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The Bristol region is the richest and best studied district for its bramble flora in Britain; supporting well over a third of all species described to these Isles. The constant evolving of new species through apomictic hybridisation means the study of this highly complex genus is infinite. The sudden and unexpected loss of R.D. Randall - our region's resident and national authority on Brambles and to whom this account is dedicated to, has meant that frustratingly this account is not as complete as was otherwise hoped for. A huge thanks are in order for D. Peters who has worked tirelessly to recover the vast knowledge that has been lost.

Combined List with all mentions included: (FOTBR, Som. Fl., Som. Fl. Sup., Brist. Fl., Glos. Fl., Glos. Nats., BRERC)

Flora of the Bristol Region (re-ordered with extinct included):

  • Rubus tricolor (Chinese Bramble) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus saxatilis (Stone Bramble) 1883 - FOTBR

  • Rubus saxatilis, L. - Stone Bramble - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) = Rubus idaeus, L. Raspberry - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) - Yellow cultivar = fruit amber-coloured, the prickly setae of the stems a still paler colour - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) = b. obtusifolius, Willd. (Leesii, Bab.). - A unisexual male form; it has blunt sepals and blunt leaflets (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland). - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Raspberry x Dewberry) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus idaeus L. x R. caesius L. = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = Rubus caesius x idaeus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry, Hairy Bramble - GBIF) - FOTBR

  • Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry) ? - FOTBR

  • Rubus loganobaccus (Stace, EDIT) Rubus idaeus x R. ursinus (Kew) vitifolius (old name) = R. × loganobaccus (Kew, GBIF) (Loganberry) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus fruiticosus agg. (Blackberry, Bramble - NBN) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus idaeus x R. fruticosus agg. ? (Raspberry x Bramble) (Name will become more specific) - FOTBR

  • Rubus bertramii (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) 1981 - FOTBR

  • Rubus divaricatus (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus fissus, Lindl. (Cleft Bramble - NBN, Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl. (not in region) sect. Rubus

  • Rubus libertianus, Wh. ? - does not occur in Britain - check! [it possibly refers to what is now R. arrheniiformis] (not in region)

  • Rubus polonicus (Kew) Rubus nessensis (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF, Polish Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) R. nessensis Hall (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus nessensis, Hall. (R. suberectus, Anders.) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) 1981 /- - FOTBR

  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus, Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus scissus (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus sulcatus (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF) - FOTBR

  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) R. plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus, Wh. and N. (R. fruticosus, L.) - Som. Fl.

  • b. hemistemon (P. J. Muell). - unplaced / valueless local or singular biotype (Kew), "R. plicatus var. micranthus Lange, R. plicatus var. hemistemon sensu Rogers pro parte - A dwarf form with small leaves and small flowers" - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland [probably just a dwarf form. R. hemistemon is considered a synonym for R. sprengelii on GBIF]

  • Rubus fruticosus L. x R. affinis Weihe & Nees (R. plicatus Weihe & Nees x R. vigorosus P.J. Müll. & Wirtg. - NBN) (Folded-leaved Bramble x Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus x affinis - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus affinis (Kew, GBIF) Rubus vigorosus (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus affinis, Wh. et. N. (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus briggsianus (W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Briggs' Bramble - GBIF) = var. briggsianus, W. M. Rogers. - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus adspersus (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (Kew, GBIF) (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN) = Rubus carpinifolius, Wh. et. N. - [" I think it must go with R. podophyllus, and probably both are extreme forms of R. carpinifolius"] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus albionis (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus villicaulis, Koehl. (R. calvatus, Blox.) [R. villicaulis was used as an agg. for R. calvatus and R. nemoralis (R. selmeri) and confused with others] - Som. Fl. (not in region?)

  • Rubus errabundus (Shining-stemmed Bramble - BSBI, Wandering Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus gratus, Focke. (Grateful Bramble?) - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus imbricatus (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF, Imbricate-leaved Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus imbricatus Hort (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus cariensis, Rip. et Genev. - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus imbricatus, Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus laciniatus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus nemoralis 'Laciniatus' (Kew) (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus leucandriformis Edees & A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus leucandrus, Focke. (Broad-petalled Bramble - GBIF) [R. leucandrus does not occur in Britain] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus lindleianus (Rubus lindleyanus - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus lindleyanus Lees (Kew) / Rubus lindleianus, Lees. (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus platyacanthus (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus umbrosus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis (NBN, EDIT) (Pyramidal-flowered Bramble - BSBI, Shady Bramble?, Pyramidal Bramble?, Pyramidal Blackberry?) /- - FOTBR

  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt. (NBN, EDIT) - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt. (NBN, EDIT) = f. eglandulosa - "plants perfectly eglandular." - Murray - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus sciocharis (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus silvaticus, Wh. et. N. (Wood Bramble - GBIF) - check! - may have been a mistake for R. sciocharis. I found a plant from Brislington which Rob said might be R. sciocharis - could it be the same plant mentioned in Som. Fl.? - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus amplificatus Lees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. amplificatus (Lees). - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus cardiophyllus (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF, Heart-leaved Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius, Wh. et. N. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" (Glos. Fl.) - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus macrophyllus, Wh. et. N. (subsp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF) [True R. macrophyllus does occur not far from the Bristol Region and it could be expected to turn up one day but all our records are likely mistakes for the very variable R. cardiophyllus] - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus schlechtendalii Weihe ex Link (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. Schlechtendalii (Wh.). [A mistake! R. schlechtendalii does not occur in Britain] Som. Fl.
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) ? Rubus macrophyllus ssp. macrophyllus (Kew) Rubus piletostachys Gren. & Godr. (GBIF, EDIT) = ? Rubus piletostachys, Gr. et Godr. - "some of the plants with a few shortly stalked glands on the stem, and more numerous glands on the rachis" - Murray [I've seen R. cardiophyllus with glands on the younger and more trailing stems] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus cissburiensis (Cissbury Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus cornubiensis (Cornish Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus curvispinosus (Curved-spined Bramble?, Curved-prickled Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus diversiarmatus (Somerset Bramble - GBIF, Disarmed Bramble?, Diverse Bramble?, Diverse-armed Bramble?, Various Bramble?, Varied-stemmed Bramble?, Various-stemmed Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus diversiarmatus W.C.R. Watson (Kew, GBIF, NBN) (Somerset Bramble - GBIF) Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. argenteus, Wh. et. N. [ours is not R. rhombifolius but an local endemic - R. diversiarmatus] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus dumnoniensis, Bab. (Dumnon Bramble?, Weston Bramble?) - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus elegantispinosus (Railway Bramble - GBIF, Elegant-spined Bramble?, Elegant Spiny Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus nemoralis (Boreal Bramble - GBIF, Northern Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus nemoralis, P. J. Muell. (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus pampinosus (Pompous Bramble?, Leafy Bramble?, Vine-leaved Bramble?, Vine-leaf Blackberry?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus polyanthemus (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus, Newman. (R. polyanthemos, Lindl.) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus prolongatus (Southern Bramble - BSBI, Prolonged Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus ramosus (Branched Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus rhombifolius, Wh. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus rubritinctus (Red-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus erythrinus, Genev. (Red-stemmed Bramble?) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus erythrinus x rusticanus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson x Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke (? x ?) = Rubus erythrinus x longithyrsiger - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus subinermoides (Unarmed Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus subinermoides Druce? (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens, Wh. et. N. (?) (Few-prickled Bramble?) [R. chloocladus does not occur in Britain. I think our plants may have referred to R. subinermoides though R. winteri or a vestitus hybrid is a possibility] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus villicauliformis (Shaggy Bramble?, Shaggy-leaved Bramble?, Shaggy-stemmed Bramble?, Hairy-spined Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus sprengelii (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) - FOTBR

  • Rubus Sprengelii, Wh. (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan Giant / Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalaya Blackberry - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus rossensis (Ross Bramble - BSBI, Rose-stemmed Bramble?, Pink-stemmed Bramble? Rose-coloured Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus ulmifolius (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Common Bramble - GBIF, Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus rusticanus, Merc. (R. ulmifolius, Schott., R. discolor, auct. Brit., R. amoenus, Portenschl.) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus ulmifolius var. leucocarpus - White Blackberry - form of above = f. leucocarpus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus / (Elmleaf x European Blackberry / Common x European Blackberry) - FOTBR [Avon Gorge plant is fertile and looks superficially like R. vestitus but has much more felted leaves and is less hairy - R.D. Randall]

  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x rusticanus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Pruinose x Elm-leaved Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x rusticanus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus winteri (Winter's Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus winteri P.J. Müll. ex Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argentatus, P. J. Muell. (Winter's Bramble) [True R. argentatus now refers to R. godronii Lecoq & Lamotte which doesn't occur in Britain] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus adscitus (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus micans, Gr. et Godr. (R. hypoleucus, Lefv et Muell., R. adscitus, Genev). (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) - names in brackets from Som. Fl. are a distinct species (R. adscitus Genev.) - mistake! - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus bartonii (Barton's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus boraeanus, Genev. (Boraean Bramble?) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus lanaticaulis (Woolly Bramble?, Woolly-stemmed Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus longus (Long-leaved Bramble - BSBI, Long Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus longus (W.M. Rogers & Ley) A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus lasioclados (Focke) A.Först. (Kew, GBIF) = var. angustifolius, W. M. Rogers. - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England." - Glos. Fl. - [R. lasioclados does not occur in Britain. They are mistakes for R. longus and likely other vestitus-ulmifolius hybrids] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus orbus (Round Bramble?, Round-stemmed Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus surrejanus (Surrey Bramble - BSBI, Upright Bramble?, Upright-prickled Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus vestitus (Soft-haired Bramble - BSBI, European Blackberry - GBIF, Velvet-leaved Bramble?, Vested Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus vestitus Weihe & Nees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus leucostachys, Schleich. (R. vestitus, Wh.) (European Blackberry - GBIF) - [In the past R. vestitus was confused with R. leucostachys. True R. leucostachys does not occur with us] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x ? Rubus infestisepalus Edees & A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus macrothyrsus Lange (Kew, GBIF) = var. R. gymnostachys, Genev. (R. macrothyrsos, J. Lange.) - [R. macrothyrsos does not exist in Britain. Plants according with it are now named R. infestisepalus but ours are likely vestitus hybrids - possibly with R. echinatus?] - Check!

  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Pruinose x European Blackberry) = Rubus corylifolius x leucostachys - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus wirralensis (Wirral's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronatus, Blox. [ours no doubt refers to R. wirralensis and not true mucronulatus] - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus oigocladus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. oigocladus (Muell. et Levf). (R. fusco-ater, auct. angl. p.p.) - Rubus oigocladus Muell. et Levf. (placed as a var. of R. mucronatus - see above) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "I believe that R. oigogladus may be best treated as a glandular form or variety of R. mucronatus" - Murray - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus bloxamii (Bloxam's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus botryeros (Striated-stem Bramble - BSBI, Clustered Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus echinatoides (Notched-petal Bramble - BSBI, False Echinate Bramble?, False Dense-spined Bramble?, False Dense-prickled Bramble, False Bristly-stemmed Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • close to Rubus echinatoides (W.M.Rogers) Dallman (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = close to var. echinatoides, W. M. Rogers. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus echinatus (Hedgehog Bramble - BSBI, Echinate Bramble NBN, Dense-spined Bramble?, Dense-prickled Bramble, Bristly-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus echinatus, Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus euryanthemus W.C.R. Watson (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) (Pale-styled Bramble - GBIF) Rubus laetus E.F.Linton (Kew, EDIT) Rubus lintonii Focke ex Bab. (NBN, GBIF) = Rubus lintoni, Focke. (typo - missing an i) - [not R. lintonii but R. euryanthemus - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus saltuum (Kew) Rubus flexuosus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew, GBIF) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus foliosus, Wh. et. N. (R. Guentheri, Bab. non. Wh., R. flexuosus, P. J. Muell., R. derasus, Lej. et. Muell., R. saltuum, Focke). - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus fuscicaulis (Brown-stemmed Bramble?, Brown-haired Bramble?, Brown Hairy Bramble? Brown Hairy-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus fuscus, Wh. et. N. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF) [does not occur in our region - most records belong to R. fuscicaulis. White's plant from Sneyd Park is R. melanodermis] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus insectifolius (Insect-leaved Bramble?, Slender-branched Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus longithyrsiger (Long-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus longithyrsiger, Bab. (Lees. MS.). (R. pyramidalis, Bab. non. Kalt.). - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke x Rubus scabripes Genev. (Long-stemmed x Large-flowered Bramble) = Rubus longithyrsiger x rosaceus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus pallidus, Wh. et. N. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus radula (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF) /- - FOTBR

  • Rubus radula, Wh. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF) - [White places most of ours with R. raduloides but the true plant does exist] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus rudis (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus rudis, Wh. et. N. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus rufescens (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P. J. Müll (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = c. R. rosaceus, var. infecundus, W. M. Rogers. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus sempernitens D.E. Allen & Margetts? (Shining-green Bramble - GBIF) Rubus putneiensis W.C.R.Watson? (name is unplaced - Kew) = Rubus rhenanus, P. J. Muell ? "The barren stem differs in being much more glabrous, and so comes near to R. lejeunei, Wh. et N." - find out! [R. sempernitens best fits the distribution] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus troiensis (Troi's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • ? Rubus acutifrons, Ley. - "the plant found near Selwood was a form connecting his new variety amplifrons with the type." - Som. Fl. Sup.

  • Rubus coombensis (Combe Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus diversus (Diverse Bramble?, Diverse-leaved Bramble?, Variable Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) = Rubus Kaltenbachii, Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus glareosus (Gravelly Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus leightonii (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) = var. anglicanus, W. M. Rogers. - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum, Lefvre. - under R. rosaceus, Wh. et. N. var. silvestris, mihi. - "Roadwater; J. W. White (specimens from this locality have been referred doubtfully by Dr. Focke to R. ericetorum, Lefvre)." - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus melanodermis (Blackish-stemmed Bramble - BSBI, Black-stemmed Bramble?, Melanoderm Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus micans (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus moylei (Moyle's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus percrispus (Undulate-leaved Bramble - BSBI, Crisp Bramble?, Crisp-leaved Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus raduloides (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, Kew, EDIT) (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = var. raduloides, W. M. Rogers. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus erubescens (Kew, GBIF) Rubus trichodes (NBN) (Blushed Red-stemmed Bramble?, Red Blushed Bramble?, Blushed-stemmed Bramble?, Blushing Bramble?, Reddish-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus dentatifolius (Dentate-leaved Bramble?, Toothed-leaved Bramble?, Sharp Serrated Bramble?, Coarsely-toothed Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R. Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus borreri, Bell Salt. [R. borreri is considered a synonym for R. sprengelii but it is clear from the geological distribution that ours is really R. dentatifolius] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus hibernicus (Irish Bramble?, Atlantic Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus drejeri, G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF) - some of the records might refer to Rob Randall's Rubus ‘Somerset drejeri’ those mentioned by White refer to R. hibernicus - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus infestus, Wh. et. N. (Red-prickled Bramble - GBIF) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus leyanus (Ley's Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus wedgwoodiae W.C. Barton & Ridd.? (Wedgwood's Bramble - GBIF) Rubus obtruncatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = Rubus mutabilis, Genev. - check! (probably something else) - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus angusticuspis (Slender Bramble?, Narrow Bramble?, Elegant Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus asperidens (Miles's Bramble - GBIF, Rough-stemmed Bramble?, Rough-prickled Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus asperidens Sudre ex Bouvet (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) (Miles's Bramble - GBIF, Rough-stemmed Bramble?, Rough-prickled Bramble?) = Rubus koehleri, Wh. et. N. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus bercheriensis (Berkshire Bramble?, Bercherian Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus dasyphyllus (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus dasyphyllus (W.M.Rogers) E.S.Marshall (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) = var. pallidus, Bab. - "not to be confused with a variety of R. Kochleri named pallidus by Babington. The latter is now treated as a distinct species - R. dasyphyllus Rogers." - Brist. Fl. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus hylocharis (Patent-pedicelled Bramble - BSBI) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus hylocharis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Patent-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = d. R. rosaceus, Wh. et. N. var. silvestris, mihi. - [refers to R. hylocharis W.C.R.Watson as mentioned in Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus murrayi (Murray's Bramble - GBIF) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus murrayi (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) (Murray's Bramble?) = Rubus adornatus, P. J. Muell. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus rotundifolius (Bab.) A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (Round-leaved Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = Rubus hirtus, W. et K. - var. rotundifolius (Blox). - "One or two enourmous bushes by the roadside on the southern border of Chard Common." - Som. Fl. [I wonder if it may have been a hybrid perhaps between R. dasyphyllus and tuberculatus? Atlas of British and Irish Brambles suggests it might have been an aberrant form or derivative of R. dasyphyllus.] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus scabripes (Rough-stemmed Bramble?, Scabrous Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus scabripes Genev. (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) (Large-flowered Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rosaceus, Wh. et. N. [a collection of 4 species - rosaceus, hystrix, infecundus and silvestris] - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus scabripes Genev. (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) (Large-flowered Bramble - GBIF) Rubus rosaceus Weihe (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = a. R. rosaceus, Wh. et. N. (see above) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus thyrsigeriformis (Long-stemmed Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus nigricans Danthoine (Kew) Rubus pedemontanus Pinkw. (Atlas of British and Irish Brambles) Rubus bellardii Weihe (GBIF) Rubus hirtus aggr. (EDIT) (Few-flowered Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus bellardi, Wh. et. N. - spelt with a typo - should be an extra i at the end. - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus obscuriflorus (Few-flowered Bramble?, Obscure-flowered Bramble?, Small-flowered Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus scaber, Wh. et. N. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF) [most records refer to other species, especially R. fuscicaulis] - Som. Fl. (not in region)

Sect. corylifolii - Rubus dumetorum, Wh. et. N. - is an agg. (for var. diversifolius Lindl., var. tuberculatus / scabrosus Bab., var. raduliformis Ley. - Brist. Fl. + R. dasyphylloides Sudre, R. britannicus Rogers., R. warrenii Sudre - Glos. Fl.) - Som. Fl. - Rubus corylifolius, Sm. - is an agg. (for var. sublustris, var. conjungens, var. calcareus - Glos. Fl.) - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus adenoleucus (Shining Red-stemmed Bramble?, Shiny Red-stemmed Bramble?, White-glanded Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus bucknallii (Bucknall's Bramble?) - FOTBR

  • Rubus conjungens (Conjoined Bramble, Bank Bramble - BSBI) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = b. conjungens, Bab. - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) Rubus fasciculatus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (does not occur in Britain) = c. fasciculatus, (P. J. Muell.). R. corylifolius γ purpureus, Bab. - "now considered to be a dumetorum form." - Brist. Fl. [Considered by Kew, GBIF and EDIT to be synonymous with R. conjungens but our plant may have been a hybrid]

  • Rubus eboracensis (Yorkshire Bramble?, Eboracum Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus halsteadensis (Halstead's Bramble?) - - FOTBR

  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus, Blox. - Som. Fl.

