcher, about the beach
  • Rumex maritimum, about the beach
  • Triglochin maritimum, in ditches
  • Epilobium angustifolium, near the windmill
  • Chlora perfoliata, in stony ground
  • Acer campestre, in the wood, &c.
  • Polygonum amphibium, in wet situations
  • Polygonum hydropiper, in dry arable land
  • Paris quarifolia, in the wood
  • Adoxa moschatellina, in a lane near Capenor Court
  • Butomus umbellatus, in ditches in the common
  • Saxifraga tridactylites, on walls in the village
  • Arenaria marina
  • Arenaria trinervis, on dry stony banks
  • Cotyledon umbilicatus, about old walks
  • Sedum Album, on the wharf
  • Sedum dasyphyllum, on a wall near the church
  • Agrostemma Githago, in arable land
  • Lychinus vespertina, in arable land
  • Lythrum Salicaria, in ditches of the common
  • Agrimonia Eupatoria, in stony soil
  • Prunus cerasus, in the wood
  • Mespilus oxyacantha, generally distributed
  • Pyrus malus, in hedge-rows, the wood, &c.
  • Pyrus Aria, in the wood
  • Spirea Ulmaria, in damp situations
  • rosa arvensis, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Rubus caesius, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Fragaria vesca, generally distributed
  • Potentilla anserina, in dry stony ground
  • Potentilla reptans, in dry stony ground
  • Potentilla fragariastrum, in the wood
  • Cheledonium majus, in the village
  • Glancium luteum, on Kilkenny beach
  • Papaver hybridum ? near the windmill
  • Papaver rhoeas, in arable lands
  • Heleanthemum vulgare, in dry stony land
  • Ranunculus auricomus, in the wood
  • Nepeta cataria ? about the broad walk
  • Verbena officinalis, generally distributed
  • Mentha gentilis ? in ditches in the common
  • Glechoma hederacea, generally distributed
  • Lamium amplexicaule, on dry waste land
  • Galeopsis Ladanum, generally distributed
  • Galeopsis versicolor, on rubbish heaps, waste land, &c.
  • Galeobdolon luteum, in the wood
  • Betonica officinalis, in the wood
  • Stachys arvensis, in arable land
  • Stachys palustris, in damp situations
  • Stachys Germanica, in the fir wood, near Wood-hill
  • Ballota nigra, in a field near the church
  • Clinopodium vulgare, generally distributed
  • Euphrasia officinalis, generally distributed
  • Melampyrum pratense, in the wood
  • Antirrhinum Elatine, on a wall near Tower farm
  • Scrophularia nodosa, in lanes, &c.
  • Scrophularia aquatica, in ditches
  • Orobanche elatior, on dry banks
  • Orobanche minor, in arable land
  • Lepidium campestre, in arable land
  • Lepidium hirtum, on the beach
  • Thlaspi arvense, in waste ground
  • Cochleria Anglica, on the banks of the Pill
  • Cochleria armoracia, in damp situations
  • Senebiera coronopus, in stony ground, paths, &c.
  • Cardamine impatiens, in damp situations
  • Cardamine amara, in arable land
  • Arabis hirsuta, generally distributed
  • Sinapis muralis, under walls in the village
  • Sinapis nigra, generally distributed
  • Raphanus maritimus, on the Battery point
  • Geranium pusillum, generally distributed
  • Geranium lucidum, in dry soils
  • Geranium columbinum, about the wood
  • Althea officinalis, in Wood-hill marsh
  • Malva moschata, on the broad walk, beach, &c.
  • Ononis arvensis, generally distributed
  • Anthyllis vulneraria, on the Battery point, beach, &c.
  • Lathyrus Nissolia, in a lane leading to Clapton
  • Lathyrus sylvestris, generally distributed
  • Vicia sylvatica, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Vicia sativa, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Vicia angustifolia, on the common and beach
  • Astragalus glycyphyllos, about the margin of the wood
  • Trifolium officinale, generally distributed
  • Trifolium medium, about the wood
  • Trifolium arvense ? on the beach
  • Trifolium fragiferum, in wet meadows
  • Lotus corniculatus, generally distributed
  • Hypericum Androsaemum, about the margin of the wood
  • Hypericum montanum, about the margin of the wood
  • Hypericum pulchrum, about the margin of the wood
  • Tragopogon pratensis, about the beach and roadside
  • Picris echioides, in waste land
  • Picris hieracioides in waste land
  • Sonchus palustris, in Wood-hill marsh
  • Prenanthes muralis, on walls, dry banks, &c.
  • Hieracium sylvaticum, on the rocks near the windmill
  • Hieracium Lawsoni, on the rocks near the Battery point
  • Hieracium sabaudum, roadside
  • Cichorium Intybus, in poor arable land
  • Serratula tinctoria, in the wood
  • Carduus tenuiflorus, about the beech
  • Carduus nutans, generally distributed
  • Cnicus palustris, in damp situations
  • Cnicus eriophorus, between Wood-hill and the pill
  • Bidens tripartita, in a pond between Nightingale valley and Tower farm
  • Eupatoria canabinum, about the wood
  • Tanacetum vulgare, in lanes
  • Artemisia maritimum, on the beach
  • Artemisia absinthium, on the beach and in hedges
  • Gnaphalium uliginosum, in the marsh
  • Conyza squarosa, generally distributed
  • Tusilago Farfara, on dry stony banks
  • Senecio viscosus, in waste land
  • Senecio tenuifolius, on the common
  • Senecio aquaticus, in wet meadows
  • Aster Tripolium, on the wharf
  • Inula Helenium, between the church and independent chapel
  • Inula dysinterica, generally distributed
  • Chrysanthemum segetum, in arable fields near the windmill
  • Pyrethrum maritimum, on the beach, in the village
  • Pyrethrum parthenium, by the roadside in the village
  • Matricaria chamomilla, generally distributed
  • Achillea millefolium, generally distributed
  • Centaurea jacea, in arable lands
  • Centaurea scabiosa, generally distributed
  • Orchis morio, near Tower farm
  • Orchis mascula, in the wood
  • Orchis conopsea ? near Nightingale valley
  • Ophrys apifera, about the Battery point and beach
  • Lystera ovata, generally distributed
  • Euphorbia exigua, in gravel walks
  • Euphorbia amygdaloides, in the wood
  • Sparganium ramosum, in ditches on the common
  • Typha latifolia, in stagnant ponds and ditches
  • Carex riparia, in ditches
  • Carex vulpina, in ditches
  • Urtica urens, in the village, in dry ground
  • Bryonia dioica, generally distributed
  • Arum maculatum, in hedges, lanes, &c.
  • Poterium Sanguisorba, on the Battery point
  • Salix cinera, in the wood, hedgerows, &c.
  • Viscum album, a parasite on various trees
  • Humulus Lupulinus, in a lane near the church
  • Tamus communis, in the wood, lanes, &c.
  • Atriplex patula, in arable land
  • Asplenium marinum, on conglomerate rocks of Black Nore
  • Asplenium adiantum nigrum, about the sea coast
  • Scolopendrium ceterach, on old walls in the village
  • Scolopendrium vulgare, in shady places