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Weeping Crack-willow - Salix euxina x alba x babylonica = S. x pendulina

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Species Description

Stace 4:

S. x pendulina Wender. (S. x blanda Andersson; S. euxina x S. alba x S. babylonica) - Weeping Crack-willow.

Tree to 18m with distinctive weeping habit; twigs pale brown, glabrous, somewhat brittle at branches, glossy; leaves 10-12 x 1.5-2cm, glabrous almost from first; catkins female or bisexual; (2n=76). Neophyte-survivor; frequently planted and found in the wild in England and Scotland, less common than S. x sepulcralis.


  • Branchlets pendent (weeping willows)
  • Leaves glabrous to sparsely hairy even when very young; ovary much longer than subtending bract