  • var. degener - unplaced! - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus pictorum (Painted Bramble?) /- - FOTBR

  • Rubus pruinosus (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = a. sublustris (Lees). - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus intensior Edees (Kew) Rubus transmarinus D.E.Allen (Atlas of British and Irish Brambles, NBN, GBIF) Rubus × dasyphylloides Sudre (Kew, GBIF) - name is unplaced, R. scabrosus P. J. Muell. (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) = a. R. ferox, Weihe - "known to previous generations as R. dumetorum var. ferox." - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles - Som. Fl. (not in region)

  • Rubus horrefactus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) Rubus myriacanthus Focke (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, Kew) - name is unplaced = b. R. diversifolius (Lindl.). - "misapplied for R. tuberculatus" - EDIT [It was separated from R. tuberculatus by the "deep green leaves, rather narrow, oblong or elliptic terminal leaflet, especially on the panicle, the very short-stalked intermediate leaflets, the narrow panicle with remote, upright, short, axillary branches and the very large (3 cm) white flowers." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland but it is just part of the hugely variable R. tuberculatus.] - Som. Fl.
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = var. scabrosus? - [see below]
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = c. R. scabrosus (P. J. Muell.). (R. tuberculatus, Bab.). - [R. tuberculatus and R. scabrosus are two distinct sp. but only the former occurs in Britain and the two were often used interchangeably for the same taxon.] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus vagensis (Wandering Bramble?) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus caesius (Dewberry) / - FOTBR

  • Rubus caesius, L. (Dewberry) - Som. Fl.

Flora of Somerset:

  • Rubus thyrsigeriformis (Sudre) D.E. Allen (Southampton Bramble - GBIF) Rubus scaber Weihe (Kew, GBIF, NBN, EDIT) Rubus hystrix Weihe (Kew) taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = b. R. hystrix (Wh. et. N.). - [might be R. hylocharis or R. thyrsigeriformis] - Som. Fl.

  • Rubus babingtonii T.B. Salter (Babington's Bramble - GBIF) = A curious plant - "A form of R. hystrix Wh. et N. It is near the R. adornatus, P. J. M., thought by me to be a subspecies of hystrix. It is somewhat modified by the sterile chalk (i.e. limestone) soil, and is more hairy and less setose than other forms of R. hystrix." - [might be R. murrayi or R. fuscicaulis] - Som. Fl.

  • ? Rubus distractus P.J.Müll. ex Wirtg. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = ? Rubus menkei, Wh. et. N. - "the leaves are said greatly to resemble those of R. Bellardi, between which and R. vestitus (leucostachys) this species may be considered intermediate." - Som. Fl. [R. distractus does not exist in Britain]

  • ? Rubus rotundellus Sudre (Kew) - name is unplaced ? = Rubus saxicolus, P. J. Muell. - could be Rubus koehleri Weihe as the synonym for the latter R. koehleri ssp. rotundellus Sudre refers to (Kew) - check! - ser. hystrices [Possibly R. pallidisectus, R. rilstonei, R. tamarensis, R. tumulorum]

  • Rubus caesius L. x R. radula Weihe (Dewberry x Subulate-prickled Bramble) = Rubus caesius x radula? - a curious form, clearly caesian, but with armature recalling that of R. radula, is frequent near Chard, in districts 4 and 6. It deserves further study.

  • Rubus caesius L. x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x corylifolius

  • Rubus caesius L. x R. koehleri Weihe (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x Koehleri

  • Rubus caesius L. x R. mucronulatus Boreau R. (Dewberry x Long-pedicelled Bramble) = Rubus caesius x mucronatus

Flora of Somerset Supplement:

  • Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus (Kew) (Raspberry) = Rubus idaeus L.
  • Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus (Kew) = var. obtusifolius (Willd.). - A unisexual male form; it has blunt sepals and blunt leaflets (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland).
  • Rubus sulcatus, Vest. (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus, Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus, Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees (Kew, GBIF) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF, Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus affinis, Weihe & Nees. - check!
  • Rubus briggsianus (W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) var. Briggsianus, Rogers. (Briggs' Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus imbricatus, Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius, Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus lindleianus, Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - Kew spells it (ei) with a 'y'
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argenteus, Weihe & Nees. (erythrinus, Genevier).
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe x Rubus ulmifolius Schott = Rubus argenteus x rusticanus " A hybrid, probably x rusticanus, grows on a slope of Failand above the Tan-pit stream (C. Bucknall)." Fl. Bristol
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius, Weihe & Nees. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus silurum (Ley) Ley (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus nemoralis, P. J. Muell., var. silurum, Ley.
  • Rubus dumnoniensis, Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus, Newman.
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Selmeri, Lindeberg.
  • Rubus mollissimus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus leucandrus, Focke. "Not leucandrus, but my mollissimus," Rogers in litt., 1913. - check!
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus thyrsoideus, Wimm.
  • Rubus godronii Lecoq & Lamotte = Rubus Godroni, Lecoq & Lamotte (argentatus, P. J. Muell.). - missing an 'i'. - probably actually referred to R. winteri (P.J.Müll. ex Focke) A.Först. - check!
  • Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens, Weihe. - check!
  • Rubus macrophyllus, Weihe & Nees (type). (ssp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus mollissimus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus hirtifolius, Muell. & Wirtg., var. mollissimus (Rogers). R. P. Murray (as leucandrus; see above).
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (EDIT, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Vested Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus leucostachys, Sm.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus leucostachys x rusticanus.
  • Rubus lasioclados (Focke) A.Först. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus lasioclados, Focke, var. angustifolius, Rogers. - a mistake! for R. vestitus x ulmifolius - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus criniger, Linton.
  • Rubus Gelertii, Frider. - does not occur in Britain - probably refers to R. cissburiensis - check!
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. raduloides, Rogers.
  • Rubus infestus, Weihe.
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Dentate-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus Borreri, Bell-Salter, var. dentatifolius, Briggs.
  • Rubus Drejeri, G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leyanus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = subsp. leyanus, Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus, Lindley. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus oigocladus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = Rubus oigoclados, Muell. & Lefv. - spelt with an 'o' instead of a 'u' - check!
  • Rubus bloxamianus Coleman ex Purchas (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bloxam's Bramble?) = var. Bloxamianus, Rogers.
  • Rubus Babingtonii, Bell-Salter. (Babington's Bramble?)
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum, Lefv.
  • Rubus moylei W.C.Barton & Ridd (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Moyle's Bramble?) = var. cuneatus, Rogers & Ley.
  • Rubus Bloxamii, Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble)
  • Rubus scaber, Weihe & Nees. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rosaceus, Weihe & Nees. - is an agg. name for the following two sub-taxa and not a distinct sp. in Britain - check!
  • Rubus hystrix Weihe (Kew, GBIF) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = var. hystrix (Weihe & Nees.). - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = subsp. infecundus, Rogers.
  • Rubus wirtgenii (Kew, GBIF) (Wirtgen's Bramble?) = Rubus adornatus, P. J. Muell.
  • Rubus hostilis, Muell. & Wirtg. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus koehleri Weihe (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Koehleri, Weihe & Nees., var. cognatus (N. E. Brown).
  • Rubus dasyphyllus, Rogers (pallidus, Bab., non Wh. & N.). (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus juvenis (iuvenis - GBIF, EDIT) A.Beek (Kew) = Rubus viridis, Kalt. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) (Diverse Bramble?) = Rubus Kaltenbachii, Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus acutifrons, Ley. (Acute-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus dumetorum, Weihe & Nees., var. raduliformis, Ley.
  • Rubus corylifolius, Sm. (sublustris, Lees). - name is unplaced - is an agg. (for var. sublustris, var. conjungens, var. calcareus - Glos. Fl.)
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. cyclophyllus (Lindeb.) (conjungens, Bab.).
  • Rubus corylifolius agg. x R. ulmifolius Schott. (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x rusticanus.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x R. caesius L. (Dewberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus caesius x rusticanus.

The Bristol Flora:

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) L. Raspberry
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) - Yellow cultivar = Amber-coloured - "There is a variety of this plant having amber-coloured fruit with pale stems and foliage, which is the White Raspberry of gardens."
  • Rubus fissus Lindl. (Cleft Bramble - NBN, Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF, Many-prickled Bramble?)
  • Rubus sulcatus Vest. (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus Wh. & N.
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus divaricatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus nessensis Hall (ssp. nessensis - EDIT) (GBIF, EDIT) - must be a mistake - check! = Rubus nitidus Wh. & N.
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees (Kew, GBIF) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, EDIT) (now Rubus fruticosus L. - Kew) - must be a mistake - check! (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF, Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus affinis Wh. & N. - check!
  • Rubus altiarcuatus W.C.Barton & Ridd. = Rubus cariensis (W.M.Rogers - Kew) - misnomer for R. villicaulis - a meaningless name now - once covered an agg. of sp. including var. calvatus Blox. (Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam) and var. Selmeri Lindeb. (Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll.) - Brist. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius Wh. & N.
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - spelt with a 'y' (Kew) instead of 'i'
  • Rubus lindleyanus Lees x ? (Lindley's Bramble x ?) = Rubus lindleianus x ? - Clifton Down, where many species congregate so closely, there are several hybrids whose other constituents are uncertain.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus argenteus Wh. & N. R. erythrinus auct. brit. prius.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe x R. ulmifolius Schott (Rhombic-leaved Bramble x Elm-leaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus argenteus x rusticanus? - Failand above Tan-pit stream
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius Wh. & N. R. cordifolius Box. Bab., etc. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" - Glos. Fl.
  • ? x Rubus lindleianus Lees (? x Lindley's Bramble) = A hybrid x lindleianus - occurs on Clifton Down
  • Rubus nemoralis P. J. Mueller. (Boreal Bramble - NBN)
  • Rubus dumnoniensis Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus Neuman., R. macrophyllus var. umbrosus auct. brit., R. carpinifolius Bloxam, non Wh. & N.
  • Rubus egregius Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Brown-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus varvicensis Edees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus mercicus subsp. bracteatus Bagnall. - there is confusion here. Kew refers it to its new name R. varvicensis with its old name as a correct synonym (R. mercinus subsp. / var. bracteatus) but it was explained to be wrongly placed under R. mercinus and should be under R. egregius Focke. - "This plant is far nearer to R. egregius than to R. mercicus; it is difficult, indeed, to understand why it was ever placed as a variety of the latter" - Glos. Fl. - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland does the same. - check!
  • Rubus villicaulis Koehl. (aggr.) - "Much of the old "villicaulis" has now been transfered to other species." - true R. villicaulis (now R. gracilis J.Presl & C.Presl) does not occur in Britain. They are mistakes for R. nemoralis, R. pyramidalis and the next
  • Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = some assigned to var. calvatus Blox.
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble) = some assigned to Selmeri Lindeb.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus sciocharis (Sudre) C.K.Schneid. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus gratus Focke, var. sciaphilus Lange.
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm.
  • Rubus winteri (P.J.Müll. ex Focke) A.Först. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Winter's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Godroni Lecoq & Lamotte. - spelt wrongly (should have another 'i') - the name is correct but does not occur in Britain. It will refer to R. winteri - check!
  • Rubus procerus P.J.Müll. ex Boulay (Kew) Rubus praecox Bertol. (GBIF, EDIT) = var. robustus P. J. Muell. - does not occur in Britain - "We do not appear to have true R. robustus in England. Much of what we have called this name should go under R. winteri P. J. Muell."- Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. clivicola - some specimens represented a small form of [above], while others shaded off towards var. clivicola
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rusticanus Merc.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x ?) = Hybr. x pyramidalis
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Hybr. x leucostachys
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus corylifolius agg. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x ?) = Hybr. x corylifolius
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus caesius L. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x Dewberry) = Hybr. x caesius
  • var. or forma leucocarpus - "An amber-fruited Blackberry." - form of above = f. leucocarpus
  • Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens Weihe.
  • Rubus macrophyllus Wh. & N. (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus schlechtendalii Weihe ex Link (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. Schlechtendalii - "Specimens from one spot near the Tan-pits were thought by Mr. Briggs to come under var. Schlechtendalii".
  • Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus sprengelii Weihe - error
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus hypoleucus Lefv. & Muell. - "formerly known in England as R. micans Gren. & Godr."
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis Kalt. This is the - "intermediate" between leucostachys and villicaulis (f. eglandulosa); Fl. Som.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus leucostachys Sm.
  • Rubus gymnostachys Genev. (Kew) - name is unplaced (Kew) probably refers to Rubus andegavensis Bouvet (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. gymnostachys Genev. - check!
  • Rubus lasioclados Focke, var. angustifolius Rogers. - error "what has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronatus Bloxam.
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Gelertii Frider. - recorded in error - does not occur in Britain
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus Gelert.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, EDIT, GBIF) = var. raduloides Rogers.
  • Rubus raduloides x ? - "There are on Clifton Down some raduloides hybrids whose other constituents cannot be certainly stated".
  • Rubus infestus Weihe. (Infested Bramble?)
  • Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble) = Rubus Borreri Bell-Salter.
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Dentate-leaved Bramble?) = var. dentatifolius Briggs.
  • Rubus Drejeri G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leyanus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Ley's Bramble) = var. Leyanus Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus Lindley. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis Wh. & N. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis x R. lindleianus (Purple-glandular Bramble x Lindley's Bramble) = Rubus rudis x Lindleianus? - G.W.R main line under Fox's Wood, Brislington.
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus oigoclados Muell. & Lefv. - spelt wrongly should be 'oigocladus' - Glos. Fl. as R. cenomanensis Sudre., R. obcuneatus Lef. & Muell, R. longithyrsiger var. botryeros Rogers [or R. oegocladus Muell. & Lef. - separate sp. - check!] (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) - all names unplaced except for R. botryeros - check!
  • Rubus bloxamianus Coleman ex Purchas (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bloxam's Bramble?) = var. Bloxamianus Colem.
  • Rubus Babingtonii Bell-Salter. (Babington's Bramble)
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum Lefv.
  • Rubus Bloxamii Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble?)
  • Rubus fuscus Wh. & N. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pallidus Wh. & N. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scaber Wh. & N. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus hystrix Wh. & N. - is an agg. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = var. hystrix (Weihe & Nees.). - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus infecundus Rogers.
  • Rubus wirtgenii Auersw. ex Wirtg. (Kew, GBIF) (Wirtgen's Bramble?) = Rubus adornatus P. J. Muell. - check!
  • Rubus Koehleri Wh. & N. - possibly a mistake (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland has R. vigursii as a synonym which is a separate sp. that does definitely occur in Britain - Kew) - check!
  • Rubus dasyphyllus Rogers. (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) - "This is the form which massed under R. Koehleri var. pallidus of Bloxam and Babington (not the R. pallidus of Weihe and Nees von Esenbeck)"
  • Rubus juvenis A.Beek (Kew, GBIF and EDIT - spelt as 'iuvenis') Rubus calyculatus Kaltenb.? (GBIF) = Rubus viridis Kalt. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Kaltenbachii Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus babingtonii T.B.Salter (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Babington's Bramble?) = Rubus ochrodermis Ley.
  • Rubus dumetorum Wh. & N. - is an agg. for the following two species (and other members of what is now sect. corylifolii)
  • var. diversifolius Lindl. "essentially a hedge bramble and of frequent occurrence." - Kew refers it to R. vestitus but this must be wrong - check!
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = var. tuberculatus Bab. or scabrosus of the same author "rather common".
  • Rubus babingtonianus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus althaeifolius - "plentiful in hedges between Winscombe and Banwell, and also in Featherbed Lane between Stanton Wick and Clutton". "They were probably caesian hybrids!" - check!
  • Rubus × deltoideus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF) - name unplaced (Kew) = Rubus deltoideus P. J. Muell. - "about Berrow Church and village". - does not occur in Britain. It probably refers to a caesian hybrid.
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Halstead's Bramble?) = var. raduliformis - Cheddar Gorge.
  • Rubus corylifolius Sm. - an agg. for the following
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = var. a. sublustris Lees.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. b. cyclophyllus Lindeb. = conjungens Bab.
  • Rubus fasciculatus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. fasciculatus P. J. Muell = R. corylifolius γ purpureus Bab. - "now considered to be a dumetorum form" - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus Bloxam.
  • Rubus Bucknalli J. W. White. (Bucknall's Bramble) - missing an 'i'
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = A hybrid x idaeus = R. pseudo-idaeus Lej.
  • Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x corylifolius - recorded by Mr. D. Fry from Stanton Prior
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble

