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Purpleberry Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster affinis

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Species Description

deciduous shrub or small tree found as a garden escape in cemeteries, on roadsides and in waste places. cultivated in Britain since 1820 and is popular for its fruits, which turn red and then purplish-black

Stace 4:

Cotoneaster affinis Lindl. - Purpleberry Cotoneaster

Deciduous shrub or tree to 8m with erect to arching branches; leaves 4-10cm, flat on upperside, hairy on lowerside; inflorescences ≤15-flowered; anthers mauve; fruits red, becoming purplish-black when fully ripe, 7-9mm, subglobose, with 2 stones showing at apex; (2n=68). Neophyte-survivor; Britain North to Cheshire; Himalayas.


  • Hypanthium and calyx densely hairy to tomentose; leaves sparsely to densely hairy on lowerside in summer; midrib lowersides, peduncles and pedicels hairy to densely so at fruiting
  • Flowers mostly <15 per inflorescence; fruiting inflorescences mostly <3 x 3cm
  • Leaves 4-10.5cm, hairy on lowerside; fruits deep red, becoming crimson, maroon or purplish-black when fully ripe
  • Fruits 7-9mm, with stones showing at apex, becoming purplish-black when fully ripe; leaves flat on upperside

Useful Links:

Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora
