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Butterbur Tenthredo - Tenthredo mandibularis

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Species Description

Widespread but nationally scarce (NBN holds Only 41 records). Habitat includes: Wherever Buttercups and Colt's-foot occur e.g. meadows, parks, gardens, churchyards, allotments, roadside verges, marshland, river / stream banks, pond / lake margins, coasts, wasteland etc. Length: Up to 12 mm. Flight period: June to August.


  • Tenthredo (Tenthredo) Linnaeus, 1758

species aggregate:

  • Tenthredo arcuata/brevicornis/notha/schaefferi agg.


  • Tenthredo amoena -
  • Tenthredo arcuata
  • Tenthredo atra
  • Tenthredo baetica
  • Tenthredo balteata
  • Tenthredo brevicornis
  • Tenthredo colon
  • Tenthredo distinguenda
  • Tenthredo fagi
  • Tenthredo ferruginea
  • Tenthredo ignobilis
  • Tenthredo livida
  • Tenthredo maculata
  • Tenthredo mandibularis //
  • Tenthredo mesomela
  • Tenthredo mioceras
  • Tenthredo moniliata
  • Tenthredo neobesa
  • Tenthredo notha
  • Tenthredo obsoleta
  • Tenthredo olivacea
  • Tenthredo omissa
  • Tenthredo schaefferi
  • Tenthredo scrophulariae
  • Tenthredo semicolon
  • Tenthredo temula
  • Tenthredo thompsoni
  • Tenthredo velox
  • Tenthredo vespa
  • Tenthredo zona

species sensu lato

  • Tenthredo colon