Flora of Gloucestershire:

  • Rubus idaeus L. (ssp. idaeus - Kew) Raspberry
  • Rubus fissus Lindl. (Cleft Bramble - NBN, Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) Rubus nessensis Hall (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus suberectus Anderss.
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus bertramii G.Braun (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) = var. Bertramii (G. Braun ex Focke) Rogers. (R. opacus Bertram non Focke; R. Bertramii G. Braun ex Focke).
  • var. pseudo-hemistemon Focke. - check!
  • Rubus bertramii G.Braun (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus Focke. - [True R. opacus does not occur in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii]
  • Rubus divaricatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus nessensis Hall (Rubus polonicus Weston - Kew) (ssp. nessensis - EDIT) (GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus nitidus Weihe & Nees. - must be a mistake - check!
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees. (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) - Edit has it as a synonym of Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (now R. fruticosus L.) - this must be wrong - check!
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort. (Imbricate-leaved Bramble?, Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus incurvatus Bab.
  • Rubus incurvatus x R. rhombifolius? (? x Rhombic-leaved Bramble) = Rubus incurvatus x R. subcarpinifolius? - Near the Four Shire Stone. "It grows there along with R. subcarpinifolius Rogers & Ridd. and intermediate forms." - check!
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF) Rubus subcarpinifolius (W.M.Rogers ex Ridd.) Ridd. (Kew) = var. subcarpinifolius Rogers & Riddelsdell. - "in company with R. incurvatus, and intermediates between the two!" - Kew separates it as a distinct species as does Glos. Fl. "Our plant, in my opinion, is not R. rhombifolius Weihe (see J. Bot., 1933, 223 f.), though it is near Weihe's plant. The actual specimens of R. subcarpinifolius from the Wye Valley, which are in Roger's herbarium, exhibit a distinctive form, well represented by the Gloucestershire bushes mentioned" but GBIF and Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland place it as a synonym of R. rhombifolius Weihe - check!
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - Kew spells it with a 'y' as Lindleyanus
  • Rubus lindleianus x R. cardiophyllus (Lindley's Bramble x Round-fruited Bramble) = Rubus lindleianus x R. rhamnifolius - "It hybridises with R. rhamnifolius on Clifton Down."
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argenteus Weihe & Nees. - R. argenteus is a synonym of R. rhombifolius according to Kew, GBIF and Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland but ours is not that plant "Sudre gave a new name to our British form; viz. R. cryptadenes Sudre" - Glos. Fl. - now known as R. rubritinctus - check!
  • Rubus cardiophyllus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius Weihe & Nees. - "English R. rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller, as Rogers points out, in his handbook, p. 30."
  • Rubus bakerianus W.C. Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Baker's Bramble?) = Rubus Bakeranus Bart. & Ridd., R. Bakeri (F. A. Lees) Rogers - spelling mistake - missing an 'i' - should be R. bakerianus
  • Rubus bakerianus W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Baker's Bramble?) = Rubus Bakeranus x var. milcombensis? - "a form apparently between R. Bakeranus and var. milcombensis Bart. et Riddl., but the stem-piece is unsatisfactory." - var. milcombensis is a form of R. bakerianus and not a distinct species - check!
  • Rubus pampinosus Lees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pampinose Bramble?) = Rubus Buttii Bart. & Ridd.
  • Rubus cambrensis W. Watson., R. nemoralis Rogers, non P. J. Muell., var. glabratus Rogers (Welsh Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum (A. Ley) W. Watson., R. nemoralis P. J. Muell., var. Silurum A. Ley, R. oxyanchus Sudre, var. Silurum (Ley) Sudre.
  • Rubus errabundus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Scheutzii Lindeb. - R. scheutzii (now Rubus muenteri T.Marsson) does not occur in Britain - it refers to R. errabundus - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus dumnoniensis Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Lindebergii P. J. Muell. (Lindeberg's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus cornubiensis (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cornish Bramble) = Rubus bifrons Vest. (Himalayan Berry - GBIF) - "W. Watson in B.E.C, 1930, 261, assigns a 1907 specimen from Micheldean to R. bifrons Vest., a species which has not yet been discovered in England." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland refers R. cornubiensis (Rogers & Riddels.) and R. nemoralis var. cornubiensis Rogers & Riddels. as synonyms - they are a separate species - our plant was probably originally thought to be the same as the continental one (R. bifrons Vest.) when they are in fact 2 distinct taxons, which is where the confusion lies - check!
  • Rubus villicaulis Koehl. - an agg. for the following species, R. calvatus and confused for others, namely R. pyramidalis Kalt. (now R. umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh.) according to Brist. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Selmeri Lindeb.
  • Rubus laciniatus (Weston) Willd., R. fruticosus, var. laciniatus Weston. (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF, Cut-leaved Bramble - Kew) - "Near Cirencester." - Kew places it under Rubus nemoralis - decide! - probably keep it separate.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus gratus Focke. (Great Bramble, Greatful Bramble?)
  • Rubus gratus × R. melanocladus = R. × dobuniensis Sudre & Ley (Kew) = Rubus dubuniensis Sudre (R. gratus x R. orthoclados?) - Micheldean. - name does not exist - check! - spelling mistake - should be Rubus dobuniensis
  • Rubus sciocharis Sudre., R. sciaphilus Lange, non R. sciophilus Lefèvre ex P. J. Muell. (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leucandriformis Edees & A.Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Broad-petalled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus leucandrus Focke. - does not occur in Britain. "The determination of the above was due to Focke; but it is only fair to say that neither Ley nor Rogers ever felt quite happy about it; and on the whole I agree with them". - Glos. Fl. It was only published as a separate species to the continental one in 1978
  • Rubus ramosus Briggs. non Bloxam. - check! - there is a single record from Weston - Worlebury Hill and Kewstoke according to NBN
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm. - Does not occur in Britain. It refers to a ser. Discolores (possibly R. armeniacus - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) - check!
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus candicans Weihe? - "The Cotswold plant, in districts 1 and 7, is a strong handsome plant with shinning glabrous stems, strong prickles on stem and rachis, rather small, massed, pale flowers and pale green discolorous foliage; altogether an effective bush. It seems to be identical with R. candidens Weihe." - check!
  • Rubus Winteri P. J. Muell. ex Focke., R. Godroni auctt. (Winter's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Winteri x R. vestitus? (x R. ulmifolius?) = possible hybrid of this species with R. angustifolius Rogers.? - "Ley found at Rodmore Mill, Hewelsfield." [Here (R. lasioclados, var. angustifolius Rogers) it is seen to be a form of R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. R. leucostachys refers to R. vestitus and the true cross is likely just this with R. winteri]
  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Slope Bramble?, Acclivitate Bramble?, Inclined Bramble?) = var. clivicola (Ley) Ridd., R. argentatus, var. clivicola Ley.
  • Rubus procerus P.J.Müll. ex Boulay (Kew, GBIF) (Tall Bramble?) = Rubus robustus auctt., non P. J. Muell., R. argentatus, var. robustus Rogers. - does not occur in Britain - check! - "We do not appear to have true R. robustus in England. Much of what we have called by this name should go under R. winteri P. J. Muell., though I cannot say that all the above records belong to that species." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rusticanus Merc., R. ulmifolius Schott.
  • var. leucocarpus Seringe. - "Near Frenchay". - an amber-fruited form of above
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x R. amplificatus Lees (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble x Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus rusticanus x R. Schlechtendalii - R. schlechtendalii does not occur in Britain. It is a mistake for R. amplificatus. - check!
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus rusticanus x R. thyrsoideus - this is a mistake - check!
  • Rubus herefordensis (Sudre) Druce., R. pubescens Rogers p.p, non Weihe. (Herefordshire Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew)
  • Rubus subinermoides Druce (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Subinermoid Bramble?) = Rubus cethrophilus Genev., var. pubescens Sudre., R. pubescens, var. subinermis Rogers. - should be R. clethraphilis
  • Rubus silvaticus Weihe & Nees. (Wood Bramble - GBIF) - check! - "The true R. silvaticus of W. & N. seems to be very rare in England differing from our examples in its very hairy stem with many slender, scattered prickles". - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus hesperius Rogers. (Hesperian Bramble?) - Only occurs in Ireland - check! - "This is not quite the Irish plant". - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus lentiginosus Lees. (Freckled Bramble?) - check!
  • Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees. (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Large-leaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus Schlechtendalii Weihe. (Schlechtendal's Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - probably R. amplificatus
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) Rubus Schlechtendalii Weihe. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Schlechtendal's Bramble?) - separate species - does not occur in Britain = Rubus macrophylloides Genev.
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus chlorosyrthus Focke.? - "W. Watson (B.E.C., 1931, 643) assigns the St. Briavels plant to R. chlorosyrthus Focke." - does not occur in Britain - the plant probably refers to the same as the previous two - R. amplificatus
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?)
  • Rubus polyoplus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Yellow-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Salteri Bab. (Salter's Bramble - GBIF) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "This is not the true R. Salteri of Babington; nor is it quite the Herefordshire plant and Glamorgan species, named R. euoplos by W. Watson, B.E.C., 1932, 21." - Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus infestus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Aggressive Bramble?) = Rubus Colemanni Bloxam. - mistake - should be 'colemannii' - check!
  • Rubus Sprengelii Weihe. (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum x R. Sprengelii? (Catfish Bramble? x Sprengel's Bramble) - "occurred in a wood at Micheldean Meend!" - check!
  • Rubus bracteosus (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leafy Bramble?) = Rubus orthoclados Ley, non Boulay. - "reduced by Sudre, Rub. Eur., 258 (1913), to R. bracteosus Weihe." - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) - "they are probably forms of R. griseoviridis Bart. et Riddl." (now R. prolongatus Boulay & Letendre) (Prolonged Bramble?) - check!
  • Rubus melanocladus Sudre, R. hirtifolius Rogers, non Muell. et Wirtg. (Melanocladus Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanocladus x R. ulmifolius (Melanocladus Bramble? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus melanocladus x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus mollissimus Rogers. (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus orbus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Orb Bramble?) = Rubus iricus Rogers, var. minor Rogers & Ridd.
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) (Shady Bramble?, Pyramidal Bramble) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis Kalt.
  • Rubus umbrosus x R. ulmifolius (Shady / Pyramidal Bramble x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus pyramidalis x rusticanus? - "abundant over nearly an acre of ground on sandstone, Ivory Hill, Brist. Fl., though Rogers (W.E.C., 1911-2, 335) thought the cross R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus more likely."
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF, Vested Bramble?, Dressed Bramble?) = Rubus leucostachys Schleich. ex Sm., R. vestitus Weihe et Nees.
  • Rubus vestitus x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry x Common Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Rubus lasioclados, var. angustifolius Rogers - form of [above] - "specimens determined as R. lasioclados by Rogers are R. ulmifolius x vestitus: I have seen no R. lasioclados in Britain." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus vestitus x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus lasioclados auctt., non Focke. - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England."
  • Rubus vestitus x R. umbrosus (European Blackberry x Shady / Pyramidal Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x pyramidalis
  • Rubus vestitus x R. rufescens (European Blackberry x Rufous Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x infecundus
  • Rubus macrothyrsus Lange. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry) = Rubus leucanthemus auctt.
  • Rubus egregius Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Brown-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus egregius Focke, var. bracteatus (Bagn.) Ridd., R. mercicus, var. bracteatus Bagn. - "This plant is far nearer to R. egregius than to R. mercicus; it is difficult, indeed, to understand why it was ever placed as a variety of the latter." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus criniger (Linton) Rogers., R. Gelertii, var. criniger Linton. (Hairy Bramble?)
  • Rubus Boraeanus Genev. (Boraean Bramble?)
  • Rubus cinerosus Rogers. (Grey Bramble?, Grey-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronifer Sudre., R. mucronatus Blox., non Ser.
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cissbury Bramble?) = Rubus Gelertii auctt., non Frider. - R. gelertii does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus cissburiensis Bart. & Ridd. (Cissbury Bramble?)
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus Gelert.
  • Rubus curvidens Ley (Curved-toothed Bramble - GBIF) = var. R. curvidens Ley. - unplaced (Kew) - "so far as can be ascertained, the records belong to the following new species". - check!
  • Rubus cotteswoldensis Bart. & Ridd. (Cotswold Bramble?)
  • Rubus euanthinus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Euanthinus Bramble?) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, subsp. vestitiformis Rogers.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Raduloides Bramble?) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, subsp. raduloides (Rogers) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre., R. anglosaxonicus, var. setulosus Rogers. (Narrow-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus infestus Weihe. (Aggressive Bramble?)
  • Rubus infestus x R. ulmifolius (Aggressive Bramble? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus infestus x R. rusticanus - "Whitecroft".
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Narrow-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus uncinatus P. J. Muell. - does not occur in Britain - check! - "Not British - 34, Lea Bailey - R. angusticuspis - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland."
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF)? / Rubus sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) x ? = hybrid? - "7a. Heath east of Moreton! (B.E.C., 1920, 222). W. Watson in B.E.C., 1932, 95, says this is R. apiculatus Weihe & Nees; this is a mistake. The bush is solitary and probably a hybrid, and nothing like the R. apiculatus of the continent."
  • Rubus sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) var. sprengelii (Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Borreri Bell Salter.
  • Rubus Drejeri G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Leyanus Rogers. (Ley's Bramble)
  • Rubus radula Weihe. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus echinatoides (W.M.Rogers) Dallman (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Echinatoid's Bramble?) = var. echinatoides (Rogers) Ridd., R. radula, subsp. echinatoides Rogers.
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum Lefèvre ex Genev., R. radula, subsp. anglicanus Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis Weihe. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Botryeros Bramble?) = Rubus cenomanensis Sudre., R. oigocladus Rogers, non Muell. & Lef. - name unplaced (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus newbouldii Bab. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Newbould's Bramble?) = Rubus oigocladus, var. Newbouldii (Bab.) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus regillus Ley. (Regal Bramble)
  • Rubus fuscicortex Sudre., R. podophyllus Rogers, non Muell. (Brown Cortex Bramble?) - only occurs around North Wales - check!
  • Rubus Griffithianus Rogers. (Griffith's Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanodermis Focke. (Melanoderm Bramble?, Black Bramble?, Dark Bramble?)
  • Rubus Babingtonii Bell Salter. (Babington's Bramble?)
  • Rubus moylei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Moyle's Bramble?) = Rubus Moylei Bart. & Ridd., var. cuneatus (Rogers & Ley) Bart. & Ridd.
  • Rubus cavatifolius P. J. Muell. (Cavity-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus Wedgwoodiae Bart. & Ridd. var. Sabrinae Bart. & Ridd. (Wedgwood's Bramble?)
  • Rubus Bloxamii Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble?)
  • Rubus fuscus Weihe. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fuscus Weihe. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF) = form going off towards R. macrostachys - "Wood on Clifton Down." - R. macrostachys does not occur in Britain. It's probably just an affect of the local conditions i.e. shade.
  • Rubus insectifolius Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Insect-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus nuticeps Bart. & Ridd., R. fuscus Weihe et Nees, var. nutans Rogers.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuous Bramble?, Bendy Bramble?, Forest Bramble?) = Rubus hyposericeus Sudre. R. fuscus, var. macrostachys Rogers, non R. macrostachys P. J. Muell.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuous Bramble?, Bendy Bramble?, Forest Bramble?) = forma umbrosus - "Yew Slade near Ruspidge."
  • Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hiding Bramble?) Rubus cinerascens Weihe ex Lej. & Courtois (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus obscurus (cit. Kalt.) Rogers Hbk. (Obscure Bramble?, Dark Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - "R. obscurus Kaltenb. as shown in Genevier's herbarium is certainly not the plant recorded above." - probably refers to Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson
  • Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hiding Bramble?) Rubus cinerascens Weihe ex Lej. & Courtois (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = white-flowered form - "Lower Redbrook by the river.", "Newnham."
  • Rubus pallidus Weihe. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus euryanthemus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pale-styled Bramble - GBIF) = var. leptopetalus Rogers.
  • Rubus rosaceus Weihe. (Rosy Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - probably refers to agg. for R. hystrix, R. infecundus, R. adornatus
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Purchasian Bramble?) = var. Purchasianus Rogers.
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Purchasian Bramble?) x ? = form, towards R. hystrix Weihe - "May Hill."
  • Rubus scaber Weihe. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scaber x R. infestus (Scabrous Bramble x Aggressive Bramble?) = Rubus scaber x R. setulosus - unplaced (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus hastiformis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hastiform Bramble?, Rod-shaped Bramble?) = Rubus truncifolius Muell. & Lefèvre, var. thyrsiger (Bab.) Sudre., R. thyrsiger Bab., non Banning et Focke.
  • Rubus hastiformis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hastiform Bramble?, Rod-shaped Bramble?)? = form with short stamens - "Lea Bailey Woods, form with short stamens, 1925! consequently to this extent untypical. Only one bush seen."
  • Rubus longithyrsiger Bab. (Long-winded Bramble?)
  • Rubus botryeros Focke., R. longithyrsiger, var. vel subsp. botryeros Focke ex Rogers. (Botryeros Bramble?, Clustered Bramble?)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?) = Rubus flexuosus Muell. & Lefèvre., R. foliosus Rogers, non Weihe.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?) = curious form of this species which seems to be entirely glandless - "In 1910 Ley found on Tidenham Chase a curious form of this species which seems to be entirely glandless. I saw it there in quantity in one spot in 1934."
  • Rubus saltuum / flexuosus x R. rufescens (Flexuous Bramble x Rufous Bramble) = Rubus flexuosus x R. infecundus.
  • Rubus hystrix Weihe. (Hystrix Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - an agg. and mostly mistakes - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rosaceus, subsp. infecundus (Rogers) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus Murrayi (Sudre) Druce., R. adornatus Rogers, non P. J. Muell. (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Murrayi (Sudre) Druce. (Murray's Bramble - GBIF) x ? = an apparent hybrid - "Wood near Severn Springs, Bourton, 1935!, with an apparent hybrid."
  • Rubus Powellii Rogers. (Powell's Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - probably a mistake - check! - "all specimens that I have seen have been the dwarf form of R. radula, except Wolley-Dod's Shooters Hill Bramble, which was R. argutifolius." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus hostilis Muell. & Wirtg. (Hostile Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus hostilis x R. nemoralis (Hostile Bramble? x Boreal Bramble) - "Wolford Heath".
  • Rubus fusco-ater Weihe. (Dark-brown Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "A doubtful Identification" - Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus Koehleri Weihe. (koehler's Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus dasyphyllus Rogers. (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rilstonei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) - Glos. Fl. (Rilstone's Bramble?) Rubus koehleri Weihe (Kew, GBIF) (koehler's Bramble?) [does not occur in Britain] = Rubus plinthostylus Genev.
  • Rubus rilstonei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rilstone's Bramble?) x R. Marshallii? or aberrant R. rufescens = form off type towards R. Marshallii, Rogers. - "Stanway to Snowshill, form off type towards R. Marshallii, Rogers. This is a queer looking plant which seems to me to have nothing to do with the R. plinthostylus of Cornwall, now named R. Rilstonei. It looks more like an aberrant R. infecundus." - Find out!
  • Rubus Marshalli Focke & Rogers. R. Koehleri, var. hirsutus Rogers. (Marshall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus semiglaber (W.M.Rogers) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Half bold Bramble?, Smooth Bramble?, Smoothish Bramble?) = var. semiglaber Rogers.
  • Rubus atrebatum A.Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Atrebate Bramble?, Cut-off Bramble?, Severed Bramble?, Severed-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus leptadenes Sudre, var. calliphylloides (Sudre) Sudre., R. calliphylloides Sudre; R. viridis Rogers, non Kalt. - check!
  • Rubus pallidisetus Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pale Hedge Bramble?, Pale Lazy Bramble?, Pale Set Bramble?) = Rubus angustifrons Sudre, var. pallidisectus (Sudre) Sudre., R. pallidisectus Sudre; R. divexiramus Rogers, non P. J. Muell. - mistake should be 'pallidisetus'
  • Rubus nigricans Danthoine (Kew, GBIF) Rubus bellardii Weihe (GBIF) Rubus hirtus aggr. (EDIT) (Blackened Bramble?, Black Bramble?, Bellard's Bramble) = Rubus Bellardii Weihe.
  • Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kit. (Hairy Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - "R. hirtus should be expunged from our lists." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Diverse Bramble?, Variable Bramble?) Rubus kaltenbachii Metsch (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus hirtus, subsp. Kaltenbachii Rogers, non Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus napophiloides Sudre., R. flaccidifolius Rogers, non P. J. Muell. - check!
  • Rubus dumetorum auctt., species aggr. - for R. diversifolius (now R. vestitus - check!), R. tuberculatus (now R. horrefactus), R. raduliformis (now R. halsteadensis) - Brist. Fl.
  • Rubus × dasyphylloides Sudre (Kew) - unplaced = Rubus dasyphylloides Sudre., R. dumetorum, var. ferox Rogers, non Weihe et Nees. - "Sudre treats this as R. rufescens, var. dasyphyllus x R. caesius." - the two modern names I could find (R. ferus (Focke) Focke and R. scabrosus P.J.Müll.) do not occur in Britain. Sudre was probably right in thinking it's R. dasyphyllus x R. caesius - check!
  • Rubus britannicus Rogers. (British Dandelion?) - "Treated by Sudre as R. longisepalus x R. caesius."
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus diversifolius Lindl. non Tineo. - "Treated by Sudre as R. echinatoides x R. caesius."
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Tuberculed Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus tuberculatus Bab. - "treated by Sudre as R. caesius x R. mucronifer and R. caesius x R. flexuosus."
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Tuberculed Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = with white flowers! - "Witcombe Wood." - confused! - It should have white flowers!
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Halstead's Bramble?) = Rubus raduliformis (Ley) Ridd., comb. nov.
  • Rubus Warrenii Sudre., R. dumetorum, var. concinnus Warren. (Warren's Bramble?) - "Treated by Sudre as a hybrid between R. polyanthemus and R. caesius."
  • Rubus corylifolius Sm. - an agg. for the following 3 sp.
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = var. sublustris (Lees) Leighton., R. sublustris Lees. - "treated by Sudre as a hybrid between R. alterniflorus, subsp. herefordensis, and R. caesius."
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. conjungens Bab.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. calcareus Rogers & Ridd.
  • Rubus corylifolius agg. x R. ulmifolius Schott (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x R. rusticanus - probably R. conjungens x R. ulmifolius
  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus Blox. ex Bab.
  • Rubus Bucknalli J. W. White. (Bucknall's Bramble?)
  • Herefordshire plant - "placed under this name by Rogers appears to differ both from the original specimens and from White's description in several characters. It may, perhaps, be included as a variety."
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = Rubus caesius x R. idaeus
  • Rubus caesius x R. ulmifolius (Dewberry x Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus caesius x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius - probably R. caesius x R. conjungens
  • Rubus caesius x R. conjungens (Dewberry x Conjoined Bramble) = Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius, var. conjungens
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble

