Spiderwort - Tradescantia virginiana
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Species Description
Stace 4:
Tradescantia virginiana L. - Spiderwort.
Tufted, shortly rhizomatous perennial; stems erect, to 60cm; leaves linear, 15-35cm; flowers 2.5-3.5cm across; petals usually violet, sometimes white, pink or purple; (2n=12, 24). Neophyte-survivor; grown in gardens, occasionally persisting on tips and waste ground where thrown out; rare in England North to North East Yorkshire, Central Scotland; North America. The commonest garden plant is probably a hybrid of T. virginiana with 1 or more other spp., especially T. subaspera Ker-Gawl.; it has no valid name (T. x andersoniana W. Ludwig & Rohw. nom. inval.).