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Hirsute Garlic - Allium trifoliatum

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Species Description

Sparse and very rare in the South (only 6 records according to NBN). Other names include: Pink Garlic.

Stace 4:

Allium trifoliatum Cyr. - Hirsute Garlic.

Differs from A. subhirsutum in pedicels 1.5-3x as long as tepals; tepals usually tinged with pink; anthers yellowish; (2n=14, 28, 32). Neophyte-survivor; similar habitats to A. neopolitanum but rarer; found in East Sussex 2001, Wight 2014, North Hampshire 2017, but perhaps overlooked for A. subhirsutum; Mediterranean.


  • Inflorescence consisting entirely of flowers
  • Leaves obviously bifacial, not to strongly keeled
  • Tepals white to pink, greenish or purplish, sometimes dull brownish-yellow
  • Leaves without petiole, linear to filiform
  • Stem more or less circular in section
  • Ovary superior
  • Filaments simple
  • Leaves conspicuously hairy at edge
  • Pedicels 1.5-3x as long as tepals; tepals usually tinged with pink; anthers yellowish

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