The Gloucestershire Naturalist:

  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus albionis W.C.R. Watson (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew) = Rubus anglocandicans A. Newton (NBN, GBIF, EDIT)
  • Rubus anglofuscus Edees
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre
  • Rubus armeniacus Focke (Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalayan Giant, Himalaya Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus bertramii G. Braun (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M. Rogers) W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus cavatifolius P.J. Müll. ex Boulay
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C. Barton & Ridd.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M. Rogers (Conjoined Bramble)
  • Rubus cotteswoldensis W.C. Barton & Ridd.
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (W.M. Rogers) E.S. Marshall (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R. Watson (Toothed-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R. Watson (Diverse Bramble?)
  • Rubus echinatus Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus euanthinus W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus euryanthemus W.C.R. Watson (Pale-styled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fuscicaulis Edees
  • Rubus gratus Focke
  • Rubus hylonomus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll.
  • Rubus idaeus L. (ssp. idaeus - Kew) Raspberry
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus insectifolius Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Insect-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (Kew) 'laciniatus' - a form of R. laciniatus = Rubus laciniatus Willd. (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF, Fern-leaved Bramble - Naturespot) - check!
  • Rubus lanaticaulis Edees & A. Newton
  • Rubus leyanus W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees (spelt with a y instead of ei - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke
  • Rubus longus (W.M. Rogers & Ley) A. Newton (Long-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees (ssp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus marshallii Focke & W.M. Rogers (Marshall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanocladus (Sudre) Ridd.
  • Rubus moylei W.C. Barton & Ridd. (Moylei's Bramble?)
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus murrayi Sudre (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) = Rubus nessensis Hall (Ness Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pallidisetus Sudre
  • Rubus pampinosus Lees
  • Rubus platyacanthus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) = Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus prolongatus Boulay & Letendre ex Corb.
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT)
  • Rubus radula Weihe ex Boenn. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M. Rogers) Sudre (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rossensis A. Newton
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Rufous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble / Stoneberry (Kew)
  • Rubus scaber Weihe (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus sciocharis (Sudre) W.C.R. Watson (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scissus W.C.R. Watson (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum (Ley) Ley
  • Rubus sprengelii Weihe (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus troiensis A. Newton
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (Vested Blackberry / Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (Wirral's Bramble?)


  • Rubus adenoleucus
  • Rubus adscitus (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus albionis (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus angusticuspis
  • Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan Giant / Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalaya blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus asperidens (Miles's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus bartonii (Barton's Bramble?)
  • Rubus bercheriensis
  • Rubus bloxamii (Bloxam's Bramble)
  • Rubus boraeanus (Boraean Bramble?)
  • Rubus botryeros
  • Rubus boudiccae (Boudicca Bramble?)
  • Rubus caesius (Dewberry)
  • Rubus cardiophyllus (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF, Heart-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus cissburiensis
  • Rubus cockburnianus (White-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus conjungens (Conjoined Bramble) /
  • Rubus coombensis
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dentatifolius
  • Rubus divaricatus (Red-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus diversiarmatus
  • Rubus diversus
  • Rubus eboracensis
  • Rubus echinatoides
  • Rubus echinatus (Echinate Bramble)
  • Rubus elegantispinosus (Railway Bramble - GBIF, Elegant-spined Bramble?, Elegant Spiny Bramble?)
  • Rubus errabundus
  • Rubus saltuum (Kew) Rubus flexuosus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus formidabilis (Formidable Bramble?)
  • Rubus fruiticosus agg. (Blackberry, Bramble - NBN)
  • Rubus fruticosus agg. x idaeus (specific names will be added)
  • Rubus fuscicaulis
  • Rubus gallofuscus (Rooster-brown Bramble?)
  • Rubus glareosus
  • Rubus halsteadensis
  • Rubus hibernicus
  • Rubus hylocharis
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry)
  • Rubus idaeus x caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus
  • Rubus loganobaccus (Stace, EDIT) Rubus idaeus x R. ursinus (Kew) vitifolius (old name) = R. × loganobaccus (Kew, GBIF) (Loganberry)
  • Rubus imbricatus (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus insectifolius
  • Rubus laciniatus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus nemoralis (Kew) (probably wrong!) (Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus lanaticaulis
  • Rubus leightonii (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus leyanus (Ley's Bramble?)
  • Rubus lindleianus (Rubus lindleyanus - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus longithyrsiger
  • Rubus longus
  • Rubus melanodermis
  • Rubus micans (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus moylei
  • Rubus murrayi (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus nemoralis (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus polonicus (Kew) Rubus nessensis (GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus obscuriflorus
  • Rubus orbus
  • Rubus pampinosus
  • Rubus percrispus
  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry, Hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pictorum
  • Rubus polyanthemus (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus prolongatus
  • Rubus pruinosus (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus umbrosus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis (NBN, EDIT)
  • Rubus radula (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus raduloides (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ramosus
  • Rubus riddelsdellii (Riddelsdell's Bramble?)
  • Rubus rilstonei (Rilstone's Bramble?)
  • Rubus rossensis
  • Rubus rubritinctus
  • Rubus rudis (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rufescens (Rufous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saxatilis (Stone Bramble)
  • Rubus scabripes
  • Rubus sciocharis (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scissus (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry)
  • Rubus sprengelii (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus subinermoides
  • Rubus surrejanus
  • Rubus thyrsigeriformis
  • Rubus erubescens (Kew, GBIF) Rubus trichodes (NBN)
  • Rubus tricolor (Chinese Bramble)
  • Rubus troiensis
  • Rubus horrefactus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus ulmifolius (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ulmifolius x vestitus (Elmleaf x European Blackberry / Common x European Blackberry)
  • Rubus vagensis
  • Rubus vestitus (Vested Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus affinis (Kew, GBIF) Rubus vigorosus (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus villicauliformis
  • Rubus winteri (Winter's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus wirralensis (Wirral's Bramble?)

