Shiny-leaved Willow - Salix pentandra x euxina x alba = S. x meyeriana
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Species Description
Stace 4:
S. x meyeriana Rostk. ex Willd. (S. pentandra x S. euxina x S. alba) - Shiny-leaved Willow.
Tree to 14m; twigs brown, glossy, glabrous; leaves 5-12 x 1.5-4cm, glabrous; stamens (2)3-4(5). Neonative-naturalised; damp areas and by rivers; frequent in North & Central England, North Wales, East Ireland and West Galway, but there and also outside range of S. pentandra in South England often of cultivated origin.
- Twigs and leaves glabrous from the first
- Leaves mostly with 6-10 serrations / cm; twigs scarcely fragile at branches; buds scarcely shiny; male or female; male flowers mostly with 3-4 stamens