BRERC does not hold the following:

  • Rubus bertramii (Bertrams Bramble - GBIF) 1981
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) 1981 /-
  • Rubus sulcatus (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus platyacanthus (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus cornubiensis (find common name! - Cornish Bramble?) -
  • Rubus curvispinosus (find common name! - Curve-spined Bramble?)
  • Rubus bucknallii (Bucknall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus eboracensis -

Flora of the Bristol Region (re-ordered with extinct included):

  • Rubus tricolor (Chinese Bramble) /
  • Rubus saxatilis (Stone Bramble) 1883
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) /
  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Raspberry x Dewberry) -
  • Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry, Hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry) ?
  • Rubus loganobaccus (Stace, EDIT) Rubus idaeus x R. ursinus (Kew) vitifolius (old name) = R. × loganobaccus (Kew, GBIF) (Loganberry) -
  • Rubus fruiticosus agg. (Blackberry, Bramble - NBN) /
  • Rubus idaeus x R. fruticosus agg. ? (Raspberry x Bramble) (Name will become more specific)
  • Rubus bertramii (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) 1981
  • Rubus divaricatus (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus polonicus (Kew) Rubus nessensis (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF, Polish Bramble?) -
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) 1981 /-
  • Rubus scissus (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus sulcatus (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus affinis (Kew, GBIF) Rubus vigorosus (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus adspersus (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus albionis (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus errabundus (Shining-stemmed Bramble - BSBI, Wandering Bramble?) -
  • Rubus imbricatus (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF, Imbricate-leaved Bramble?) -
  • Rubus laciniatus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus nemoralis 'Laciniatus' (Kew) (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF) -
  • Rubus lindleianus (Rubus lindleyanus - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus platyacanthus (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus umbrosus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis (NBN, EDIT) (Pyramidal-flowered Bramble - BSBI, Shady Bramble?, Pyramidal Bramble?, Pyramidal Blackberry?) /-
  • Rubus sciocharis (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus cardiophyllus (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF, Heart-leaved Bramble?) /
  • Rubus cissburiensis (Cissbury Bramble?) /
  • Rubus cornubiensis (Cornish Bramble?) -
  • Rubus curvispinosus (Curved-spined Bramble?, Curved-prickled Bramble?)
  • Rubus diversiarmatus (Disarmed Bramble?, Diverse Bramble?, Diverse-armed Bramble?, Various Bramble?, Varied-stemmed Bramble?, Various-stemmed Bramble?) -
  • Rubus elegantispinosus (Railway Bramble - GBIF, Elegant-spined Bramble?, Elegant Spiny Bramble?) -
  • Rubus nemoralis (Boreal Bramble - GBIF, Northern Bramble?) /
  • Rubus pampinosus (Pompous Bramble?, Leafy Bramble?, Vine-leaved Bramble?, Vine-leaf Blackberry?) -
  • Rubus polyanthemus (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus prolongatus (Southern Bramble - BSBI, Prolonged Bramble?) -
  • Rubus ramosus (Branched Bramble?)
  • Rubus rubritinctus (Red-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus subinermoides (Unarmed Bramble?) -
  • Rubus villicauliformis (Shaggy Bramble?, Shaggy-leaved Bramble?, Shaggy-stemmed Bramble?, Hairy-spined Bramble?) /
  • Rubus sprengelii (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan Giant / Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalaya Blackberry - GBIF) /
  • Rubus rossensis (Ross Bramble - BSBI, Rose-stemmed Bramble?, Pink-stemmed Bramble? Rose-coloured Bramble?) /
  • Rubus ulmifolius (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus / (Elmleaf x European Blackberry / Common x European Blackberry)
  • Rubus winteri (Winter's Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus adscitus (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus bartonii (Barton's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus lanaticaulis (Woolly Bramble?, Woolly-stemmed Bramble?) -
  • Rubus longus (Long-leaved Bramble - BSBI, Long Bramble?) /
  • Rubus orbus (Round Bramble?, Round-stemmed Bramble?)
  • Rubus surrejanus (Surrey Bramble - BSBI, Upright Bramble?, Upright-prickled Bramble?) /
  • Rubus vestitus (Soft-haired Bramble - BSBI, European Blackberry - GBIF, Velvet-leaved Bramble?, Vested Bramble?) /
  • Rubus wirralensis (Wirral's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus bloxamii (Bloxam's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus botryeros (Striated-stem Bramble - BSBI, Clustered Bramble?)
  • Rubus echinatoides (Notched-petal Bramble - BSBI, False Echinate Bramble?, False Dense-spined Bramble?, False Dense-prickled Bramble, False Bristly-stemmed Bramble?) -
  • Rubus echinatus (Hedgehog Bramble - BSBI, Echinate Bramble NBN, Dense-spined Bramble?, Dense-prickled Bramble, Bristly-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus saltuum (Kew) Rubus flexuosus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?)
  • Rubus fuscicaulis (Brown-stemmed Bramble?, Brown-haired Bramble?, Brown Hairy Bramble? Brown Hairy-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus insectifolius (Insect-leaved Bramble?, Slender-branched Bramble?) -
  • Rubus longithyrsiger (Long-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus radula (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF) /-
  • Rubus rudis (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus rufescens (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus troiensis (Troi's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus coombensis (Combe Bramble?)
  • Rubus diversus (Diverse Bramble?, Diverse-leaved Bramble?, Variable Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble?) /
  • Rubus glareosus (Gravelly Bramble?) -
  • Rubus leightonii (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus melanodermis (Blackish-stemmed Bramble - BSBI, Black-stemmed Bramble?, Melanoderm Bramble?) -
  • Rubus micans (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus moylei (Moyle's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus percrispus (Undulate-leaved Bramble - BSBI, Crisp Bramble?, Crisp-leaved Bramble?) /
  • Rubus raduloides (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus erubescens (Kew, GBIF) Rubus trichodes (NBN) (Blushed Red-stemmed Bramble?, Red Blushed Bramble?, Blushed-stemmed Bramble?, Blushing Bramble?, Reddish-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Dentate-leaved Bramble?, Toothed-leaved Bramble?, Sharp Serrated Bramble?, Coarsely-toothed Bramble?) -
  • Rubus hibernicus (Irish Bramble?, Atlantic Bramble?) -
  • Rubus leyanus (Ley's Bramble?) /
  • Rubus angusticuspis (Slender Bramble?, Narrow Bramble?, Elegant Bramble?) /
  • Rubus asperidens (Miles's Bramble - GBIF, Rough-stemmed Bramble?, Rough-prickled Bramble?) /
  • Rubus bercheriensis (Berkshire Bramble?, Bercherian Bramble?) -
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus hylocharis (Patent-pedicelled Bramble - BSBI) /
  • Rubus murrayi (Murray's Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus scabripes (Rough-stemmed Bramble?, Scabrous Bramble?) /
  • Rubus thyrsigeriformis (Long-stemmed Bramble?) /
  • Rubus obscuriflorus (Few-flowered Bramble?, Obscure-flowered Bramble?, Small-flowered Bramble?) /
  • Rubus adenoleucus (Shining Red-stemmed Bramble?, Shiny Red-stemmed Bramble?, White-glanded Bramble?) -
  • Rubus bucknallii (Bucknall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus conjungens (Conjoined Bramble, Bank Bramble - BSBI) /
  • Rubus eboracensis (Yorkshire Bramble?, Eboracum Bramble?) /
  • Rubus halsteadensis (Halstead's Bramble?) -
  • Rubus pictorum (Painted Bramble?) /-
  • Rubus pruinosus (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus horrefactus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble) /
  • Rubus vagensis (Wandering Bramble?) /
  • Rubus caesius (Dewberry) /

Flora of Somerset:

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) = Rubus idaeus, L. Raspberry
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) - Yellow cultivar = fruit amber-coloured, the prickly setae of the stems a still paler colour
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) = b. obtusifolius, Willd. (Leesii, Bab.). - A unisexual male form; it has blunt sepals and blunt leaflets (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland).
  • Rubus fissus, Lindl. (Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) R. nessensis Hall (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus nessensis, Hall. (R. suberectus, Anders.)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) R. plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus, Wh. and N. (R. fruticosus, L.)
  • b. hemistemon (P. J. Muell). - unplaced / valueless local or singular biotype (Kew), "R. plicatus var. micranthus Lange, R. plicatus var. hemistemon sensu Rogers pro parte - A dwarf form with small leaves and small flowers" - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland [probably just a dwarf form. R. hemistemon is considered a synonym for R. sprengelii on GBIF]
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus, Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus fruticosus L. x R. affinis Weihe & Nees (R. plicatus Weihe & Nees x R. vigorosus P.J. Müll. & Wirtg. - NBN) (Folded-leaved Bramble x Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus x affinis
  • Rubus libertianus, Wh. ? - does not occur in Britain - check! [it possibly refers to what is now R. arrheniiformis] (not in region)
  • Rubus affinis, Wh. et. N. (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus briggsianus (W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Briggs' Bramble - GBIF) = var. briggsianus, W. M. Rogers.
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus cariensis, Rip. et Genev.
  • Rubus imbricatus, Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dumnoniensis, Bab. (Dumnon Bramble?, Weston Bramble?)
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius, Wh. et. N. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus nemoralis, P. J. Muell. (Boreal Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus, Newman. (R. polyanthemos, Lindl.)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (Kew, GBIF) (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN) = Rubus carpinifolius, Wh. et. N. - [" I think it must go with R. podophyllus, and probably both are extreme forms of R. carpinifolius"]
  • Rubus rhombifolius, Wh. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus villicaulis, Koehl. (R. calvatus, Blox.) [R. villicaulis was used as an agg. for R. calvatus and R. nemoralis (R. selmeri) and confused with others]
  • Rubus gratus, Focke. (Grateful Bramble?)
  • Rubus leucandriformis Edees & A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus leucandrus, Focke. (Broad-petalled Bramble - GBIF) [R. leucandrus does not occur in Britain]
  • Rubus lindleyanus Lees (Kew) / Rubus lindleianus, Lees. (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus erythrinus, Genev. (Red-stemmed Bramble?)
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. argenteus, Wh. et. N. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus winteri P.J. Müll. ex Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argentatus, P. J. Muell. (Winter's Bramble) [True R. argentatus now refers to R. godronii Lecoq & Lamotte which doesn't occur in Britain]
  • Rubus subinermoides Druce? (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens, Wh. et. N. (?) (Few-prickled Bramble?) [R. chloocladus does not occur in Britain. I think our plants may have referred to R. subinermoides though R. winteri or a vestitus hybrid is a possibility]
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Common Bramble - GBIF, Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus rusticanus, Merc. (R. ulmifolius, Schott., R. discolor, auct. Brit., R. amoenus, Portenschl.)
  • Rubus ulmifolius var. leucocarpus - White Blackberry - form of above = f. leucocarpus
  • Rubus silvaticus, Wh. et. N. (Wood Bramble - GBIF) - check! - may have been a mistake for R. sciocharis. I found a plant from Brislington which Rob said might be R. sciocharis - could it be the same plant mentioned in Som. Fl.?
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus macrophyllus, Wh. et. N. (subsp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF) [True R. macrophyllus does occur not far from the Bristol Region and it could be expected to turn up one day but all our records are likely mistakes for the very variable R. cardiophyllus]
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus schlechtendalii Weihe ex Link (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. Schlechtendalii (Wh.). [A mistake! R. schlechtendalii does not occur in Britain]
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) ? Rubus macrophyllus ssp. macrophyllus (Kew) Rubus piletostachys Gren. & Godr. (GBIF, EDIT) = ? Rubus piletostachys, Gr. et Godr. - "some of the plants with a few shortly stalked glands on the stem, and more numerous glands on the rachis" - Murray [I've seen R. cardiophyllus with glands on the younger and more trailing stems]
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. amplificatus (Lees).
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus micans, Gr. et Godr. (R. hypoleucus, Lefv et Muell., R. adscitus, Genev). (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) - names in brackets from Som. Fl. are a distinct species (R. adscitus Genev.) - mistake!
  • Rubus Sprengelii, Wh. (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt. (NBN, EDIT)
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt. (NBN, EDIT) = f. eglandulosa - "plants perfectly eglandular." - Murray
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe & Nees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus leucostachys, Schleich. (R. vestitus, Wh.) (European Blackberry - GBIF) - [In the past R. vestitus was confused with R. leucostachys. True R. leucostachys does not occur with us]
  • Rubus longus (W.M. Rogers & Ley) A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus lasioclados (Focke) A.Först. (Kew, GBIF) = var. angustifolius, W. M. Rogers. - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England." - Glos. Fl. - [R. lasioclados does not occur in Britain. They are mistakes for R. longus and likely other vestitus-ulmifolius hybrids]
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x ? Rubus infestisepalus Edees & A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus macrothyrsus Lange (Kew, GBIF) = var. R. gymnostachys, Genev. (R. macrothyrsos, J. Lange.) - [R. macrothyrsos does not exist in Britain. Plants according with it are now named R. infestisepalus but ours are likely vestitus hybrids - possibly with R. echinatus?] - Check!
  • Rubus boraeanus, Genev. (Boraean Bramble?)
  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronatus, Blox. [ours no doubt refers to R. wirralensis and not true mucronulatus]
  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus oigocladus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. oigocladus (Muell. et Levf). (R. fusco-ater, auct. angl. p.p.) - Rubus oigocladus Muell. et Levf. (placed as a var. of R. mucronatus - see above) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "I believe that R. oigogladus may be best treated as a glandular form or variety of R. mucronatus" - Murray
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, Kew, EDIT) (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = var. raduloides, W. M. Rogers.
  • Rubus infestus, Wh. et. N. (Red-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R. Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus borreri, Bell Salt. [R. borreri is considered a synonym for R. sprengelii but it is clear from the geological distribution that ours is really R. dentatifolius]
  • Rubus drejeri, G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus radula, Wh. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) = var. anglicanus, W. M. Rogers.
  • close to Rubus echinatoides (W.M.Rogers) Dallman (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = close to var. echinatoides, W. M. Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus, Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis, Wh. et. N. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scaber, Wh. et. N. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fuscus, Wh. et. N. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pallidus, Wh. et. N. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus laetus E.F.Linton (Kew, EDIT) Rubus lintonii Focke ex Bab. (NBN, GBIF) = Rubus lintoni, Focke. (typo - missing an i)
  • Rubus putneiensis W.C.R.Watson? (name is unplaced - Kew) = Rubus rhenanus, P. J. Muell ? ["The barren stem differs in being much more glabrous, and so comes near to R. lejeunei, Wh. et N."] - find out!
  • Rubus longithyrsiger, Bab. (Lees. MS.). (R. pyramidalis, Bab. non. Kalt.).
  • Rubus foliosus, Wh. et. N. (R. Guentheri, Bab. non. Wh., R. flexuosus, P. J. Muell., R. derasus, Lej. et. Muell., R. saltuum, Focke).
  • Rubus obtruncatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = Rubus mutabilis, Genev. - check! (probably something else)
  • Rubus rosaceus, Wh. et. N.
  • Rubus rosaceus Weihe (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = a. R. rosaceus, Wh. et. N. (see above)
  • Rubus hystrix Weihe (Kew) taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = b. R. hystrix (Wh. et. N.). - check! - probably refers to R. scabripes Genev.
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P. J. Müll (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = c. R. rosaceus, var. infecundus, W. M. Rogers.
  • Rubus hylocharis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) ? = d. R. rosaceus, Wh. et. N. var. silvestris, mihi. - possibly refered to R. hylocharis W.C.R.Watson - check!
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum, Lefvre. - under above sp. [Roadwater; J. W. White (specimens from this locality have been referred doubtfully by Dr. Focke to R. ericetorum, Lefvre).]
  • Rubus wirtgenii Auersw. ex Wirtg. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus adornatus, P. J. Muell.
  • Rubus koehleri, Wh. et. N.
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (W.M.Rogers) E.S.Marshall (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) = var. pallidus, Bab. - "not to be confused with a variety of R. Kochleri named pallidus by Babington. The latter is now treated as a distinct species - R. dasyphyllus Rogers." - Brist. Fl.
  • ? Rubus acutifrons, Ley. - "the plant found near Selwood was a form connecting his new variety amplifrons with the type." - Som. Fl. Sup.
  • ? Rubus distractus P.J.Müll. ex Wirtg. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = ? Rubus menkei, Wh. et. N. - "the leaves are said greatly to resemble those of R. Bellardi, between which and R. vestitus (leucostachys) this species may be considered intermediate." - Som. Fl. [R. distractus does not exist in Britain]
  • ? Rubus rotundellus Sudre (Kew) - name is unplaced ? = Rubus saxicolus, P. J. Muell. - could be Rubus koehleri Weihe as the synonym for the latter R. koehleri ssp. rotundellus Sudre refers to (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus nigricans Danthoine (Kew) Rubus pedemontanus Pinkw. (Atlas of British and Irish Brambles) Rubus bellardii Weihe (GBIF) Rubus hirtus aggr. (EDIT) (Few-flowered Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus bellardi, Wh. et. N. - spelt with a typo - should be an extra i at the end.
  • Rubus rotundifolius (Bab.) A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (Round-leaved Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = Rubus hirtus, W. et K. - var. rotundifolius (Blox). - "One or two enourmous bushes by the roadside on the southern border of Chard Common." - Som. Fl. [I wonder if it may have been a hybrid perhaps between R. dasyphyllus and tuberculatus? Atlas of British and Irish Brambles suggests it might have been an aberrant form or derivative of R. dasyphyllus.]
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) = Rubus Kaltenbachii, Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus dumetorum, Wh. et. N. - is an agg. (for var. diversifolius Lindl., var. tuberculatus / scabrosus Bab., var. raduliformis Ley. - Brist. Fl. + R. dasyphylloides Sudre, R. britannicus Rogers., R. warrenii Sudre - Glos. Fl.)
  • Rubus intensior Edees (Kew) Rubus transmarinus D.E.Allen (Atlas of British and Irish Brambles, NBN, GBIF) Rubus × dasyphylloides Sudre (Kew, GBIF) - name is unplaced, R. scabrosus P. J. Muell. (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) = a. R. ferox, Weihe - "known to previous generations as R. dumetorum var. ferox." - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) Rubus myriacanthus Focke (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, Kew) - name is unplaced = b. R. diversifolius (Lindl.). - "misapplied for R. tuberculatus" - EDIT [It was separated from R. tuberculatus by the "deep green leaves, rather narrow, oblong or elliptic terminal leaflet, especially on the panicle, the very short-stalked intermediate leaflets, the narrow panicle with remote, upright, short, axillary branches and the very large (3 cm) white flowers." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland but it is just part of the hugely variable R. tuberculatus.]
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = var. scabrosus? - [see below]
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = c. R. scabrosus (P. J. Muell.). (R. tuberculatus, Bab.). - [R. tuberculatus and R. scabrosus are two distinct sp. but only the former occurs in Britain and the two were often used interchangeably for the same taxon.]
  • Rubus corylifolius, Sm. - is an agg. (for var. sublustris, var. conjungens, var. calcareus - Glos. Fl.)
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = a. sublustris (Lees).
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = b. conjungens, Bab.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) Rubus fasciculatus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (does not occur in Britain) = c. fasciculatus, (P. J. Muell.). R. corylifolius γ purpureus, Bab. - "now considered to be a dumetorum form." - Brist. Fl. [Considered by Kew, GBIF and EDIT to be synonymous with R. conjungens but our plant may have been a hybrid]
  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus, Blox.
  • var. degener - unplaced!
  • Rubus caesius, L. (Dewberry)
  • Rubus caesius L. x R. radula Weihe (Dewberry x Subulate-prickled Bramble) = Rubus caesius x radula? - a curious form, clearly caesian, but with armature recalling that of R. radula, is frequent near Chard, in districts 4 and 6. It deserves further study.
  • Rubus saxatilis, L. - Stone Bramble
  • Rubus idaeus L. x R. caesius L. = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = Rubus caesius x idaeus
  • Rubus caesius L. x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x corylifolius
  • Rubus caesius L. x R. koehleri Weihe (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x Koehleri
  • Rubus caesius L. x R. mucronulatus Boreau R. (Dewberry x Long-pedicelled Bramble) = Rubus caesius x mucronatus
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Pruinose x European Blackberry) = Rubus corylifolius x leucostachys
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Pruinose x Elm-leaved Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x rusticanus
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson x Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke (? x ?) = Rubus erythrinus x longithyrsiger
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus erythrinus x rusticanus
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x Rubus ulmifolius Schott (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x rusticanus
  • Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke x Rubus scabripes Genev. (Long-stemmed x Large-flowered Bramble) = Rubus longithyrsiger x rosaceus

Flora of Somerset Supplement:

  • Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus (Kew) (Raspberry) = Rubus idaeus L.
  • Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus (Kew) = var. obtusifolius (Willd.). - A unisexual male form; it has blunt sepals and blunt leaflets (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland).
  • Rubus sulcatus, Vest. (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus, Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus, Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees (Kew, GBIF) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF, Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus affinis, Weihe & Nees. - check!
  • Rubus briggsianus (W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) var. Briggsianus, Rogers. (Briggs' Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus imbricatus, Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius, Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus lindleianus, Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - Kew spells it (ei) with a 'y'
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argenteus, Weihe & Nees. (erythrinus, Genevier).
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe x Rubus ulmifolius Schott = Rubus argenteus x rusticanus " A hybrid, probably x rusticanus, grows on a slope of Failand above the Tan-pit stream (C. Bucknall)." Fl. Bristol
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius, Weihe & Nees. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus silurum (Ley) Ley (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus nemoralis, P. J. Muell., var. silurum, Ley.
  • Rubus dumnoniensis, Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus, Newman.
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Selmeri, Lindeberg.
  • Rubus mollissimus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus leucandrus, Focke. "Not leucandrus, but my mollissimus," Rogers in litt., 1913. - check!
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus thyrsoideus, Wimm.
  • Rubus godronii Lecoq & Lamotte = Rubus Godroni, Lecoq & Lamotte (argentatus, P. J. Muell.). - missing an 'i'. - probably actually referred to R. winteri (P.J.Müll. ex Focke) A.Först. - check!
  • Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens, Weihe. - check!
  • Rubus macrophyllus, Weihe & Nees (type). (ssp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus mollissimus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus hirtifolius, Muell. & Wirtg., var. mollissimus (Rogers). R. P. Murray (as leucandrus; see above).
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (EDIT, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis, Kalt.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Vested Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus leucostachys, Sm.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus leucostachys x rusticanus.
  • Rubus lasioclados (Focke) A.Först. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus lasioclados, Focke, var. angustifolius, Rogers. - a mistake! for R. vestitus x ulmifolius - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus criniger, Linton.
  • Rubus Gelertii, Frider. - does not occur in Britain - probably refers to R. cissburiensis - check!
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. raduloides, Rogers.
  • Rubus infestus, Weihe.
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Dentate-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus Borreri, Bell-Salter, var. dentatifolius, Briggs.
  • Rubus Drejeri, G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leyanus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = subsp. leyanus, Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus, Lindley. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus oigocladus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype = Rubus oigoclados, Muell. & Lefv. - spelt with an 'o' instead of a 'u' - check!
  • Rubus bloxamianus Coleman ex Purchas (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bloxam's Bramble?) = var. Bloxamianus, Rogers.
  • Rubus Babingtonii, Bell-Salter. (Babington's Bramble?)
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum, Lefv.
  • Rubus moylei W.C.Barton & Ridd (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Moyle's Bramble?) = var. cuneatus, Rogers & Ley.
  • Rubus Bloxamii, Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble)
  • Rubus scaber, Weihe & Nees. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rosaceus, Weihe & Nees. - is an agg. name for the following two sub-taxa and not a distinct sp. in Britain - check!
  • Rubus hystrix Weihe (Kew, GBIF) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = var. hystrix (Weihe & Nees.). - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = subsp. infecundus, Rogers.
  • Rubus wirtgenii (Kew, GBIF) (Wirtgen's Bramble?) = Rubus adornatus, P. J. Muell.
  • Rubus hostilis, Muell. & Wirtg. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus koehleri Weihe (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Koehleri, Weihe & Nees., var. cognatus (N. E. Brown).
  • Rubus dasyphyllus, Rogers (pallidus, Bab., non Wh. & N.). (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus juvenis (iuvenis - GBIF, EDIT) A.Beek (Kew) = Rubus viridis, Kalt. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) (Diverse Bramble?) = Rubus Kaltenbachii, Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus acutifrons, Ley. (Acute-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus dumetorum, Weihe & Nees., var. raduliformis, Ley.
  • Rubus corylifolius, Sm. (sublustris, Lees). - name is unplaced - is an agg. (for var. sublustris, var. conjungens, var. calcareus - Glos. Fl.)
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. cyclophyllus (Lindeb.) (conjungens, Bab.).
  • Rubus corylifolius agg. x R. ulmifolius Schott. (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x rusticanus.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x R. caesius L. (Dewberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus caesius x rusticanus.

The Bristol Flora:

  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) L. Raspberry
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry) - Yellow cultivar = Amber-coloured - "There is a variety of this plant having amber-coloured fruit with pale stems and foliage, which is the White Raspberry of gardens."
  • Rubus fissus Lindl. (Cleft Bramble - NBN, Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF, Many-prickled Bramble?)
  • Rubus sulcatus Vest. (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus Wh. & N.
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus Focke. [True R. opacus doesn't exist in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii but ours is actually R. nobilissimus] - 1 record in our region - Atlas of British and Irish Brambles
  • Rubus divaricatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus nessensis Hall (ssp. nessensis - EDIT) (GBIF, EDIT) - must be a mistake - check! = Rubus nitidus Wh. & N.
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees (Kew, GBIF) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, EDIT) (now Rubus fruticosus L. - Kew) - must be a mistake - check! (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF, Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus affinis Wh. & N. - check!
  • Rubus altiarcuatus W.C.Barton & Ridd. = Rubus cariensis (W.M.Rogers - Kew) - misnomer for R. villicaulis - a meaningless name now - once covered an agg. of sp. including var. calvatus Blox. (Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam) and var. Selmeri Lindeb. (Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll.) - Brist. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort. (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius Wh. & N.
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - spelt with a 'y' (Kew) instead of 'i'
  • Rubus lindleyanus Lees x ? (Lindley's Bramble x ?) = Rubus lindleianus x ? - Clifton Down, where many species congregate so closely, there are several hybrids whose other constituents are uncertain.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus argenteus Wh. & N. R. erythrinus auct. brit. prius.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe x R. ulmifolius Schott (Rhombic-leaved Bramble x Elm-leaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus argenteus x rusticanus? - Failand above Tan-pit stream
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius Wh. & N. R. cordifolius Box. Bab., etc. - "English rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller" - Glos. Fl.
  • ? x Rubus lindleianus Lees (? x Lindley's Bramble) = A hybrid x lindleianus - occurs on Clifton Down
  • Rubus nemoralis P. J. Mueller. (Boreal Bramble - NBN)
  • Rubus dumnoniensis Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus pulcherrimus Neuman., R. macrophyllus var. umbrosus auct. brit., R. carpinifolius Bloxam, non Wh. & N.
  • Rubus egregius Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Brown-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus varvicensis Edees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus mercicus subsp. bracteatus Bagnall. - there is confusion here. Kew refers it to its new name R. varvicensis with its old name as a correct synonym (R. mercinus subsp. / var. bracteatus) but it was explained to be wrongly placed under R. mercinus and should be under R. egregius Focke. - "This plant is far nearer to R. egregius than to R. mercicus; it is difficult, indeed, to understand why it was ever placed as a variety of the latter" - Glos. Fl. - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland does the same. - check!
  • Rubus villicaulis Koehl. (aggr.) - "Much of the old "villicaulis" has now been transfered to other species." - true R. villicaulis (now R. gracilis J.Presl & C.Presl) does not occur in Britain. They are mistakes for R. nemoralis, R. pyramidalis and the next
  • Rubus calvatus Lees ex A.Bloxam (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = some assigned to var. calvatus Blox.
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble) = some assigned to Selmeri Lindeb.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus sciocharis (Sudre) C.K.Schneid. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus gratus Focke, var. sciaphilus Lange.
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm.
  • Rubus winteri (P.J.Müll. ex Focke) A.Först. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Winter's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Godroni Lecoq & Lamotte. - spelt wrongly (should have another 'i') - the name is correct but does not occur in Britain. It will refer to R. winteri - check!
  • Rubus procerus P.J.Müll. ex Boulay (Kew) Rubus praecox Bertol. (GBIF, EDIT) = var. robustus P. J. Muell. - does not occur in Britain - "We do not appear to have true R. robustus in England. Much of what we have called this name should go under R. winteri P. J. Muell."- Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. clivicola - some specimens represented a small form of [above], while others shaded off towards var. clivicola
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rusticanus Merc.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x ?) = Hybr. x pyramidalis
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Hybr. x leucostachys
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus corylifolius agg. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x ?) = Hybr. x corylifolius
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus caesius L. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x Dewberry) = Hybr. x caesius
  • var. or forma leucocarpus - "An amber-fruited Blackberry." - form of above = f. leucocarpus
  • Rubus chloocladus W.C.R.Watson (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus pubescens Weihe.
  • Rubus macrophyllus Wh. & N. (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus schlechtendalii Weihe ex Link (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. Schlechtendalii - "Specimens from one spot near the Tan-pits were thought by Mr. Briggs to come under var. Schlechtendalii".
  • Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus sprengelii Weihe - error
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus hypoleucus Lefv. & Muell. - "formerly known in England as R. micans Gren. & Godr."
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis Kalt. This is the - "intermediate" between leucostachys and villicaulis (f. eglandulosa); Fl. Som.
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus leucostachys Sm.
  • Rubus gymnostachys Genev. (Kew) - name is unplaced (Kew) probably refers to Rubus andegavensis Bouvet (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. gymnostachys Genev. - check!
  • Rubus lasioclados Focke, var. angustifolius Rogers. - error "what has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronatus Bloxam.
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Gelertii Frider. - recorded in error - does not occur in Britain
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus Gelert.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, EDIT, GBIF) = var. raduloides Rogers.
  • Rubus raduloides x ? - "There are on Clifton Down some raduloides hybrids whose other constituents cannot be certainly stated".
  • Rubus infestus Weihe. (Infested Bramble?)
  • Rubus sprengelii var. sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Sprengel's Bramble) = Rubus Borreri Bell-Salter.
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Dentate-leaved Bramble?) = var. dentatifolius Briggs.
  • Rubus Drejeri G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leyanus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Ley's Bramble) = var. Leyanus Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus Lindley. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis Wh. & N. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis x R. lindleianus (Purple-glandular Bramble x Lindley's Bramble) = Rubus rudis x Lindleianus? - G.W.R main line under Fox's Wood, Brislington.
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus oigoclados Muell. & Lefv. - spelt wrongly should be 'oigocladus' - Glos. Fl. as R. cenomanensis Sudre., R. obcuneatus Lef. & Muell, R. longithyrsiger var. botryeros Rogers [or R. oegocladus Muell. & Lef. - separate sp. - check!] (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) - all names unplaced except for R. botryeros - check!
  • Rubus bloxamianus Coleman ex Purchas (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bloxam's Bramble?) = var. Bloxamianus Colem.
  • Rubus Babingtonii Bell-Salter. (Babington's Bramble)
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum Lefv.
  • Rubus Bloxamii Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble?)
  • Rubus fuscus Wh. & N. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pallidus Wh. & N. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scaber Wh. & N. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus hystrix Wh. & N. - is an agg. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) = var. hystrix (Weihe & Nees.). - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus infecundus Rogers.
  • Rubus wirtgenii Auersw. ex Wirtg. (Kew, GBIF) (Wirtgen's Bramble?) = Rubus adornatus P. J. Muell. - check!
  • Rubus Koehleri Wh. & N. - possibly a mistake (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland has R. vigursii as a synonym which is a separate sp. that does definitely occur in Britain - Kew) - check!
  • Rubus dasyphyllus Rogers. (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF) - "This is the form which massed under R. Koehleri var. pallidus of Bloxam and Babington (not the R. pallidus of Weihe and Nees von Esenbeck)"
  • Rubus juvenis A.Beek (Kew, GBIF and EDIT - spelt as 'iuvenis') Rubus calyculatus Kaltenb.? (GBIF) = Rubus viridis Kalt. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Kaltenbachii Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus babingtonii T.B.Salter (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Babington's Bramble?) = Rubus ochrodermis Ley.
  • Rubus dumetorum Wh. & N. - is an agg. for the following two species (and other members of what is now sect. corylifolii)
  • var. diversifolius Lindl. "essentially a hedge bramble and of frequent occurrence." - Kew refers it to R. vestitus but this must be wrong - check!
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = var. tuberculatus Bab. or scabrosus of the same author "rather common".
  • Rubus babingtonianus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus althaeifolius - "plentiful in hedges between Winscombe and Banwell, and also in Featherbed Lane between Stanton Wick and Clutton". "They were probably caesian hybrids!" - check!
  • Rubus × deltoideus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF) - name unplaced (Kew) = Rubus deltoideus P. J. Muell. - "about Berrow Church and village". - does not occur in Britain. It probably refers to a caesian hybrid.
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Halstead's Bramble?) = var. raduliformis - Cheddar Gorge.
  • Rubus corylifolius Sm. - an agg. for the following
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = var. a. sublustris Lees.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. b. cyclophyllus Lindeb. = conjungens Bab.
  • Rubus fasciculatus P.J.Müll. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = var. fasciculatus P. J. Muell = R. corylifolius γ purpureus Bab. - "now considered to be a dumetorum form" - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus Bloxam.
  • Rubus Bucknalli J. W. White. (Bucknall's Bramble) - missing an 'i'
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = A hybrid x idaeus = R. pseudo-idaeus Lej.
  • Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x corylifolius - recorded by Mr. D. Fry from Stanton Prior
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble

Flora of Gloucestershire:

  • Rubus idaeus L. (ssp. idaeus - Kew) Raspberry
  • Rubus fissus Lindl. (Cleft Bramble - NBN, Many-prickles Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) Rubus nessensis Hall (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus suberectus Anderss.
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus bertramii G.Braun (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) = var. Bertramii (G. Braun ex Focke) Rogers. (R. opacus Bertram non Focke; R. Bertramii G. Braun ex Focke).
  • var. pseudo-hemistemon Focke. - check!
  • Rubus bertramii G.Braun (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Bertram's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus opacus Focke. - [True R. opacus does not occur in Britain and it now refers to R. bertramii]
  • Rubus divaricatus P.J.Müll. (Kew) (Red-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) Rubus nessensis Hall (Rubus polonicus Weston - Kew) (ssp. nessensis - EDIT) (GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus nitidus Weihe & Nees. - must be a mistake - check!
  • Rubus affinis Weihe & Nees. (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) - Edit has it as a synonym of Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (now R. fruticosus L.) - this must be wrong - check!
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort. (Imbricate-leaved Bramble?, Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus Weihe ex H.E.Weber (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hornbeam-leaved Bramble - NBN, Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus carpinifolius Weihe & Nees.
  • Rubus incurvatus Bab.
  • Rubus incurvatus x R. rhombifolius? (? x Rhombic-leaved Bramble) = Rubus incurvatus x R. subcarpinifolius? - Near the Four Shire Stone. "It grows there along with R. subcarpinifolius Rogers & Ridd. and intermediate forms." - check!
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rhombic-leaved Bramble - GBIF) Rubus subcarpinifolius (W.M.Rogers ex Ridd.) Ridd. (Kew) = var. subcarpinifolius Rogers & Riddelsdell. - "in company with R. incurvatus, and intermediates between the two!" - Kew separates it as a distinct species as does Glos. Fl. "Our plant, in my opinion, is not R. rhombifolius Weihe (see J. Bot., 1933, 223 f.), though it is near Weihe's plant. The actual specimens of R. subcarpinifolius from the Wye Valley, which are in Roger's herbarium, exhibit a distinctive form, well represented by the Gloucestershire bushes mentioned" but GBIF and Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland place it as a synonym of R. rhombifolius Weihe - check!
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees. (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) - Kew spells it with a 'y' as Lindleyanus
  • Rubus lindleianus x R. cardiophyllus (Lindley's Bramble x Round-fruited Bramble) = Rubus lindleianus x R. rhamnifolius - "It hybridises with R. rhamnifolius on Clifton Down."
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus argenteus Weihe & Nees. - R. argenteus is a synonym of R. rhombifolius according to Kew, GBIF and Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland but ours is not that plant "Sudre gave a new name to our British form; viz. R. cryptadenes Sudre" - Glos. Fl. - now known as R. rubritinctus - check!
  • Rubus cardiophyllus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rhamnifolius Weihe & Nees. - "English R. rhamnifolius does not correspond exactly with Weihe & Nees's type; it is nearer to R. cardiophyllus P. J. Mueller, as Rogers points out, in his handbook, p. 30."
  • Rubus bakerianus W.C. Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Baker's Bramble?) = Rubus Bakeranus Bart. & Ridd., R. Bakeri (F. A. Lees) Rogers - spelling mistake - missing an 'i' - should be R. bakerianus
  • Rubus bakerianus W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Baker's Bramble?) = Rubus Bakeranus x var. milcombensis? - "a form apparently between R. Bakeranus and var. milcombensis Bart. et Riddl., but the stem-piece is unsatisfactory." - var. milcombensis is a form of R. bakerianus and not a distinct species - check!
  • Rubus pampinosus Lees (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pampinose Bramble?) = Rubus Buttii Bart. & Ridd.
  • Rubus cambrensis W. Watson., R. nemoralis Rogers, non P. J. Muell., var. glabratus Rogers (Welsh Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum (A. Ley) W. Watson., R. nemoralis P. J. Muell., var. Silurum A. Ley, R. oxyanchus Sudre, var. Silurum (Ley) Sudre.
  • Rubus errabundus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus Scheutzii Lindeb. - R. scheutzii (now Rubus muenteri T.Marsson) does not occur in Britain - it refers to R. errabundus - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus dumnoniensis Bab.
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb. (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Lindebergii P. J. Muell. (Lindeberg's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus cornubiensis (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cornish Bramble) = Rubus bifrons Vest. (Himalayan Berry - GBIF) - "W. Watson in B.E.C, 1930, 261, assigns a 1907 specimen from Micheldean to R. bifrons Vest., a species which has not yet been discovered in England." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland refers R. cornubiensis (Rogers & Riddels.) and R. nemoralis var. cornubiensis Rogers & Riddels. as synonyms - they are a separate species - our plant was probably originally thought to be the same as the continental one (R. bifrons Vest.) when they are in fact 2 distinct taxons, which is where the confusion lies - check!
  • Rubus villicaulis Koehl. - an agg. for the following species, R. calvatus and confused for others, namely R. pyramidalis Kalt. (now R. umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh.) according to Brist. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Selmeri Lindeb.
  • Rubus laciniatus (Weston) Willd., R. fruticosus, var. laciniatus Weston. (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF, Cut-leaved Bramble - Kew) - "Near Cirencester." - Kew places it under Rubus nemoralis - decide! - probably keep it separate.
  • Rubus rhombifolius Weihe. (Rhombic-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus gratus Focke. (Great Bramble, Greatful Bramble?)
  • Rubus gratus × R. melanocladus = R. × dobuniensis Sudre & Ley (Kew) = Rubus dubuniensis Sudre (R. gratus x R. orthoclados?) - Micheldean. - name does not exist - check! - spelling mistake - should be Rubus dobuniensis
  • Rubus sciocharis Sudre., R. sciaphilus Lange, non R. sciophilus Lefèvre ex P. J. Muell. (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus leucandriformis Edees & A.Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Broad-petalled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus leucandrus Focke. - does not occur in Britain. "The determination of the above was due to Focke; but it is only fair to say that neither Ley nor Rogers ever felt quite happy about it; and on the whole I agree with them". - Glos. Fl. It was only published as a separate species to the continental one in 1978
  • Rubus ramosus Briggs. non Bloxam. - check! - there is a single record from Weston - Worlebury Hill and Kewstoke according to NBN
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm. - Does not occur in Britain. It refers to a ser. Discolores (possibly R. armeniacus - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland) - check!
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus candicans Weihe? - "The Cotswold plant, in districts 1 and 7, is a strong handsome plant with shinning glabrous stems, strong prickles on stem and rachis, rather small, massed, pale flowers and pale green discolorous foliage; altogether an effective bush. It seems to be identical with R. candidens Weihe." - check!
  • Rubus Winteri P. J. Muell. ex Focke., R. Godroni auctt. (Winter's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Winteri x R. vestitus? (x R. ulmifolius?) = possible hybrid of this species with R. angustifolius Rogers.? - "Ley found at Rodmore Mill, Hewelsfield." [Here (R. lasioclados, var. angustifolius Rogers) it is seen to be a form of R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. R. leucostachys refers to R. vestitus and the true cross is likely just this with R. winteri]
  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Slope Bramble?, Acclivitate Bramble?, Inclined Bramble?) = var. clivicola (Ley) Ridd., R. argentatus, var. clivicola Ley.
  • Rubus procerus P.J.Müll. ex Boulay (Kew, GBIF) (Tall Bramble?) = Rubus robustus auctt., non P. J. Muell., R. argentatus, var. robustus Rogers. - does not occur in Britain - check! - "We do not appear to have true R. robustus in England. Much of what we have called by this name should go under R. winteri P. J. Muell., though I cannot say that all the above records belong to that species." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rusticanus Merc., R. ulmifolius Schott.
  • var. leucocarpus Seringe. - "Near Frenchay". - an amber-fruited form of above
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x R. amplificatus Lees (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble x Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus rusticanus x R. Schlechtendalii - R. schlechtendalii does not occur in Britain. It is a mistake for R. amplificatus. - check!
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x Grabowski's Bramble?) = Rubus rusticanus x R. thyrsoideus - this is a mistake - check!
  • Rubus herefordensis (Sudre) Druce., R. pubescens Rogers p.p, non Weihe. (Herefordshire Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew)
  • Rubus subinermoides Druce (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Subinermoid Bramble?) = Rubus cethrophilus Genev., var. pubescens Sudre., R. pubescens, var. subinermis Rogers. - should be R. clethraphilis
  • Rubus silvaticus Weihe & Nees. (Wood Bramble - GBIF) - check! - "The true R. silvaticus of W. & N. seems to be very rare in England differing from our examples in its very hairy stem with many slender, scattered prickles". - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus hesperius Rogers. (Hesperian Bramble?) - Only occurs in Ireland - check! - "This is not quite the Irish plant". - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus lentiginosus Lees. (Freckled Bramble?) - check!
  • Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees. (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Large-leaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus Schlechtendalii Weihe. (Schlechtendal's Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - probably R. amplificatus
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) Rubus Schlechtendalii Weihe. (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Schlechtendal's Bramble?) - separate species - does not occur in Britain = Rubus macrophylloides Genev.
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?) = Rubus chlorosyrthus Focke.? - "W. Watson (B.E.C., 1931, 643) assigns the St. Briavels plant to R. chlorosyrthus Focke." - does not occur in Britain - the plant probably refers to the same as the previous two - R. amplificatus
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees. (Expanded Bramble?)
  • Rubus polyoplus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Yellow-prickled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Salteri Bab. (Salter's Bramble - GBIF) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "This is not the true R. Salteri of Babington; nor is it quite the Herefordshire plant and Glamorgan species, named R. euoplos by W. Watson, B.E.C., 1932, 21." - Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus infestus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Aggressive Bramble?) = Rubus Colemanni Bloxam. - mistake - should be 'colemannii' - check!
  • Rubus Sprengelii Weihe. (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum x R. Sprengelii? (Catfish Bramble? x Sprengel's Bramble) - "occurred in a wood at Micheldean Meend!" - check!
  • Rubus bracteosus (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leafy Bramble?) = Rubus orthoclados Ley, non Boulay. - "reduced by Sudre, Rub. Eur., 258 (1913), to R. bracteosus Weihe." - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF) - "they are probably forms of R. griseoviridis Bart. et Riddl." (now R. prolongatus Boulay & Letendre) (Prolonged Bramble?) - check!
  • Rubus melanocladus Sudre, R. hirtifolius Rogers, non Muell. et Wirtg. (Melanocladus Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanocladus x R. ulmifolius (Melanocladus Bramble? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus melanocladus x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus mollissimus Rogers. (Soft-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus orbus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Orb Bramble?) = Rubus iricus Rogers, var. minor Rogers & Ridd.
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) (Shady Bramble?, Pyramidal Bramble) Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT) = Rubus pyramidalis Kalt.
  • Rubus umbrosus x R. ulmifolius (Shady / Pyramidal Bramble x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus pyramidalis x rusticanus? - "abundant over nearly an acre of ground on sandstone, Ivory Hill, Brist. Fl., though Rogers (W.E.C., 1911-2, 335) thought the cross R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus more likely."
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF, Vested Bramble?, Dressed Bramble?) = Rubus leucostachys Schleich. ex Sm., R. vestitus Weihe et Nees.
  • Rubus vestitus x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry x Common Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Rubus lasioclados, var. angustifolius Rogers - form of [above] - "specimens determined as R. lasioclados by Rogers are R. ulmifolius x vestitus: I have seen no R. lasioclados in Britain." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus vestitus x R. ulmifolius (European Blackberry x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus lasioclados auctt., non Focke. - "What has been called R. lasioclados in England, and certainly in Gloucestershire, is invariably R. leucostachys x R. rusticanus. I have seen no true R. lasioclados from England."
  • Rubus vestitus x R. umbrosus (European Blackberry x Shady / Pyramidal Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x pyramidalis
  • Rubus vestitus x R. rufescens (European Blackberry x Rufous Bramble) = Rubus leucostachys x infecundus
  • Rubus macrothyrsus Lange. - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry) = Rubus leucanthemus auctt.
  • Rubus egregius Focke (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Brown-stemmed Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus egregius Focke, var. bracteatus (Bagn.) Ridd., R. mercicus, var. bracteatus Bagn. - "This plant is far nearer to R. egregius than to R. mercicus; it is difficult, indeed, to understand why it was ever placed as a variety of the latter." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus criniger (Linton) Rogers., R. Gelertii, var. criniger Linton. (Hairy Bramble?)
  • Rubus Boraeanus Genev. (Boraean Bramble?)
  • Rubus cinerosus Rogers. (Grey Bramble?, Grey-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus mucronifer Sudre., R. mucronatus Blox., non Ser.
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Cissbury Bramble?) = Rubus Gelertii auctt., non Frider. - R. gelertii does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus cissburiensis Bart. & Ridd. (Cissbury Bramble?)
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus anglosaxonicus Gelert.
  • Rubus curvidens Ley (Curved-toothed Bramble - GBIF) = var. R. curvidens Ley. - unplaced (Kew) - "so far as can be ascertained, the records belong to the following new species". - check!
  • Rubus cotteswoldensis Bart. & Ridd. (Cotswold Bramble?)
  • Rubus euanthinus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Euanthinus Bramble?) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, subsp. vestitiformis Rogers.
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M.Rogers) Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Raduloides Bramble?) = Rubus anglosaxonicus, subsp. raduloides (Rogers) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre., R. anglosaxonicus, var. setulosus Rogers. (Narrow-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus infestus Weihe. (Aggressive Bramble?)
  • Rubus infestus x R. ulmifolius (Aggressive Bramble? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus infestus x R. rusticanus - "Whitecroft".
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Narrow-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus uncinatus P. J. Muell. - does not occur in Britain - check! - "Not British - 34, Lea Bailey - R. angusticuspis - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland."
  • Rubus micans Godr. (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF)? / Rubus sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF) (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) x ? = hybrid? - "7a. Heath east of Moreton! (B.E.C., 1920, 222). W. Watson in B.E.C., 1932, 95, says this is R. apiculatus Weihe & Nees; this is a mistake. The bush is solitary and probably a hybrid, and nothing like the R. apiculatus of the continent."
  • Rubus sprengelii (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) var. sprengelii (Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Borreri Bell Salter.
  • Rubus Drejeri G. Jensen. (Drejer's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Leyanus Rogers. (Ley's Bramble)
  • Rubus radula Weihe. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus echinatoides (W.M.Rogers) Dallman (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Echinatoid's Bramble?) = var. echinatoides (Rogers) Ridd., R. radula, subsp. echinatoides Rogers.
  • Rubus leightonii Lees ex Leight. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Leighton's Bramble - NBN, GBIF) = Rubus ericetorum Lefèvre ex Genev., R. radula, subsp. anglicanus Rogers.
  • Rubus echinatus Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus rudis Weihe. (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M.Rogers) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Botryeros Bramble?) = Rubus cenomanensis Sudre., R. oigocladus Rogers, non Muell. & Lef. - name unplaced (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus newbouldii Bab. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Newbould's Bramble?) = Rubus oigocladus, var. Newbouldii (Bab.) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus regillus Ley. (Regal Bramble)
  • Rubus fuscicortex Sudre., R. podophyllus Rogers, non Muell. (Brown Cortex Bramble?) - only occurs around North Wales - check!
  • Rubus Griffithianus Rogers. (Griffith's Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanodermis Focke. (Melanoderm Bramble?, Black Bramble?, Dark Bramble?)
  • Rubus Babingtonii Bell Salter. (Babington's Bramble?)
  • Rubus moylei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Moyle's Bramble?) = Rubus Moylei Bart. & Ridd., var. cuneatus (Rogers & Ley) Bart. & Ridd.
  • Rubus cavatifolius P. J. Muell. (Cavity-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus Wedgwoodiae Bart. & Ridd. var. Sabrinae Bart. & Ridd. (Wedgwood's Bramble?)
  • Rubus Bloxamii Lees. (Bloxam's Bramble?)
  • Rubus fuscus Weihe. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fuscus Weihe. (Fuscous Bramble - GBIF) = form going off towards R. macrostachys - "Wood on Clifton Down." - R. macrostachys does not occur in Britain. It's probably just an affect of the local conditions i.e. shade.
  • Rubus insectifolius Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Insect-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus nuticeps Bart. & Ridd., R. fuscus Weihe et Nees, var. nutans Rogers.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuous Bramble?, Bendy Bramble?, Forest Bramble?) = Rubus hyposericeus Sudre. R. fuscus, var. macrostachys Rogers, non R. macrostachys P. J. Muell.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuous Bramble?, Bendy Bramble?, Forest Bramble?) = forma umbrosus - "Yew Slade near Ruspidge."
  • Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hiding Bramble?) Rubus cinerascens Weihe ex Lej. & Courtois (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus obscurus (cit. Kalt.) Rogers Hbk. (Obscure Bramble?, Dark Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - "R. obscurus Kaltenb. as shown in Genevier's herbarium is certainly not the plant recorded above." - probably refers to Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson
  • Rubus subtercanens W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hiding Bramble?) Rubus cinerascens Weihe ex Lej. & Courtois (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = white-flowered form - "Lower Redbrook by the river.", "Newnham."
  • Rubus pallidus Weihe. (Pale Bramble - NBN, Pallid Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus euryanthemus W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pale-styled Bramble - GBIF) = var. leptopetalus Rogers.
  • Rubus rosaceus Weihe. (Rosy Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - probably refers to agg. for R. hystrix, R. infecundus, R. adornatus
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Purchasian Bramble?) = var. Purchasianus Rogers.
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Purchasian Bramble?) x ? = form, towards R. hystrix Weihe - "May Hill."
  • Rubus scaber Weihe. (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scaber x R. infestus (Scabrous Bramble x Aggressive Bramble?) = Rubus scaber x R. setulosus - unplaced (Kew) - check!
  • Rubus hastiformis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hastiform Bramble?, Rod-shaped Bramble?) = Rubus truncifolius Muell. & Lefèvre, var. thyrsiger (Bab.) Sudre., R. thyrsiger Bab., non Banning et Focke.
  • Rubus hastiformis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Hastiform Bramble?, Rod-shaped Bramble?)? = form with short stamens - "Lea Bailey Woods, form with short stamens, 1925! consequently to this extent untypical. Only one bush seen."
  • Rubus longithyrsiger Bab. (Long-winded Bramble?)
  • Rubus botryeros Focke., R. longithyrsiger, var. vel subsp. botryeros Focke ex Rogers. (Botryeros Bramble?, Clustered Bramble?)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?) = Rubus flexuosus Muell. & Lefèvre., R. foliosus Rogers, non Weihe.
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF, Forest Bramble?) = curious form of this species which seems to be entirely glandless - "In 1910 Ley found on Tidenham Chase a curious form of this species which seems to be entirely glandless. I saw it there in quantity in one spot in 1934."
  • Rubus saltuum / flexuosus x R. rufescens (Flexuous Bramble x Rufous Bramble) = Rubus flexuosus x R. infecundus.
  • Rubus hystrix Weihe. (Hystrix Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - an agg. and mostly mistakes - check!
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J.Müll. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rufous Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus rosaceus, subsp. infecundus (Rogers) Rogers Hbk.
  • Rubus Murrayi (Sudre) Druce., R. adornatus Rogers, non P. J. Muell. (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus Murrayi (Sudre) Druce. (Murray's Bramble - GBIF) x ? = an apparent hybrid - "Wood near Severn Springs, Bourton, 1935!, with an apparent hybrid."
  • Rubus Powellii Rogers. (Powell's Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - probably a mistake - check! - "all specimens that I have seen have been the dwarf form of R. radula, except Wolley-Dod's Shooters Hill Bramble, which was R. argutifolius." - Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Rubus hostilis Muell. & Wirtg. (Hostile Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus hostilis x R. nemoralis (Hostile Bramble? x Boreal Bramble) - "Wolford Heath".
  • Rubus fusco-ater Weihe. (Dark-brown Bramble?) - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew) - "A doubtful Identification" - Glos. Fl. - check!
  • Rubus Koehleri Weihe. (koehler's Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check!
  • Rubus dasyphyllus Rogers. (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rilstonei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) - Glos. Fl. (Rilstone's Bramble?) Rubus koehleri Weihe (Kew, GBIF) (koehler's Bramble?) [does not occur in Britain] = Rubus plinthostylus Genev.
  • Rubus rilstonei W.C.Barton & Ridd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Rilstone's Bramble?) x R. Marshallii? or aberrant R. rufescens = form off type towards R. Marshallii, Rogers. - "Stanway to Snowshill, form off type towards R. Marshallii, Rogers. This is a queer looking plant which seems to me to have nothing to do with the R. plinthostylus of Cornwall, now named R. Rilstonei. It looks more like an aberrant R. infecundus." - Find out!
  • Rubus Marshalli Focke & Rogers. R. Koehleri, var. hirsutus Rogers. (Marshall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus semiglaber (W.M.Rogers) W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Half bold Bramble?, Smooth Bramble?, Smoothish Bramble?) = var. semiglaber Rogers.
  • Rubus atrebatum A.Newton (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Atrebate Bramble?, Cut-off Bramble?, Severed Bramble?, Severed-leaved Bramble?) = Rubus leptadenes Sudre, var. calliphylloides (Sudre) Sudre., R. calliphylloides Sudre; R. viridis Rogers, non Kalt. - check!
  • Rubus pallidisetus Sudre (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pale Hedge Bramble?, Pale Lazy Bramble?, Pale Set Bramble?) = Rubus angustifrons Sudre, var. pallidisectus (Sudre) Sudre., R. pallidisectus Sudre; R. divexiramus Rogers, non P. J. Muell. - mistake should be 'pallidisetus'
  • Rubus nigricans Danthoine (Kew, GBIF) Rubus bellardii Weihe (GBIF) Rubus hirtus aggr. (EDIT) (Blackened Bramble?, Black Bramble?, Bellard's Bramble) = Rubus Bellardii Weihe.
  • Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kit. (Hairy Bramble?) - does not occur in Britain - check! - "R. hirtus should be expunged from our lists." - Glos. Fl.
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R.Watson (Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland, NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Diverse Bramble?, Variable Bramble?) Rubus kaltenbachii Metsch (Kew, GBIF, EDIT) = Rubus hirtus, subsp. Kaltenbachii Rogers, non Metsch. - taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype (Kew)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus napophiloides Sudre., R. flaccidifolius Rogers, non P. J. Muell. - check!
  • Rubus dumetorum auctt., species aggr. - for R. diversifolius (now R. vestitus - check!), R. tuberculatus (now R. horrefactus), R. raduliformis (now R. halsteadensis) - Brist. Fl.
  • Rubus × dasyphylloides Sudre (Kew) - unplaced = Rubus dasyphylloides Sudre., R. dumetorum, var. ferox Rogers, non Weihe et Nees. - "Sudre treats this as R. rufescens, var. dasyphyllus x R. caesius." - the two modern names I could find (R. ferus (Focke) Focke and R. scabrosus P.J.Müll.) do not occur in Britain. Sudre was probably right in thinking it's R. dasyphyllus x R. caesius - check!
  • Rubus britannicus Rogers. (British Dandelion?) - "Treated by Sudre as R. longisepalus x R. caesius."
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (European Blackberry - GBIF) = Rubus diversifolius Lindl. non Tineo. - "Treated by Sudre as R. echinatoides x R. caesius."
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Tuberculed Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus tuberculatus Bab. - "treated by Sudre as R. caesius x R. mucronifer and R. caesius x R. flexuosus."
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Railway Bramble, Tuberculed Bramble?, Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF) = with white flowers! - "Witcombe Wood." - confused! - It should have white flowers!
  • Rubus halsteadensis W.C.R.Watson (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Halstead's Bramble?) = Rubus raduliformis (Ley) Ridd., comb. nov.
  • Rubus Warrenii Sudre., R. dumetorum, var. concinnus Warren. (Warren's Bramble?) - "Treated by Sudre as a hybrid between R. polyanthemus and R. caesius."
  • Rubus corylifolius Sm. - an agg. for the following 3 sp.
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF) = var. sublustris (Lees) Leighton., R. sublustris Lees. - "treated by Sudre as a hybrid between R. alterniflorus, subsp. herefordensis, and R. caesius."
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. conjungens Bab.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M.Rogers (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Conjoined Bramble) = var. calcareus Rogers & Ridd.
  • Rubus corylifolius agg. x R. ulmifolius Schott (? x Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble) = Rubus corylifolius x R. rusticanus - probably R. conjungens x R. ulmifolius
  • Rubus nemorosus Hayne ex Willd. (NBN, Kew, GBIF, EDIT) (Shade Bramble - GBIF) = Rubus Balfourianus Blox. ex Bab.
  • Rubus Bucknalli J. W. White. (Bucknall's Bramble?)
  • Herefordshire plant - "placed under this name by Rogers appears to differ both from the original specimens and from White's description in several characters. It may, perhaps, be included as a variety."
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus idaeus x R. caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus (Weihe) Lej. (Stace) (Raspberry x Dewberry) = Rubus caesius x R. idaeus
  • Rubus caesius x R. ulmifolius (Dewberry x Elmleaf Blackberry) = Rubus caesius x R. rusticanus
  • Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius agg. (Dewberry x ?) = Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius - probably R. caesius x R. conjungens
  • Rubus caesius x R. conjungens (Dewberry x Conjoined Bramble) = Rubus caesius x R. corylifolius, var. conjungens
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble

The Gloucestershire Naturalist:

  • Rubus acclivitatum W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus adscitus Genev. (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus albionis W.C.R. Watson (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus amplificatus Lees
  • Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther, Grab. & Wimm. (Kew) = Rubus anglocandicans A. Newton (NBN, GBIF, EDIT)
  • Rubus anglofuscus Edees
  • Rubus angusticuspis Sudre
  • Rubus armeniacus Focke (Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalayan Giant, Himalaya Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus bertramii G. Braun (Bertrams Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus botryeros (Focke ex W.M. Rogers) W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus caesius L. Dewberry
  • Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus cavatifolius P.J. Müll. ex Boulay
  • Rubus cissburiensis W.C. Barton & Ridd.
  • Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W.M. Rogers (Conjoined Bramble)
  • Rubus cotteswoldensis W.C. Barton & Ridd.
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (W.M. Rogers) E.S. Marshall (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dentatifolius (Briggs) W.C.R. Watson (Toothed-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus diversus W.C.R. Watson (Diverse Bramble?)
  • Rubus echinatus Lindl. (Echinate Bramble - NBN, GBIF)
  • Rubus euanthinus W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus euryanthemus W.C.R. Watson (Pale-styled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saltuum Focke ex Gremli (Kew) = Rubus flexuosus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fuscicaulis Edees
  • Rubus gratus Focke
  • Rubus hylonomus Lefèvre & P.J. Müll.
  • Rubus idaeus L. (ssp. idaeus - Kew) Raspberry
  • Rubus imbricatus Hort (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus insectifolius Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Insect-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll. (Kew) 'laciniatus' - a form of R. laciniatus = Rubus laciniatus Willd. (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Parsley-leaved Bramble - NBN, Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF, Fern-leaved Bramble - Naturespot) - check!
  • Rubus lanaticaulis Edees & A. Newton
  • Rubus leyanus W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus lindleianus Lees (spelt with a y instead of ei - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus longithyrsiger Lees ex Focke
  • Rubus longus (W.M. Rogers & Ley) A. Newton (Long-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees (ssp. macrophyllus - Kew) (Large-leaved Bramble - NBN, Largeleaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus marshallii Focke & W.M. Rogers (Marshall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus melanocladus (Sudre) Ridd.
  • Rubus moylei W.C. Barton & Ridd. (Moylei's Bramble?)
  • Rubus mucronulatus Boreau (Cuspidate-leaved Bramble - NBN, Long-pedicelled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus murrayi Sudre (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polonicus Weston (Kew) = Rubus nessensis Hall (Ness Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pallidisetus Sudre
  • Rubus pampinosus Lees
  • Rubus platyacanthus P.J. Müll. & Lefèvre (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus fruticosus L. (Kew) = Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Plaited-leaved Bramble - NBN, Folded-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus prolongatus Boulay & Letendre ex Corb.
  • Rubus pruinosus Arrh. (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus purchasianus W.M. Rogers
  • Rubus umbrosus (Weihe & Nees) Arrh. (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (NBN, EDIT)
  • Rubus radula Weihe ex Boenn. (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus raduloides (W.M. Rogers) Sudre (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rossensis A. Newton
  • Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R. Watson
  • Rubus rufescens Lefèvre & P.J. Müll. (Rufous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble / Stoneberry (Kew)
  • Rubus scaber Weihe (Scabrous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus sciocharis (Sudre) W.C.R. Watson (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scissus W.C.R. Watson (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus silurum (Ley) Ley
  • Rubus sprengelii Weihe (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus troiensis A. Newton
  • Rubus horrefactus P.J.Müll. & Lefèvre (Kew, GBIF) = Rubus tuberculatus Bab. (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ulmifolius Schott x Rubus vestitus Weihe (Elmleaf Blackberry / Common Bramble x European Blackberry) = Rubus ulmifolius x R. vestitus
  • Rubus vestitus Weihe (Vested Blackberry / Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus wirralensis A. Newton (Wirral's Bramble?)


  • Rubus adenoleucus
  • Rubus adscitus (Bright Green Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus adspersus (Red-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus albionis (Pink-flowered Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus angusticuspis
  • Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan Giant / Giant Blackberry - NBN, Himalaya blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus asperidens (Miles's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus bartonii (Barton's Bramble?)
  • Rubus bercheriensis
  • Rubus bloxamii (Bloxam's Bramble)
  • Rubus boraeanus (Boraean Bramble?)
  • Rubus botryeros
  • Rubus boudiccae (Boudicca Bramble?)
  • Rubus caesius (Dewberry)
  • Rubus cardiophyllus (Round-fruited Bramble - GBIF, Heart-leaved Bramble?)
  • Rubus cissburiensis
  • Rubus cockburnianus (White-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus conjungens (Conjoined Bramble) /
  • Rubus coombensis
  • Rubus dasyphyllus (Retrorse-toothed Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus dentatifolius
  • Rubus divaricatus (Red-stemmed Bramble)
  • Rubus diversiarmatus
  • Rubus diversus
  • Rubus eboracensis
  • Rubus echinatoides
  • Rubus echinatus (Echinate Bramble)
  • Rubus elegantispinosus (Railway Bramble - GBIF, Elegant-spined Bramble?, Elegant Spiny Bramble?)
  • Rubus errabundus
  • Rubus saltuum (Kew) Rubus flexuosus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) (Flexuose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus formidabilis (Formidable Bramble?)
  • Rubus fruiticosus agg. (Blackberry, Bramble - NBN)
  • Rubus fruticosus agg. x idaeus (specific names will be added)
  • Rubus fuscicaulis
  • Rubus gallofuscus (Rooster-brown Bramble?)
  • Rubus glareosus
  • Rubus halsteadensis
  • Rubus hibernicus
  • Rubus hylocharis
  • Rubus idaeus (ssp. idaeus - Kew) (Raspberry)
  • Rubus idaeus x caesius = R. x pseudoidaeus
  • Rubus loganobaccus (Stace, EDIT) Rubus idaeus x R. ursinus (Kew) vitifolius (old name) = R. × loganobaccus (Kew, GBIF) (Loganberry)
  • Rubus imbricatus (Imbricate-leaflet Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus insectifolius
  • Rubus laciniatus (NBN, GBIF, EDIT) Rubus nemoralis (Kew) (probably wrong!) (Cut-Leaf Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus lanaticaulis
  • Rubus leightonii (Leighton's Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus leyanus (Ley's Bramble?)
  • Rubus lindleianus (Rubus lindleyanus - Kew) (Lindley's Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus longithyrsiger
  • Rubus longus
  • Rubus melanodermis
  • Rubus micans (Anglosaxon Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus moylei
  • Rubus murrayi (Murray's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus nemoralis (Boreal Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus polonicus (Kew) Rubus nessensis (GBIF, EDIT) (Ness Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus obscuriflorus
  • Rubus orbus
  • Rubus pampinosus
  • Rubus percrispus
  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry, Hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus pictorum
  • Rubus polyanthemus (Grey-felted Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus prolongatus
  • Rubus pruinosus (Pruinose Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus umbrosus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus pyramidalis (NBN, EDIT)
  • Rubus radula (Hairy Bramble - NBN, Subulate-prickled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus raduloides (Densely-hairy Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ramosus
  • Rubus riddelsdellii (Riddelsdell's Bramble?)
  • Rubus rilstonei (Rilstone's Bramble?)
  • Rubus rossensis
  • Rubus rubritinctus
  • Rubus rudis (Purple-glandular Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus rufescens (Rufous Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus saxatilis (Stone Bramble)
  • Rubus scabripes
  • Rubus sciocharis (Large-petalled Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus scissus (Red-fruited Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry)
  • Rubus sprengelii (var. sprengelii - Kew) (Sprengel's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus subinermoides
  • Rubus surrejanus
  • Rubus thyrsigeriformis
  • Rubus erubescens (Kew, GBIF) Rubus trichodes (NBN)
  • Rubus tricolor (Chinese Bramble)
  • Rubus troiensis
  • Rubus horrefactus (Kew, GBIF) Rubus tuberculatus (NBN, EDIT) (Variable-leaved Bramble - GBIF, Tubercled Bramble, Railway Bramble)
  • Rubus ulmifolius (Elmleaf Blackberry, Common Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus ulmifolius x vestitus (Elmleaf x European Blackberry / Common x European Blackberry)
  • Rubus vagensis
  • Rubus vestitus (Vested Bramble?, European Blackberry - GBIF)
  • Rubus affinis (Kew, GBIF) Rubus vigorosus (NBN, EDIT) (Vigorous Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus villicauliformis
  • Rubus winteri (Winter's Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus wirralensis (Wirral's Bramble?)

BRERC does not hold the following:

  • Rubus bertramii (Bertrams Bramble - GBIF) 1981
  • Rubus nobilissimus (Few-prickled Bramble - GBIF) 1981 /-
  • Rubus sulcatus (Furrowed-stem Bramble - GBIF)
  • Rubus perdigitatus (Digitate-leaved Bramble - GBIF) -
  • Rubus platyacanthus (Long-prickled Bramble - GBIF) /
  • Rubus cornubiensis (find common name! - Cornish Bramble?) -
  • Rubus curvispinosus (find common name! - Curve-spined Bramble?)
  • Rubus bucknallii (Bucknall's Bramble?)
  • Rubus eboracensis -